Either we get a preview in this thread or say goodbye to Ursula.
Little Witch Academia
Other urls found in this thread:
Ursula deserves a mercy kill by now.
She deserves a better pupil
What Ursula deserves is hope and hugs.
what if there's more Ursula bullying in the preview?
>Are you really Chariot!
>A-akko lower your voice!
Why is Akko so useless and can't even properly cast an actual spell? The faculty has put up with her terrible behavior for no reason and should have rightfully kicked her out after one week.
She deserves a hanging for what she's put Akko through.
We can expect more NTR Jokes.
While I slowly kill myself
Also, can anyone translate this, please?
>become the chosen one by the magic fountain to restore magic to its glory
>puss out, gain weight and disappear
>manipulate a child into finishing your duty in your stead
She deserves to die desu
Jasminka ep when?
Holbrooke has been pulling the strings to keep Akko at the school.
I guess that's going to be the plot.
She woman's up and finishes the duty, but she dies afterwards and Akko ends up travelling to different dimentions looking to bring back her spirit.
Check'd, quads demand Ursula faces judgement for molesting the special needs student.
Stop liking shoehorned characters and shoehorned romance.
A helpless retard like her has the purest heart and as such is the only one worthy of wielding the seven stars staff
you think Akko still remembers the taste of Chariot's "magic potion"?
Stop using Constanze for shitposting.
Good thing we don't have any of those then
Considering that she went to all of Shiny Chariot's private performances, she still has dreams about her shiny rod
I will not let her die
Stop posting this every thread.
It's not a worthwhile contribution.
It's not a worthwhile use of your time.
Belly blowing for Connie!
>red flags the character
user I
>Harry, why do all the students from that Witch school reek of body odor?
>I don't know Ron, maybe their showers are run on the magic they can't afford.
You mean the special limited edition Fruit Punch juice box with Shiny Rod like straw and free stickers, wash away tattoos, or 4 mini cards?
She probably still has the box
>diana discovers Ursala's true identity
>blackmails her
Akko? Moar liek aho amirite?
Do you think Sucy ever shrinks herself down in the middle of the night and climbs into Akko's damp, soft mouth? I bet she likes to clean Akko's teeth with her tongue, and she sometimes takes naps right under her tongue on the cushy membrane! Think she brings rope so she can go splunking down her tight esophagus and into her warm moist stomach? Haha just asking for a friend is all.
Hi Sucy.
Summary is still not coming
>Ursula then counter blackmails her with pictures of her tickle-induced double peace sign ahegao
>you will never have Chariot's box
Who should win the Akkob owl?
>Somtehing so big is gonna happen that they aren't spoiling a single thing.
Well we already know Ursula is going full Chariot and fighting someone/something
>tfw no French Diane
I-is she going to die?
Chariot is going to use the seven word to kill Croix
Ursula confirmed for BBQ
Yes but she will come back later
We need a live action
lews legs
Alright, but Akko is black now.
what are you doing here
That ass tho
And Diana is mexican
>these two cuties will never sexully assault you during a lecture, and threaten to turn you into a bug and step on you if you make too much noise or tell a teacher
>ywn have to try and hide your powerful orgasm as they giggle at how cute you are when you cum
Can we whitewash Akko?
Do you think Croix will stay for long at Luna Nova? I think she'll cause the conflict that triggers the activation of the next word, gets exposed as having evil intentions and then leaves to plot in secret a revenge and only comes back for the last arc.
What's even the fucking point of going on
Those carefully placed millimetric lines have to be intentional
Probably nothing that spoilery, but how late is it?
>final episode
>Connie speaks for the first time and says "this really is a Little Witch Academia"
>the show ends, but there is a few minutes in the episode left
>live action of the Trigger staff apologizing for shoehorning romance and shoehorning andrew and fagrank, and specifically apologizes to the shoehorn poster in the LWA threads on Sup Forums saying he was right all along
>Tattun is brought to the front with hands tied behind back, and is beheaded with a katana made with Japanese steal folded over 1000 times
>the hack writer commits seppuku as an apology
Cast Scarlet Johansson as her
The last preview came out at 3AM on the 7th
Next preview should be out in six hours
Frank is /ourguy/ though
Why dis anime so good?
>ywn be a trap witch at Luna Nova
>ywn have two sexual bullies constantly harassing you
Hey Ursula, where you goin' with that gun of yours?
Hey Ursula, I said where you goin' with that gun in your hand, oh
Whose the cute boy that Akko is helping here?
he also fell in love with a boy
because it's fun
Why not? As it is it's basically a reverse mighty whitey story.
But he's talking about the Fagrank. Remember from such show as, Fagrank and the man, Super Fagrank, and Fagrankiver.
The only real shoehorned character since he was from a different series entirely
Big if true.
I forgot to mention shows like Fagrank la Fagrank
Space Patrol Fagrank, Inferno Fagrank.
>Hallo, Diana!
>Hows are you this fine evenings?
>I ams simply cookings the traditional elvens meals!
>What is its called?
>In your language, it is calleds Heart of an Orphaneds Child!
>Why do yous look so pales in the face, Diana?
>The childs were alone and clearly unwanteds, so whats is the problem?
>Nobodies even noticed whens I slippeds them into mine burlaps bag!
>P-Put your wand aways, Diana!
Because it panders to ephebophiles in the same way mlp does
>They will never take turns jacking you off under the table
>They will never threaten to zap your trap penis with magic if you tell anyone
>They will never sexually bully and harass you before bedtime
>You will never get back at them by blowing in their milk in the morning
Ursula's pretty much dead already.
She raised a massive death flag last ep, with the exposition that she was going to tell Akko the truth.
It triggers me how nobody makes fun of Akko's butchered english, are Hana and Barbara sensitive and politically correct bullies?
Капиталисты сами продадут нам веревку, на которой мы их повесим
>It turns out that Ursula trying to tell Akko she's Chariot becomes a running gag.
>Evey time she tries to tell the truth gets frustrated by Croix NTR'ing Ursula with Akko
>Mmmmm... a witch, are we? And fast on the trail to becoming like Chariot? Then take these Red Eyes. Use them to pillage the hearts of those who doubt you, and briefly heighten your confidence for your duty. What else are witches good for?
Remove commies
Bring labeled a racist is worse than being a bully in Europe
I'm having a difficult time seeing how you came up with that connection
hair not wavy enough
rather disappoint
>Still no preview
I hope OP forgets their promise
It could be worse
At least you're not professor ursula
What's the joke here? Why is the B team gender bent?
Male Psychology 101
Big Beautiful Queen?
You wouldn't know male psychology if your father read Jung out-loud while molesting you and telling you that it's all your fault.
Oh yes of course, men throughout the ages have always been as sexually attracted to heavily stylized depictions of fictional horses as they have been to human teenage girls
Textbook male psychology
starving witches arent cute