ITT Villains who did things wrong but were still mostly in the right
ITT Villains who did things wrong but were still mostly in the right
the squirrel cat did NOTHING wrong
he just wanted to live a quiet life
>doesn't disclose that the girls have to have their soul sealed in a gem
I mean you can sorta give him a pass on the witch thing because that's not a guarantee but not letting the girls know that they have to become undead is all kinds of wrong.
Kyubey dindu nuffin.
>Tries to solve humanities resource problems
>Realizes that the problem isn't that there's not enough food but that there's too many assholes
>Drowns the world
>repopulates with monstergirls
A man of stunning intellect and exquisite taste
If I were a jojo I'd pick fights in descending order of fabulousness
The most fabulous guy I'd fight first, then the next most fabulous, etc
He didn't see what the big deal with that was though. From his point of view getting a new body is commonplace and not worth mentioning.
Listen Satan, he knew that humans had problems with that but intentionally didn't tell them so he knew it would be something worth mentioning to them.
this is a blue board goddamnit
To be a little fair, they *are* called soul gems.
Technically they're not undead because their bodies still function.
Did nothing right
>repopulates with monstergirls
Picked up.
So basically any decently written villain?
The problem isn't that he didn't tell them about the soul gems, it's that he didn't tell them that more magical girls only increases the number of witches. Also it's stupid and most likely the act of a race that can't reconcile itself with death to needlessly postpone the end of the universe. All things have their time, and it's better to let the people alive now live free and happy than to sacrifice them for a future that doesn't exist yet. The people alive right now matter, not the dead or the potential people who don't even exist.
I know people are going to shit on me to hell and back, but Pain was probably one often best written villians in shonen.
Not every villian has to have a relatable past and noble reason for his actions. Some villians are good just because you can hate them to absolute death.
His entire race is stupid and doesn't understand entropy is almost entirely a bogeyman term due to the fact absolutely nothing on a local scale is effected by it. They should have went around destroying planets and stars that were absolutely useless (didn't have any life) to "save energy", and pulling universe back together instead since apparently the increasing distance between everything is a more pressing issue for them since they move about everywhere.
He was never in the right, his entire kind were never in the right. All there were dumb, manipulative pieces of white shit who can't tell their face from their ass.
>All there were dumb
All they were were (English stop being confusing) dumb
He killed more hookers than necessary I guess.
Sup Forums please give me all the pictures you have of Kyubey being killed
What was his deal? I stopped paying much attention to the series at that point
>going around blowing shit up
>reducing entropy
>instead of increasing it at a much faster rate
FUCK kyubey
Turning school into massive brothel is good innovation.
He had the wrong approach and fucked up multiple times.
Pain was right from the experience and long thinking. Nuclear determination is the only true answer.
>she never fucked a guy in the ass with her futa dick
Missed opportunity.
He didnt have that many fuck-ups though. He would have lost to L if he did, his biggest mistake was underestimating the kids
he was a cereal killer
>He didnt have that many fuck-ups though.
He quickly narrowed himself down to a small group of 5 suspects out of the billions of people in the world.
Is the only true answer.
You can argue it's because of L and the police's cunning effort, not a one-sided string of fuck-ups from him
Evil witch is CUTE
But I thought that Homura was the character that did nothing wrong in Madoka. Was I wrong?
What he did wrong is that he (and his race) used a sentient race as a tool to solve a problem that won't be a problem for millions more years and hid the side affects from the race because they reacted badly to knowing about them.
It's like saying you have a medicine that will prevent you from ever getting cancer and selling it to people, hiding the fact it also sterilizes them.
What are you complaining about? You're not going to get cancer. You would have complained if I had told you it would sterilize you.
Maybe I should make that a cure for AIDS or something instead.
Pic very related.
Hell no.
Under rated post
I'm pretty sure he said something like "I am gonna get closer to L".
>massive brothel
So she wanted to rise japanese population or what?
wouldnt it more be logical to disclose everything to the magical girls halfway through the contract or something?
the alone would probably rack up enough DESPAIR for entropy reversal in a quicker and more efficient manner than waiting for their Grief Seeds to fill up naturally
She literally saved the LoM by cutting off the head of a massive ring of corruption. You should all feel sorry for wanting this seven-year old dead. She was wholly justified in murdering all those people and she did NOTHING wrong besides hurting people's feefees by killing their seasonal waifus.
She killed my waifu. Blood for blood such a rule even if she deendu.
If YOU were in charge of saving the universe on the expense of some ayy lmao species that shouldn't even exist because they're born with autism would you go out of your way to even get their consent?
Well she is the waifu killer.
Wouldn't the only reason that entropy won't be a problem for millions more years in that universe be because the incubators are doing this in the first place? You're basically looking at the effects of their work and concluding that because of the end result their effort must not have been necessary in the first place.
Yeah that's why hte rule blood for blood exist.
> pic related tries to overthrow government after finding their dark secret
> Protagonists stop him
Later in the series
> Protagonists learn the government's dark secret
> Overthrow the government
He literally did nothing wrong
he dindu nuffin, he just was in thot patrol
he was born into a war-torn country, Jiraiya was basically a spec-op and took in 3 random kids, taught them how to be magic rambos, turns out one of them (Nagato) had god-eye hacks and Jiraiya thought he was a child that he was prophesied to train. Eventually Jiraiya did a thing, up and left and left them to their devices. So the 3 kids make a freedom fighting team called akatsuki and get a swift kick in the balls. One of the kids, now teens, dies. Nagato uses his eyehacks and some black rods (chakra receptors?) to use his corpse as a Warframe. This experience leads him to basically pull a 'if everybody dies, then nobody can fight in wars' until Nardo kicks his ass sideways and forgives him for killing best girl. So Pain (Nagato) pulls a shitty ex machina and literally jutsu's everybody back to life instantly, including best girl.
so i mean basically was right and wrong. he killed best girl but brought her back to life so it's fine i guess?
>unclear motivations
>long drawn out story
>terribad plot twists concerning his identity
Madara was a mistake
He was stupid because his desire to be caught outweighed his desire for change. Changing the world was always a vanity project with dire consequences
>He literally fed information to L that he could kill in methods other than a heart attack, which would have been nearly impossible for L to find out, especially as early as he did.
if Light had at one point ever wanted to actually change the world for the better, it certainly wasn't in the beginning which is where it would have mattered.
He believed that the ends justified the means. He didn't care if the people of central died in a fucking glacier as long as he stopped their whole shtick
Gotta accept collateral damage when fighting a war