Is this a hint that Izuku still thinks of Eri to this day, or is the present day narration an indication of Mangastream's inability to translate?
Boku No Hero Academia
First post is a reminder that the OVAs will never get subbed! Never!
More importantly, is the past-tense narration of the manga in general going to eventually cut out as it reaches the present day and we get the adventures of Top Hero Deku?
talk shit about my opinions
>remove Bakushitter
>chapters skyrocket in quality
5th for Deku bullying
So given how Sun Eater was back at the meeting and not just told to stay home, we can assume that the darts have a temporary effect and do not permanently deactivate powers.
Would they fug in his room with all the All Might staring at them, or would they use her poorfag room instead?
When in doubt, always bet on mangastream being wrong.
We already knew that, given that when Shiggy met with Overhaul he said that the effect Compress suffered after being hit by one was temporary.
Her room, the Grapist is beside him remeber?
No, they would go to a love hotel
then Ochako would strip to reveal her All Might lingerie
I wish I had a mentor like All Might to inspire and encourage me
Ah, good point, good point. Best to be as far away from his prying ears and eyes as possible.
You kid but I'm now certain those hoodies aren't the only limited edition wearable merch produced.
He would promise to marry her as soon as they graduate, holy fuck.
Statically, your taste is above average. But having Stain as your least favorite is a big no no
Wow, what a bullying bitch! Someone post that pic of Deku with Tsuyu in ski outfits showing off in front of Uraraka after Deku finally mustered up his courage and divorced her for cheating on him too many times with Bakugo.
Boner killer to be quite honest. Clearly one of those attention whoring fake All Might girls.
>you will never be a good mentor like All Might is
Do you think they block access to Sup Forums in the dorms?
I hope neither of them die.
The implication is that Izuku's narration here is not that far off in the future, if the translation is even semi-accurate.
We'll see on monday I guess, unless someone can get ahold of the raws.
I'd imagine so. I'd also imagine they're filled with Eri's blood since super power boosting drugs are common but the cops acted like quirk cancelling bullets were new
Better question is what boards would the heroes and students frequent? Obviously Deku and All Might for Sup Forums
Mineta - Sup Forums, /lit/ and of course /gif/, /s/ and all the Hs - /h/, /hc/, /hm/, /hr/...
Bakugou would be Sup Forums but secretly /r9k/
Ochako would be /diy/ because poorfag.
Momo would be /lit/ and browse /ck/ on the side
Sugar would be one of the few /ck/ posters that can actually cook
Tsuyu wouldn't post on Sup Forums.
Do you even know what /hm/ is?
Ochako: /soc/
>Mineta: Sup Forums, especially creep threads
>Kirishima: /cm/
>Satou: /ck/
>Kouda: /out/
>Hagakoure: /x/
>Shouji and Deku: /fit/
Yeah deep down Mineta is probably gay and wants to suck a million dicks, he's just hiding it most likely
I hope either of them gets a doujin in c92
Kirishima is NOT a faggot! He won't be posting anywhere on Sup Forums (or browse it)
Fuck off, newfag.
>calling anyone newfag
>Shigaraki: /fa/
>Toga: /cm/ and Sup Forums gore threads
>Dabi and Yamada: /fa/
>Ishiyama: /diy/
Take a joke. I'm not a fujo fag but I can poke fun.
/r9k/ but only to make pepes
/c/ and /adv/
Sup Forums
Sup Forums
Sup Forums
text boards
Sup Forums
Sup Forums
she's cute
I'm not even involved in the discussion, you're just broadcasting how new you are. None of you little shits will ever bother lurking and you'll just continue acting like dumb fucking redditors, so do us all a favor and fuck off.
He'd be on /fit/ and /hm/ and you know it.
Why is nobody talking about the Dragon Hero Ryukyu?
I wonder where her ranking is for "most looks like a villain"
Don't talk shit about creep threads
Super retarded. /r9k/ doesn't make pepes. Lida would be bullied out of /fit/. Ochaka and Ojiro makes no sense. Kaminari is a cool playboy, not Sup Forumsermin. Bakugo - a total retard - would never post on Sup Forums. In fact, the only ones that make sense are Aoyama, Kouda, Satou and Jiro and those are pretty obvious.
Probably because, while very sexy, we know nothing about her.
Hopefully this will be corrected over the course of this arc.
And hopefully she doesn't get hit by Overhaul's bitchslap.
Does that look like the smile of a villain to you?
Why does she cover one eye?
>Bakugo - a total retard - would never post on Sup Forums
>a total retard would never post on Sup Forums
I do feel like someone might die. Maybe one of the big 3. Can't be Sun Eater since he lost his quirk already.
Ok, Mineta
But who would browse Sup Forums?
Bedhair Aoyama looks like a solid 8/10 MILF
Exactly. It is a scientific fact that you need at least 95 IQ to form a political opinion.
mei would be /diy/
sero would be /n/
Look Sup Forums, I made a collage of Uraraka getting jealous or flustered.
Anything I should add or change?
10000 hours in MS Paint.
Ochako would probably be /biz/ because she wants to know how to maximize cash flow
>teehee Ochako camwhores and pleases old men for money!!! XDDD
>Deku, Kirishima, and Shouji - /fit/, Deku's probably on Sup Forums and /news/
>Jirou - Sup Forums (Kaminari would probably be there, too)
>Kouda - /an/ and /out/
>Mei - Sup Forums,/sci/, and /diy/, maybe /o/
>Aoyama - /fa/
>Iida - /o/ and /fit/
>Momo - /lit/, /sci/, and /ck/
>Satou - /ck/, /fit/
>Ojiro - /asp/
>Mineta - all porn boards and /fa/
>Kendou - /o/
>Kamui Woods - /out/
>Tokoyami - /x/
>Iida, Momo, and Todoroki - /vip/
We need a "give her the D" edit
>at least 95 IQ
>a festering pile of reddit filth
>at least 95
Clearly not.
>This fanart exists but no Hado Gei
Not to blog but I desperately wanted to get /fit/ after reading this so one day I can be someone's All Might.
This is pretty good, but why Momo on /ck/?
Also, Bakugou is into climbing mountains and shit, so /out/ probably
thanks user
>Ochako would probably be /biz/ because she wants to know how to maximize cash flow
>implying you can get that there
Arr you retarded? It's literally the most anti-reddit board.
Her quirk revolves around eating, and she's rich, girly, and loves to throw little get-togethers. Remember her sperging out about tea?
Yeah, but she's 15, she don't know any better, mang.
You're welcome user
She would honestly probably go to /diy/ and /ck/. In the omake it really shows that Uraraka minimizes the amount of food she eats, drinks, or buys to lower her budget.
That's just because she was exited to play host, she's never been shown to cook for the sake of cooking, unlike sugar.
Yet it's filled to the brim with redditors and is almost singularly responsible for the massive influx of newfags plaguing the site. Sup Forums was once the most anti-reddit board and look at it now.
Isn't Deku the only person living in the second floor of the boy's side?
No, he lives with Tokoyami, Aoyama and Mineta
I wish I had a senpai that cute
Then which one of them has a floor all for themselves?
Do you think Tokoyami feeds his shadow small animals?
If this romance leads somewhere, I think this is being handled extremely well for a Shounen Jump manga.
Would the animal hybrids shitpost in /trash/?
>Mineta placed on a floor that doesn't have a female side
It's the little things
Fuckin' saved, thanks mate.
Wouldn't matter anyway, since you have to go back to the ground floor to get to the girls' side regardless. No boy's room is next to a girl's room.
This is very likely bait. But anyway, here are the good points:
>Froggy in any kind of favorite
>Splendid choice in favorite fight
>That hentai page (sauce me senpai)
What chapter is the omake in? I don't remember this.
I wonder if we'll actually have something in the dorms at some point, otherwise I'd wonder my Hori even bothered moving them there
>having the same favorite as Hori himself = bait
Hori loves Mineta too. 5/5 intellect, smartest guy in his class.
How would Sup Forums feel if Hori went full madman and made Kirishima x Bakugou canon? But not in a "in your face sort" sort of, just subtle hints like them hanging out together on Valentine's.
Kirishima would browse /fit/ and /hm/, to "admire their bodies." I actually can't imagine Kacchan being on Sup Forums, but I guess /out/.
>Smartest Guy in his class
>Test scores are 9/20
Please try again Minetafag.
Personally would be 100% OK with that.
Him being the smartest is fucking canon. Only losers / underages think test scores mean anything. He clearly doesn't give a shit and doesn't learn anything for his exams and still gets an above average score without even trying.
>Doesnt recognize Itou Eight
uhhh why is this different from mangastream, where are you getting this from
There are multiple, I know they exist but I can only find this one part of what seems to be sets.
>Economical Meal Primer: Don't Eat
Oh god, that's a huge combination of sad and adorable.
>The one in Volume 7 where she's just shown as sleeping because you can't spend money when you're sleeping
>leads somewhere
As if the standard formula for a shounen series isn't a perpetual tease where the girl pines over the MC but is too awkward to confess. The MC remains oblivious forever, and then they are awkwardly united at the very end of the series in a brief epilogue.