Why is this bunny so smug?
Frame Arms Girl
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She's a FAG.
Because she's quick to recognize lewdness.
Because she's surrounded by idiots
I want to know if she's gonna get the Gourai treatment or if that's for Stylet only.
Idk but the show better pick up or im gonna drop it. Im sick of them never leaving the house
>Im sick of them never leaving the house
What the fuck is there to do outside the house?
There's no reason to leave when you have FAGs at home
You'd be too if you were a tiny bunnygirl robot with beamspam.
Gourai gets all the ladies
She's pretty strong.
Best FAG when?
Lorewise, she's the one who beat Hamburger so hard the moon people made a white version to beat her.
I want Hamburger to drag the MC out of her fucking house! Make her scribble in Ao's diary or read her poems aloud so the little shit has a reason to care!
Ao did nothing wrong
Ao did nothing, that's what she's doing wrong. I mean, eventually something is going to nudge her into some form of action, but right now she's just hanging with friends and occasionally yelling at the TV.
She's only a prototype playtester with a lot of leeway
There's nothing for her to do but to wait until the other FAGs come and challenge for battles
I want Ao to read me a poem.
>The fags are faggots
These guys are so cheap some scenes are rendered in glorious 8 fps, outside means more backgrounds to draw.
This shows is far more blatantly a 20min commercial than most other anime
Isn't it great?
The director did the same with the PSO2 anime.
Being so blatant makes it charming and only adds to the enjoyment.
That makes it more fun
The PSO2 anime got fucked over by being a prequel to the Earth arc in the game. Fucking Sega.
nothing needs to happen
Do you think Baselard is more Freedom Gundam or Nu?
How slutty are the twins going to be?
Too slutty, based on those images. They need to keep their filthy hands off of Gourai!
Don't be silly, yuri doesn't dirty one's hands.
It's like this is a whole new concept to some people. Wow!
We need a crossover.
You think?
> wires
Is it light-up?
Chinese scan for ch 4 of Lab days:
Why do Stylet and Gourai have the same basic outfit, anyway? Cost-cutting on the models, or is there an actual reason for it?
I don't need it. I don't need it. I definitely don't need it.
>fags cutting out parts and building new things
Are they now self replicating machines?
Is Aho /our girl/?
FAGs are based on a line of original mech designs called Frame Arms. All frame arms share the same basic inner frame (Which is actually what Architect FAGs design is supposed to be based on entirely). The first couple of FAGs seemed to be running with this idea by having them all have the same base body but then later there were updates to the engineering and bodies and the idea was sort of dropped.
I love Gourai's autism stares.
Architect is a botlet.
and the rest of the pv images up here:
>parents pay for apartment
>father sends her lots of gifts
>makes money from toy fights
The dream.
Guy complaining about them not going outside wrecked.
Guess it's time for shillgirl to give Ao some training.
Gourai and Stylet team up OTP confirmed.
I want to plug my cord into Baselard's socket.
Don't we all
>tfw freestyle bazooka kun was ignored
100% future NEET
Maybe the new thing from the ED is going to replace it as her "official" weapon.
>M.S.G Modeling Support Goods - Heavy Weapon Unit 17. Revolving Buster Cannon(Pre-order)
I'd support her.
The fucking FAGs made me a buyfag.
Ao obviously buys that from the girl's store.
best fag
>Implying she wouldn't eventually pleases old men from Kotobukiya for better FA parts
>self-replicating FAGs
So this is the power of science.
>Buy a FAG
>She goes through your shit and laughs at you
>Buys and builds more FAGs while you're out of the house
>Eventually they take over and kick you out
Fuck, I've made a terrible mistake.
She would, with that short skirt.
The number 1 mistake you can make when designing a robot.
Giving them hands.
When robots gain hands, humans become unnecessary.
She is a 17 meter tall not!Gundam, not a bunny. Get it right anons.
>Get a bunnylard
>Its useless in battle (Can't even beat a Gourai, the weakest frame arms)
>Teases you
>Talks shit about you behind your back
>Creeps on you while you sleep
>Reads your personal notebooks
>Breaks your vacuum cleaner
>Messes up your room
>Encourages your other robots to do gay shit
Don't ever trust the rabbit.
A know a fluffy white bunny with bunny ears when I see one.
>says it's not a bunny
>while posting a qt bunny
>Encourages your other robots to do gay shit
Well at least she's good for something.
>before bulking
>after bulking
You shut your whore mouth, Baselard is a perfect little bunny.
And it didn't skip leg day!
All my toys are lesbians.
Kuudere Baselard is cute, but I want a genki one like the on in the show.
I also love her color scheme.
Even the male ones?
>male toys
That's gay.
Its ok, Cutlass FAG soon
Would rather get zenrai Assault type FAG or a Wiber Nine whose armor turns into a motorcycle.
Or a Cobold who comes with a pet Strauss.
Or this glorious looking thing.
The extended arms girls on the way are neat though. I'm looking forward to Sylphy.
I don't know what it's called but I want a FAG of the knight one just because I love lance+shield and knight girls.
It and the samurai are sort of brother units and share a bunch of their armor, just rearranged.
The Durga is really nice but the FA series usually has really tiny chests and looong legs thanks to the architect frame.
I wonder if Baselard understands she's supposed to be wearing pantyhose or whether it's just natural to her for her legs to be that colour.
>Flesh heels
Is that a socket-plug tail?
Yes. All the girls rear skirt accessories plug into their sockets. Even Gourai's backskirt armor.
ugh my black haired baselard bunny still held prisoner by the mexican mail.
The anime hasn't shown it yet, but Baselard comes with a cotton tail part you can use instead of her usual rear thruster nozzle