Is Katakuri the next Jack?
One Piece
Other urls found in this thread:
>Pudding is not nakama
>Jinbe will die
>Carrot will head home to Zou
>Big Mom will be defeated
Leave all of Big Mom's fodder to me.
I want that image etched onto my gravestone.
Luffy clone #4 for Nakama.
Pudding is Sanji's wife and NAKAMA
Full flashback when?
Why is that arousing?
>Big Mom won't be defeated
Because the thought of a loli taking revenge on you by cutting off your dick is arousing to you.
Question, where is zorro ?
>Luffy gets defeated
>rest of the manga is the adventures of Big Mom and her wacky crew
>She finds the One Piece
>it was edible all along
How will Sanji and Pudding spend their honeymoon?
On the boat.
His drive to be the #1 swordsman means he has to be on one longer than Guts.
this was the most terrible job in OP history
I had such high hopes after cracker
This guy gotta be the biggest fuccboi in OP. Holy shit, does he have a douchebag face!
lots of cuddling
His job isn't necessarily over yet.
>rest of the manga is the adventures of Big Mom and her wacky crew
As long as we get plenty of Smoothie, Amande, and Galette I'm game. I'd buy all of the doujins - I mean manga.
I actually really want Pudding and Sanji to be together and for him to teach her about cooking and All Blue I just want my boy to be happy ;-;
he's hiding in the wedding cake like one of those strippers
Marvelling at the fact, that between them they have 4 eyes.
Shut your face. Ichiji is handsome af.
A lot of awkward silence between them, them ideal chit-chat talking about their shitty childhoods.
Year of Jinbe's death
Getting oiled up and massaged by Kaiju before shaming himself by ejaculating hands-free when Kaiju licks all 3 of his swords at once.
Sanji deserves it.
lolidom turns me on
I like it too - but it's interesting that it seems to be even better because she's crying, and that doesn't really go with the usual dom thing.
>One was bullied and became violent and cruel
>One was bullied, beaten by his brothers, locked in a basement and declared worthless by his own father and is still the most compassionate Strawhat
Whole Cake Island special edition Zoro when?
He's there in the bottom-left, dressed up as his boyfriend.
Sanji had his mom, reiju and zeff
Pudding had noone
>still the most compassionate Strawhat
>not chopper, nami, or franky
sanji isn't kind unless it's a woman he likes. Re-read punk hazard.
No, that's Chopper, but I take your point.
>one had to threaten everyone to get her peace
>the other had a nice old chef who became his foster dad
There's your difference
please continue
>Pudding had noone
Certainly Lola, Chiffon, and best girl Praline didn't treat her like shit.
God I fucking hate the Vinsmoke's hair color
>sanji isn't kind unless it's a woman he likes.
Don't forget Kinemon.
He didn't feed gin out of kindness, that was his obsession with ensuring nobody goes hungry or wastes food based on his past experiences with starvation.
Reijus the only one that's off putting because everyone was convinced she was blond
>tfw too intelligent to want one piece
What if Sanji will reject Pudding because she broke his heart several chapters ago? I think I'd like that a whole lot better than them actually getting together.
>That wasn't kindness, that was him wanting to reduce others suffering because he knows what it's like
sounds like kindness to me
I'm telling you the clones are mirage tempo
>too dead to get One Piece
>reduce others suffering because he knows what it's like
this isn't equivalent to what he did though. If gin was poisoned when he came to the baratie, sanji would have told him to fuck off just like patty did. It was explicitly because it was starvation that sanji helped.
But they're not all dimensionally warped versions of Luffy, they're the same as the previous Brulee clones that were basically the same but with funny faces.
Sanji will never willingly hurt a woman. More likely she rejects him but they become friends.
Are you a gril?
Katakuri confirmed jobber.
all yonkou commanders are.
they are the vice admirals of the pirate side.
Im actually a big fan of this Arc
>Pedro backstory
>Corrot shenannigans
>Brook SOUL KING fighting big mom and getting the poneglifs
>Luffy and Nami beaintg sweet commander who is OP as FUCK
>Jinbei being best boy
>Vinsmokes are actually pretty interesting dinamics
>Pudding shenanigans
>Capone backstory
>New character Gastino
raizou taught him the clone technique
>Jobber because of the future Pirate King's top fighters dodged one of his normal attacks
Get some perspective, fatty.
Vinsmokes are pathetically gullible.
Right now, Pudding is still working for her mother. How will she redeem herself?
It's a great arc with a few bad moments.
>another chapter
>no monet
Yeah, it's the best post-TS arc but we've known that for a while.
They're pretending, you dumb fuck. It's been made obvious already. They were obviously acting trusting while Oda made it clear that all the various little spy bastards were listening in to them in their room. The whole point of that scene was to show that BM thinks they trust her.
No, you can see clear evidence in some of them to tell that they're actually other characters, the one with the sharp teeth is Jinbei and the one with his hands in claw form is Pedro
They are pretending to be retarded.
You call this pretending?
Well that all came right out of nowhere.
>They are pretending
Nope, Reiju knows they're finished.
Just wait a few chapters, m8. The exact nature it's unfolding might be a surprise to them - just like we already knew what was meant to happen but it's also surprising to us.
Reiju is out of the loop like a typical woman in a shounen manga. The other faggots know at least something of BM's machinations. She's just a gloomy twat that's waiting to die and/or get fucked by her bros.
But she was really planning to kill him on her own accord although she was heavily influenced by Big mom. Other girls we've seen that double crossed him had people they cared about and were just trying to protect them. Pudding has no noble reasons for her actions only weakness. It would be great development if Sanji rejects her for being an evil ass bitch and putting the lives of his family and crew in danger. Far more interesting than any other outcomes.
They're a bunch of sad sacks who need to hide behind BM just to survive.
>holds up for 5 days with no signs of stopping against the Minks who are all born fighters
>goes up against an Admiral and ex-fleet Admiral and comes back from it
>gets taken by a fucking Thousand meter Elephant and even that probably didn't do shit and he "lost" because he sank in water
>appears for 3 chapters
>can see the future but not change it
>cant stop luffy cake explosion just like every single other person in that room
>doesn't kill one of the main cast members in ONE shot
can you fucking stop?
>The other faggots know at least something of BM's machinations.
This very chapter they were just thinking that Sanji will be under Big Mom's control forever after marrying, they have literally no idea that Big Mom is just gonna kill them all.
>>Pudding is not nakama
Honestly after this chap I could see her joining. Seems like Sanji is going to defend her and maybe then she "runs away to find true love" like lola. Except she already found him.
>sanji cooks dinner
>pudding cooks dessert
can't join
no romance between crewmembers
Don't trust anything they say in public or when Oda shows the little things listening in on them.
They're a crime empire, not a group of boy scouts on a field trip.
>literally the highest bounty we've ever seen
Are these people retarded?
>Jobber Internet Defense Force
I guess you are a Marcofag too.
Fuck off.
In what fucking world, my friend
curly eyebrowed rebecca
The world where you're not a speedreader.
I agree.
>saved kids
>sanji wanted to leave them for dead
she's greedy, but it's not like she isn't kind too.
Sanji isn't much competition
who is this?
What a shit plot twist, you are better than this Oda
Earlier today I went on a hot air balloon trip for my birthday but because I have no friends, I was just part of a public group. The weird thing was, everyone apart from 2 people were One Piece fans and were talking about the current manga arc. I was too shy to join in but at one point I did make eye contact with one of the girls and then blushed.
I'd Say Chopper or Carrot
>unironically shipping SaPu
Literally viola 2.0.
Pudding joining is your last hope
>bra on after sex
How to spot the artist that's only ever seen sex in softcore porn or "erotic drama".
but then it would be romance between crewmembers, which oda doesn't do. SaX is more likely than SaNa faggot. (X = any female not on the Sunny)
>>literally the highest bounty we've ever seen
>Are these people retarded?
No but apparently you seem to be ignorant of what jobber means. The highest bounty we have ever seen is apart of what makes him a jobber.
It baffles me how it has been years since jobber has caught on people still can't differentiate it from fodder.
One luffy clone made by Brulee
that's too bad user. You might never get the opportunity to discuss one piece with people who aren't cancerous faggots ever again
but what did he do that made him weak?
are you fucking stupid?
Katakuri has dont nothing yet
Jack went against a fucking admiral and ex-fleet which are the strongest people in the series.
>but what did he do that made him weak?
again why the fuck do you have problem with the words jobber and fodder.
Jobbers aren't weak. They job. They couldn't job if they were weak.
That's right user. Yet.
but he stud up to the hype , he has done absolutely nothing to make him seem weaker then the "hype" was building up to
admittedly high quality gif