would Revy make a good mother?
Would Revy make a good mother?
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>good mother
Pick one.
shes too bat shit crazy to be a mother. Plus I'm sure she's on some kind of drugs + alcohol so theres that
Well, no one would pick on her kid at school.
Yes. Would be a very bad ass kid. Or a very damaged kid. Actually there is a probable chance that she'd just ignore them, so probably not.
Who would be brave enough to even try and have kids with her?
>Who would be brave enough to even try and have kids with her?
>baby is crying
>revy screams for the baby to shut the fuck up
>it keeps going
>revy grabs a gun at point it at the baby and threaten to shoot it if it keeps going.
>baby dont care and keeps crying
>revy starts to get flustered
>start cursing at the baby
>baby stops crying and laughs
>revy just starts cursing at the child more and more
>baby laughs itself to sleep
>revy holds the child and smiles at it
>"you little shit"
Well it would have FAS and probably die of SIDS because she smokes a pack a day.
Yes, but only as long as she thinks no ones watching. She'd probably open up to rock at some point.
No, which is fine because I wouldn't make a good father.
Did you even watch the show?
Did you? Revy's still a virgin.
Reminder that Revy was raped and it that it is in fact canon
>Revy's still a virgin.
Point out where it happens in the manga or the novels then
If she wasn't insane she'd be a stern but doting mama
She's got those maternal instincts hidden away
>Revy's still a virgin.
hahha ohh boy
Chinese sluts are not virgins.
all of this
Even though revy was raped she is still pure. You only lose your purity when you consent to having sex, which she didn't.
canon she was raped as a kid in NY by a cop after she was arrested.
heres your pic related
>no proof otherwise
Wrestling matches in jail cells in non-canon OVAs are neither sex nor canon.
Is this a trick question?
lol, I'm not watching that
Nothing about rape there
...I'm not stupid enough to imagine that Revy is a virgin, but there's nothing about rape in there.
Update: I watched it, and there's absolutely no mention of sex whatsoever.
end yourself
I never said, she was raped, i said she was a chinese slut. Which she is, she needed money and whore herself for some cash to survive.
Cool, but that wasn't mentioned either. Go shit up another thread.
Aaand she doesn't say that at all. He worked at some BDSM shows, that's canon. Nowhere else is it even implied that she whored herself out as prostitute.
>what's left for poor chinese bitch to rely on? It's money of course!
I can read between the lines unlike you.
>Really like Black Lagoon
>Rei stops writing
>Decides to write an Anime
>Re: creators is probably going to be a large hit
>Rei becomes a fulltime Anime writer
>Black Lagoon never gets finished
Most women over the age of 18 are not virgins. Revy is in her mid 20s. Given the life she leads and the environment in which she was raised, there's no way in hell she's NEVER had some sort of sexual experience.
In fact, I highly doubt that any character in the series is a virgin at this point.
No, you read into it so that it fits your narrative. Prostitution is in no way implied.
He wasn't going to finish it either way.
Black lagoon resumes in a month. I'm still praying that we get more than 50 pages.
I'm reading between the lines of this post and all I'm seeing is an admission of your own mental disabilities
That's true. The rape thing is still non canon so we can't really know for certain.
just because she got money in an unsavory way doesn't mean she was a prostitute. she could have easily got money by stealing shit
Either way, only waifu-fags are deluded enough to espouse that she's a virgin.
Here we go again
i agree with this
she probably isn't a virgin, statistically
i think the burden of proof lies on them to prove she is
Burden of proof lies on no one. Whatever one chooses to assume is just as correct as what anyone else chooses to assume, at least until Hiroe says otherwise.
I guess that depends on if rape is good mothering.
it's just safer to assume she isn't a virgin. that's realistic. nobody is saying that she can't be a virgin, but it is more likely she isn't
She's crazy but her defensive capabilities are very high.
I'm sure she would bang all of her son's friends.
On one hand she did have fun playing with those kids at the park, so maybe. On the other, she did want to chain up the Venezuelan kid and throw him in the hole, so probably not. I think she'd be best being the aunt your kids love but only see once every few years.
Surprisingly I think she'd make a great mother. Like I get the feeling she'd be really protective but loving of her own children.
So you're a faggot then
By what metric
anyone who rejects a great dub just because "lol dubz" is in actuality a huge faggot.
So congrats on that
Actually I don't have a huge problem with dubs in general, Black Lagoon's is just really bad. Please don't bring your bad taste any closer.
>german here
>never watched the english dub
>see the video
>some of the worst dubbing I have seen in a long time.
>proclaims anybody not liking it is a fag
I actually dislike it because it's really bad.
no but she could make a good father, in the sense that she would threaten everyone that came within a mile of her child.
That kids gonna skip through the streets of Roanapur alone at midnight without a care in the world.
I don't remember it, but it seemed totally fine to me. What are you talking about?
>I don't remember it, but it seemed totally fine to me
This was stupidly worded What I meant is it's been a couple years so I don't remember it perfectly, but what I do remember was perfectly fine. And I've seen far worse dubs.
The dub lacks emotional range.
Example: Comparing the backstory scene from japanese to english( The skull and medal scene). Jpn Rock's voice shows a hint of disgust to the skull while english Rock is monotone
>The dub lacks emotional range.
Oh lord how it does.
Everyone feels flat as fuck.
I guess considering her trauma either she would be a possibly very good mother if she focus her energies in trying to give the child a life different from hers, or she will be a horrible mother unable to properly function motherly in almost any sense.
Even good people who have had abusive childhood need to stop and take a moment to consider what is and isn't normal behavior around a kid. They never mean to hurt there kid, usually far from it. But they may not be able to connect certain actions, usually involving your kid in stuff you might consider fun despite it being inappropriate or something that might have serious physical consequences, with it actually being harmful. Revy would probably be that sort of parent if she ever became one, considering how she feels about Rock getting corrupted. Despite her bluster, she clearly has a soft spot for people she considers to be capable of good things she doesn't believe herself capable of.
This hurts