Goblin Slayer

Will she get GOBBED?

seems to me more flags have been raised for farmer girl.

waiting for demon lord fight

>activates scroll
>what have you done to me!?
>a gate scroll, linked to the surface of the sun
>goblins are stronger anyways

>demon lord

They are garbage against a well organized gob force.
The real end game will be the gob invasion from the moon and the secret underground gob kingdom.

Her body is too fresh and pure for gobs.

Nobody is too pure for gobu copulation

I don't think my heart will be able to take it.


New chapter out yet?

New manga chapters are usually released around the week of the 25th of each month.

But volume 2 of the LN is coming out next week though

This expectation is the main reason I read this Manga for.

>Will she get GOBBED?
Never, she dodged that bullet long ago.
But she will win the slayerbowl.

>implying Goblin Slayer won't die and we'll get Punished Priestess instead

Is there more gratuitous gob rape coming up?

Isn't gob rape literally only on the first chapter as a cheap way to bait in readers?

No there's also the second group a couple chapter later where the one gets hit in the back of the head with a rock and is being raped like literally 2 panels later.

The others are presumably raped before they were shot to death with arrows/burned alive.

No, there is more rape down the line, including of prominent characters.

Gobs reproduce by raping human females as they do not have a female sex, naturally rape is important to the story.

God, I can't fucking wait. Then again, getting raped makes them damaged goods and thus un-haremable.

Really the more I dwell on how the setting and events in it are designed, the more it starts to remind me of that whole bizarre Touhou Yukkuri torture subculture.

The entire world revolves around creating and maintaining this situation of horrible rape and death via goblins, everything in it somehow conveniently serves to perpetuate it either directly or indirectly, even when it doesn't make a lot of sense or would be entirely unsustainable.

Because this world resolves around Goblins Slayer. As much as this manga tries to portray him as an average adventurer being a pest controller, doing a shitty, ungrateful job, it kinda fails at it by making everything so convenient for him to be a hero.


>she will win

i hope

LN in 4 days niggas.

The rape are just a short mention in the novel but the manga shows it.

LN says nope, she is safe.

Haruhi already killed him off offscreen.

She will get GREENED later for drama and to break Goblin Slayer and finally drive hi to full on insanity.

Nope, it will be backwards. GS will die on her hands and she will go NUCLEAR.

Who commands the demon lords army then to make everyone forget about the goblins?

There are some major generals trying to revive the demon lord. One is a dark efl with an army of gobs, he attacked GS's city during the festival.


Well, this sorta makes sense if you considere that GS's world is literally a D&D game and the players are gods.

Not happening.

Thank god, she looks too kind for something bad like that to happen to her

She will get SLAYED.


>Chapter 7
Is that the one with the lewd healing?

Does anyone here buy the LNs? I do.

I did buy the first volume, but I'm not so sure if I'll continue.

I do because I can't stand reading full blown books on a fucking computer screen. I enjoyed the first one so I'll do so for the next one.

Me too.

What is happening here?

Goblin bump

Somebody's about to be SLAYED

Reverse search gives nothing

This isn't goblins.

I want to buy it but I live in the countryside and most delivery services refuse to come up in here because it's so far out the way. I can drive to Barnes and Noble and buy it but then I'd have to face the shame of buying something with cute anime girls in person..

You should see if there's an Amazon Locker in your area. Amazon will drop it off there for free and you don't have to talk to anyone, just pick it up.

Healing ritual

Manga is Naraku no Adu/Adu of Hades.



I'll buy the doujins

Edgelord begone, he'll be healed.

Is this a doujin? I'm skeptical due to it saying volume 12, not many doujins ever make it that far.

It's a doujin series from that author, each vol is generally completely unrelated to one another. This is the most recent one with goblin rape. The other doujins are monster girls so I was kinda disappointed this time was what it was.

Volume 12 hasn't been scanned right? Cause I don't see it in the usual places. Having unrelated stories makes more sense to me, since that's how guys like asanagi do it.

I've only read what's out of the manga so far, are the LN's worth reading?

Most of his recent works haven't been scanned. I really want his C87-C90 works. If I ever get a scanner I'll probably scan the C91 I have because of how hard it is to get his works.

Here's hoping then. He draws quite nicely and it's pretty different from the other monster artists.

According to the LN, after being fucked up, the goblin lord begs Priestess for mercy. She falls for it and would have ended killed (like the dumb girl that spare him when he was a baby) if GS wasn't close and finished him off.
I hope the manga changes this a little, like Priestess giving goblin lord the back and starting to pray because she already saw GS on the back the goblin lord and knew what was coming.

Has there been more rape yet? How about the LN?

Nope, already completed its objective, not point still having it.

Other than priestess raping goblin slayer, no.