Posting it here because, independent of your opinion on lolicon, this will have a huge impact on the anime community as a whole.
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Posting it here because, independent of your opinion on lolicon, this will have a huge impact on the anime community as a whole.
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>tabloid BS about Facebook
No it won't.
Check these and then fuck off.
>this will have a huge impact on the anime community as a whole.
I still gonna fap to loli you aint gonna do nothin'
No thanks.
>anime community
they cant take away our loli it would go against the freedom of artistic expression and a violation to our human rights.
>“Welcome,” one forum poster said, “to the darkest corner of the web.”
Post Erio until OP fucks off.
1. If you have a facebook account you are a subhuman by definition.
2. If you post anything that is regarded morally questionable by your peers, like loli manga, on facebook you're not just a subhuman but a particularly retarded one too.
3. If you do so while living in the UK, Australia or New Zealand you must be the dumbest motherfucker on the planet and deserve all shit you get.
This means very little to the "anime community".
The Anglosphere is a freedom hating police state, what else is new?
No it won't
They are a bunch of cucks, virtual signaling like desperates because they have no place in the modern era.
Shit, I'm retarded.
problem with fb is that once you do private groups no one has access to it besides members and tons of pedo's abuse of it. fb is literally safer then the dark net in exchanging pedo content
>sol with college girls
this is spiderman thread now
this is probably bullshit
No, isn't. They have some algorithms that automatically ban the groups and the users for post things that the system see as Sexual. Of any kind
Even normal porn.
Why yes Officer, I believe you're telling the truth.
Fuck that. Though I do hope this fucks over the lolifags on Sup Forums.
WHOA so what you're saying is people use things to commit crimes????
fuck i better sell my car and my home and my stamps. people mail letters to each other to plot crimes and once a guy got caught transporting drugs and some people were kept hostage in the basement of a house. anime is also doomed.
do your research
there is tons of videos on youtube talking about this issue
I don't see what anime has to do with real children being exploited, in fact I'm sick of the two being mentioned together when they have no fucking relation
>This shit again.
>an international website should abide by my country's laws
All women must now wear a hijab in photos.
Wouldn't want to offend the prophet.
Considering how they consider JS, JC and JK all pedophilia, I'm sure you do.
Oh no, soon we'll be living in a dystopian world where everyone hates us and porn is illegal.
Oh wait, that already happened fucking decades ago.
>1. If you have a facebook account you are a subhuman by definition.
Everyone has a facebook account
They won't do shit, Japan doesn't care
There's tons of videos on youtube talking 9/11 being an inside job too. What the fuck is your point?