Cry your hearts out Kanna Hanna fans.
We all know who's going to win Kiyoshi
if Chiyo wins then there is no god
There is no god
Chiyo is maximum soft, i still approve
As long as we keep getting more of slut who cares about the piss love triangle
I like how the character literally referred to as slut-chan has one of the least slutty character designs of any named female character in the series.
Her design is very average gyaru, I'm still kind of surprised Hiramoto didn't give her dark skin to up her lewd though
I always have to remind myself these are high school girls.
Women reach full development by the time they're 15.
The biggest offender is Meiko who looks like a milf while still being a high schooler
For me the bigger plot hole is the fact that all the boys are freshman. Kyoshi is a freshman who has senior level girls lusting after him. That never happens.
To be fair the only one that's with certainty lusting after him is Hana, and for that he had to literally pee on her
Chiyo is better as a character but Mari just looks so much hotter. Maybe I have a weakness for long black hair
When does the next chapter drop?
Anyone who didn't think Chiyo wasn't going to win all along is a retard.
Don't count your chickens before they hatch. Trying to predict what Hiramoto is going to do is an exercise in futility. Chaiming that Chiyo's going to win now when the Manga is ongoing is just wishful thinking. Same for Hanafags. Don't claim that someone 'won' unless the last issue of the last chapter has come out.
Your squabbling almost makes me miss Cavalry Namek. At least then we didn't have retarded waifufights and shipperfags.
Buckle up, Morty.
Cavalry arc was shit. Hiramoto had writers block and was trying to make as much time for himself as possible
Will Kiyoshi ever be cleared of his reputation?
It was shit, but at least it didn't create fabid fanwars like this newest arc. There was hope after the Cavalry arc ended, but then we got threads like this.
I want to believe it was actually someone else who was doing the cavarly arc and not Hiramoto, that's why the art was suddenly shit like the writing
You're as bad as the AntiHanaShitters. Can both sides fuck off and let me enjoy PS in peace?
>browse Sup Forums
>enjoy my mango in peace
>Pay to him go in a date with her
>Not being the best girl
Shit taste confirmed.
I'm fucking excited to see what she will say now.
Hana has the best crazy eyes.
Why nobody here like Chiyo?
Because she's literally the spawn of Satan.
I see what you did there, you sly devil you...
Other than Hanafags, most people here either like her or are indifferent
What this user said. We have seen shit like this in the past. Even if the male protagonist himself has thoughts like "I love tits and not ass", that does not mean that he will choose tits in the end. Rather, unless the manga is some shitty romcom like toloveru, it is more likely that the girl that seems to be losing, actually has a higher chance of winning the bowl.
>Agrees with
>But then proceeds to suggest Hana has a better chance
Nice try, Hanafag