Read it

If you haven't read this book, then you do not have the right to have a political opinion.

It is the best sense-making I've seen so far about what's going on. The first deductive rather than ideological accounts that makes me think that even if some of the facts are wrong you won't get a better understanding of the reality elsewhere.

This is the only internally consistent and logical story I've seen. The left and right wing narratives are provably based more on religious doctrine than rationality, riddled with intuitive leaps and contradictions. This is crisp, more e=mc2 than any other account

It's a theory in the technical sense. Who knows what it omits or embellishes to achieve that, but it answers more questions per unit of assuming than any competing theory you will find

Fuck you OP.
These style books are all pathetic.
National Enquire style journalism bundled to give the impression it's a book.
About 8th grade level reading.
So yeah, fuck you.

If books don’t educate me on how to make more money via my business I don’t read em famalam.

This book is full of hearsay. The sources are 3rd party. The author admits all of this. He crafted the book as a hit piece and he doesn't care if it's truth or not only that it hurts his target.

Obama fucked his daughters. No, I didn't see it first hand, but a buddy of mine saw it happen in the white house. You have no right to have a political opinion if you don't believe me.

>Author of GQ
>3rd part recount
>Author has a gay face and is a sociopath

non biased !1!1!11

It's not really a hit piece. The accounts of who leaked what and why, who counseled which actions and why, are the bulk of the book. It's basically the story of Kushner vs Bannon.

Whether it's full of hearsay or not, it advances a narrative that accounts for and demystifies about 10x more facts, i.e. events that we all concur happened, than any competing narrative.

If you want something more satisfying than muh 3d chess or the Trump is literally Hitler narrative, it's a good read

>even if some of the facts are wrong
we're playing that game?
even if trump messes up, he didnt really

Can't, watching gorilla channel.

>Whether it's full of hearsay or not, it advances a narrative that accounts for and demystifies about 10x more facts, i.e. events that we all concur happened
oh yes all of us concur yes we all do that is right

you cant tell whats happening by watching him. none of you would believe the truth. he uses a simplified form of magic to communicate with a semi higher power. wont say god but its more than human. he isnt the only one that does this shit

that stuff about the gorrila channel is funny but when you realize that the people who do this just need something mindless they can do to look like there not doing anything to check for messages well you understand

some prefer simple manual tasks like gardening others like to relax the body. every one has their own way because most arent taught how to do it you just kinda do it one day then repeat the process when ever. i want to say he probably paid to be taught by some one who could demonstrate a unnatural ability. more typical of the rich to do so

For instance, I think we all agree that Trump fired Comey. Who do you think was for and against that in the admin?

Bannon was vehemently opposed, it was a Kushner/Ivanka play.

i checked what the Media considers to be very important Points of the Book.

>Ivanka Trump likes to bekome President
>Trump Team didn't believe that they can win
>Melanias Tears
>Nobody knew what to do in the White House
>Trump fears, to be poisoned
>Rupert Murdock saying, Trump is an Idiot
>Bannon speaking about meeting Russkies
>Bannon about China
>Trump about his Coworkers
>Explanation of his Hairdo

yes user... very interesting and important Revelations here. Oh my god that is easaly like Watergate or something. What up next?

>does Melania bleach her Asshole?
>is his Kid circumsised?
>Does like Trump PB&J?

nothing important about actual politics, only leftist polemics. No need to read that toilet Paper as far as i can tell.

lots of fags are gonna be butthurt about it but you're right

Stupid and proud I see. That's one way to go through life

na i just like to judge a person about what he does and what not. And not if he has a wierd hairstyle...

i read every week in a newspaper what Trump actually did in Politics. Some is bad, some things are very good. Like basically every Politician.

you are the stupid faggot if you follow just the New York Times meaning that all is always Bad under Trump.

The author himself said that he knows that there are lies included in the book, but he would rather let "the readers decide".

If anyone is interested in a masterclass in propaganda, read it. Even Goebbels didn't go as far as admit that he's lying but still publish his work anyway.

author outright admitted to be publishing lies. kys

I've read it, and its obvious that its a mix of exaggerations and lies, based upon tales of disgruntled people who were fired by Trump.
Although it should be noted that this book outright states that there was no "russia collusion" and entire left was lying all this time.

>consistent and logical story
Except its not. It tries to assure us that Trump has no agenda and can't hold his attention to one issue for longer than 5 minutes, but that's not what we see in reality.
Trump consistently pursued several points including tax reform, obamacare repeal, immigration ban, wall, iran, nork and so on.
He did it from day 1 to this very moment, and actually succeeded with several of these points. Moreover, he still pushes for these things even after Bannon was out and WH was supposedly overtaken by liberal democrat "kids".

Much more logical explanation is that initial days in WH were plagued by leaks and internal war and Trump was working on fixing that shit first. All leakers, no matter how much they helped election, were fired and his team is now actually getting shit done with agenda he pushed in election.

Moreover, this book is clearly co-written by Bannon and distorts many easily observable facts in his favor. Like, it says that "Trumpism" is entirely Bannon's creation and there was no ideology of any kind before Bannon joined the team, but that's lie. Anyone can see transcripts of early, pre-Bannon Trump events and see that core was already there and was same through campaign and now in WH. And end of book is outright blatant "Bannon 2020" campaigning.

Either way, things are going to be settled soon. Either Trump deals with Steele-Mueller-Clinton shit or they eat him alive, I believe we will see some definite result before midterms.

Since when do politicians have to be informed by fiction for their opinions to be valid?

a Jew made up a story about Trump watching a "gorilla channel" all day everyday.

in related news, the entire "Nazi Homo" thing was made up by a Jew who never left the USA, never even talked to anyone who had been around any Nazis

I don't think the narrative is inconsistent with passing tax reform or pursuing these issues intermittently eventually to some conclusion.

Your more logical explanation is contained within the book's explanation and is the main thrust I got from it really. And no it doesn't really claim that Trumpism is Bannon's creation, only that Bannon believes it is.

>the author openly admits its not 100% factual
>must read
another retard shitting up the board


>If you haven't read this book, then you do not have the right to have a political opinion.
Are you sure you have the right flag?

>If you haven't read this book, then you do not have the right to have a political opinion.
Nice bait fgt

Summary of this book:
"Well, yeah, I've leaked shit and kept starting fights with everyone within administration, and Trump forgave me every time because I'm totally single reason he won, and I suicided with that interview well knowing whats coming for breaking rules again, but I had to! Jarvanka, McMaster, Kelly, they are evil jews! They tried to whisper bad-think in ears of my precious child Trumpy! It was righteous thing to expose meeting of don jr with russians!"
Signed, Mr. Totally-Not-Bannon, vote for me in next presidental elections btw.

It was real in my mind

its 100% true. I will get it online. TRUMP IS FINISHED.

He is a traitor because Russia helped him.

The bible is the only book I need

Any anons have a non-circle jerk source on the author?

(((WOLFF))) is an interesting last name.