
Please be nice to Eririfriends.

Eriri a shit.

Utaha a best.

Congrats OP, you've ascended shitposting and gone into shit threading.

Please don't do that.

eriri a shit

I want to dick both of them

Eriri a best
Megumi a cute
Utaha a shit

>cowtitsfag hates superior DFC
Shit taste.

You can only fuck 1

They're both perfection.

Though Megumi is perfection beyond perfection.

Good post.

Utaha trying to be friends but Eriri ruined it

Eriri >>> Utaha

oh fug Eriri is good enough for me

Eriri. No contest.

utaha deserves rape and genital mutilation

Of course. But Utahafags are cancer and cause problems.

I love Utaha!

How can Eririfags even compete

>You will never get to ravage Eriri on top of her comfy bed while she is in her casual wear

No competition at all.

>Both an Eriri and an Utaha thread go up
>Utahafags come shit up the Eriri thread.

What's wrong if I like both?

Eriri is cute
Utaha is HOT!

>show is literally called Saekano Flat

How is Eriri not supposed to win?

Eriri and Utaha wanted to get along in the show. The fans should too.


Utahafags can't stick to their own thread because they feel insecure.

Utaha > Mayu > Megumi > Michiru > Izumi >>> trash >>>> Eriri

That a very big bed.

because megumi exist?

plus best girl mentioned the reason in the episode.

>ywn hug your qt 3.14 blondey in her comfy clothes
why even live?

Because flat is an allusion to Megumi, dumb Eririfag.

I hope Eriri win, girls like Eriri never wins.

For you.

patrician taste

Yes, Utaha/Eririfags, fight it out to your heart's content, let the war consume you... meanwhile, best girl will only strengthen her lead.

Megumi is FLAT in a different way.

Astigmatism or myopia?

Nice one that also describes her fans.

What's the best Saekano doujin?

Why is this shot so sexy?

Reminder that Eriri secretly hopes to be dominated by a group of men

To be honest, i browsed a bit but none really jumped out at me.
There was an Utaha one that had good art but got ruined by some NTR age-gap bullshit.

It's a shame, her butt was done really well, which is a personal requirement of mine.

My favorite is the forgettable character

>ywn have a full color vanilla saekano doujin by Misaki Kurehito of the 3 girls in various positions

So you like Tomoya, eh?

I-I s-s-ship them. S-sorry.

This one, without a doubt.

it's kind of a Yabuki situation

>you will never have a qt girl to sit by
gay doujins when?

The second Ohkura one desu

Yeah it's like most of them can't get the proportions right, and those that do either have shitty art or barely any pages of action.

Probably astigmatism from all the years drawing with precision details.

Was meant for

yeah, not enough action in a lot of them, but some were decent.

In my specific case, if there isn't a good view of an ass it just won't work for me.

>There's a Megumi thread
>There's a Utaha thread
>There's a Eriri thread
So to combat generals we instead get circlejerks?

Pick your mug.

Well this officially became a shitposting thread.

Only one thread will survive the night anyway.

Eririfags are bros. That goes without saying.

>First post and Utahafag is already worst poster showing off horrible taste
Par the autistic course.


Why the fuck isn't episode 0 up on nyaa?



it's gonna be whichever thread has the biggest war between Eririfags and Utahafags, as usual...

Eriri + cheese-kun.


My wife Utaha

Both will lose the tomoyabowl. I wonder what's there to fight about

Why were Eriri and Utaha trying so hard to self insert? Don't they realize their counterparts are doomed to lose to the heroine that's based on Megumin?

She looks dangerous in that pic.

They didn't know Megumi existed at that time.

2nd place, probably.

Who is the sexier, hotter, more interesting and more likeable girl. Who has the better spin-off. Etc.

Utaha wins in every category.

That's lame. A loser is a loser. Megumi's the only winner

Not true. Artist > Writer, objectively speaking for technical skills.

Couldn't agree more


Utaha looks downright fat there.

Zero contest.

Yeah, just about anyone can write. But it takes real talent to draw very well and moe at that.

I have my priorities in order, thank you very much

>liking skeletons

Eriri a shit.

She was almost salivating at the thought of Utaha getting faceless men to rape her.

>God tier artist
>Passion born fom revenge motivation to draw
>Butt goddess
>Super cute
>Lively facade between otaku and non-otaku
>Can compartmentalize and make difficult choices
Utaha can't compete at all.

Eriri fanboys don't deserve any respect.

>reddit spacing

Kill yourself Utahafag.

So now Eririfags are resorting to shitty forced memes, huh?

Utaha deserves getting raped by faceless black African cocks.

Truth hurts, doesn't it?

Ask the owner of an original sized Megumi figurine everything

megumi is definitely best

but the show is garbage so whatever

>Butt goddess

Fuck you, you won't sit there and lie about butts if i have anything to say about it.
I don't dislike Eriri, butt that's where I draw the line.

No, you only post lies.

That's canon.

>God tier writer
>Passion born from manipulating people to write
>Big breasts Eriri is jealous of
>Breasts, legs and butt goddess
>Super sexy, womanly and cool
>Doesn't care about appearances like a certain shallow slut
>Doesn't make stupid choices

Utaha >>>>>>>>> Eriri

If they were lies you wouldn't be so bothered by them.

she's pretty good, however butt goddess is a very prestigious title that must be earned.
It can't be thrown around haphazardly.

Most are except some combative Utahafags these days mainly because a certain tsunhating autist has infiltrated their rank.