Globalism is what will lead us to the ultimate freedom. Debate me

Globalism is what will lead us to the ultimate freedom. Debate me.

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Globalism benefits some, and not others. Basically, people just need to improve their skills and they will be fine getting jobs. They also need to move out of rural shitholes and to the big cities to help their chances. People keep trying to 'go home again' with MAGA and that shit but it ain't gonna happen.

P.S. I'm not a Soros-paid shill, I'm not JIDF, I'm not Mossad/CIA agent or whatever
I believe we as a humankind could have more control over one government and we have far greater chance of achieving anarchy in the first place.

why break yugoslavia then? that's a step backwards from globalism


globalism will lead to an new all time high of wealth inequality and corruption.

Well when the descedant of david will become king of the world and goyim will be slaves of the jews and each jew will have 2800 slaves then we can see how a hivemind of retards works for humankind and globalism

with globalism you could easily take your one government down because it's basically world vs. gov't. you, an ordinary folk, would have more direct authority.
Balkan people are passive as fuck, that was the problem. Nobody was actively revolting against the system.
read this please

>They also need to move out of rural shitholes and to the big cities to help their chances.
are cities are basically IQ shredder machines, smart people move there and then stop reproducing

You should move from a city to the country. There's no other way you can instantly multiple the value of your money 1000% other than being #1 on Bitcoin.

> Shack in city = $800,000
> Shack in country = $80,000

Fight me faggots

If we get rid of our overlords everything can WORK even fucking communism can work, if the zog are defeated then globalism is the way forward

Neo-conservatism is the way to go. This is a fact.

city is slave department. i'm from rural area, living in much cleaner air and more in touch with nature, and also not far from city to have all the city benefits.
i agree completely

>with globalism you could easily take your one government down because it's basically world vs. gov't. you, an ordinary folk, would have more direct authority.
that government would basically represent nobody though, just the grey mass of global consensus whatever that is

if your Mayor does something shitty you can basically go to his face and slap him, if your president does you can't but you still have some sort of connection with him through your people and can ruin his reputation, on a global level it's basically totally separated from your life and you won't feel like you have any control on it

what does that even mean, conservatism depend on your country, your traditions and what you are trying to conserve, american conservatism has nothing to do with spanish conservatism. what are you referring to with neo-conservatism?

that's why we should have open source voting machines on everything, just like Switzerland has.
you could still maintain your culture without the states, and you have greater chance of worldwide anarchy.
shit, my country has borders but it hasn't prevented it from my culture being taken away from me (which is why i agree with ethno-nationalists to certain extent)

open source voting machines won't save you, recently it's been discovered all Intel CPUs have security issues, if whoever makes the machines wants to rape you and change your vote they will do it

not sure why people hate voting with paper, it just works and any retard that can count can supervise your local voting process

>open source
Intel CPUs aren't open by any means, otherwise you'd have more competition than just Intel or AMD.
also yeah, voting with paper is clearly superior but it would be impractical on global scale.

Globalism is either going to be really bad for Jews or not too good for Jews. This whole planet will either turn into a latinx brazil tier planet of the apes which wont be too good for jews because they will have workers with shitty ethic and a complete lack of creativity(when this is complete in the western world they will be forced to try and invade the asians, who at that point will probably be able to use our incompetence against us). The other option is nationalists wake up and that would be really bad for juden but the whole world will see alot more progress. MAYBE they could try to implement nationalism where they are silent partners but they suck at remaining discreet and it would only be a few more years untill they try to push their tricks again and I dont know if it will work so well in this information age.

What will happen if the Asian countries turn into le 56 mess?
A whole planet inhabited by """"people"""" who are unable to maintain infrastructure.
What will happen to nuclear, chemical and biological production? Did kikes think about this?


>debate me
No. Sage.

what are you, afraid, sissy?

We don't negotiate with terrorists.

>literally supporting worldwide enslavement by zionist elite

"Globalism" is not a unitary phenomenon you either think is good or bad. Organic global connections are a fact. The POLITICAL reality of globalism, on the other hand, is a huge open question with COUNTLESS possible answers-- the attempt to ram our current corrupt and evil global regime down the global throat, and to pretend it's an absolute question of "globalism" is thus 100% BULLSHIT.

So this debate is meaningless right now, because we have to deal with evil "globalists" that are really just criminal scum, and for which OP is at best shilling inadvertently.

Globalism will result in the largest income divide in human history. The super rich elite will rule over the poor mixed blood subhumans who're too dumb to think for themselves, basic 100% Marxism.

there are shitloads of different cultures around the globe and one globalists goverment can't appeal to every single one without discriminating it that is why it is better to have a lot of different goverments to represent each nation
Karl marx said that communism has to be global in order for it to work which means all cultures have to be destroyed , nations forged into one , but with cultures gone past has to be deleted as well and people without their past are literal zombies which means that globalism is basically enslavement

you have better chance of removing zog completely while they are centralized
you can get rid of elite more effectively worldwide