She's gone forever, senpai, she'll never be back to herself.
Bullshit, Miura doesn't have it in him anymore to leave her in the state of the constant potato.
I honestly wish Guts would give her up. He has so many others around him that are pure waifu material.
I doubt he can repair the damage of leaving her like that for decades.
shes been a potato for 20 real years user i dont think he cares
What do you guys think Guts will become when his Behelit activates
He wrote normal Casca once, he can do it again.
>They get to Casca's inner dream world
>It's her being fucked retarded by Griffith, it's literally all that occupies her unconscious mind and desires
>Can no longer stand the idea of any other man touching her, particularly Guts
I must say I'd despise Guts if after all of this he does that.
>elf queen rapes her into sanity and she get's pregnant
>Antifemto is born
You mean Farnese's
Such is life
guts is white
griffith is white
casca is brown
kid is white
Somebody got cucked in this eldritch threesome
Who knows what she'd become if she got her sanity back. Whatever it is, it's not going to be the same Casca.
Surely he couldn't. It's not just his romantic feelings, it's for the sake of his old wartime buddies. It's about camaraderie. I could honestly see basically the same story carried out with like, Judeau instead of Casca.
I'll just wait for Mercedes' return in Dragon's Dogma 2. Oh, wait.
Kid has Griffith's eyes.
If it wasn't for their "child" I'd have no problem wit it. She's been a dead weight for over 20 fucking years now. She's been a potato much longer than she's been an actual character.
But at this point I just want some resolution for her character. I doubt she's going to be fully healed, but hopefully Miura does something with her character in these upcoming chapters.
Miura doesn't care, he made her into a potato because he knows he can't write good female characters.
Casca is most likely mixed, basd on her hair and features.
A character well written or not is unrelated to being male or female, my nigga.
To be fair, she has been more potato than not for US, in the Berserk timeline her potato status has been relatively short.
Weren't her parents white? Can't remember
Guts will never give up his guilt.
She will come back user
Feel with me Sup Forums
why are you doing this to me
I don't think they were shown. I remember she was sold or attacked or something like that when she was a child and then rescued by Griffith and joined the Band.
Guilt? Do you mean towards Casca?
> Demigod
> Can fly
> Owns a kingdom
> A man of firm, decisive action
> 180808001 Aryan
> A master strategist
> Changes the world
> Will usher in a new golden age
> Has a team of noble demi-gods
> A causeless rebel
> Seemingly suffering from depression
> Lost hand
> Potato shitskin waifu
> is purely reactive in deeds
> Just fights all the time
> Got nothing but a steel slab and a dog armor
> Bands up with child; best friend is satanic skeletor.
> Is a literal dog in potato dream land
> A nihilist without purpose
what are you trying to say? Writing good male characters doesnt mean you can write good female characters (e.g. the entire DragonBall franchise)
She's a goner.
I'm saying that writting a good character has nothing to do with that character having a dick or a vayjay.
If you can write a good character, you can write a good character. You can give that character the appearance and looks you want.
If you CAN'T write a good character, you can glam it up with other things that will 'blind' the reader into thinking that it's a good character when in reality is nothing but a bland blur with perhaps a gimmick or two.
Dragon Ball is a franchise of fights and battle, and males are the ones who fight, with one or two exceptions. You're gonna have more to choose from one gender than the other.
Ok, let's say it IS possible to unretard Casca.
How are they going to do it? In a previous thread last week some people threw in some cool ideas.
I think that now that they found Casca's broken hollow shell and carefree nature, they're going to find her "insides" near that piramid. Maybe as a flesh and bones with no skin Casca fighting the monsters (or more likely being continually raped by them).
Then Farnese and Schierke would help her and reunite Casca's shell and her insides. Since they can't just glue old casca's shell on what's left of her, they would try to help her make a new skin for herself. After some symbolism stuff, they get out of the dream and we have Casca back.
It's the fucking high-fantasy magic era of Berserk my man, it doesn't have to make theoretical sense. They're gonna do/find something magic, probably fight something (aka do magic on it) and boom, fixed
When does the new episode come out
Like I remember that the guy came and talked to the parents on buying casca. I'll just look it up later on
Why do you even bother coming in these threads if you're going to just repeat "hurrrr berserk sucks now" ?
>A dream, but a good one.
I just told you, nothing ill intended bruh.
But I understand were you're coming from. It has happened to me too before.
But I like Berserk
Thing is it's kind of pointless to speculate stuff like because high magic is so amorphous, and anything goes.
What's better to talk about than 'how' is 'what', as in what's going to happen? What do you think is going to be the outcome of 'magic stuff happens, Casca is back(???)'? What comes next? etc.
haven't been keeping up with berserk manga lately, last chapter I read was with rickert slapping griffith. How many new chapters have I missed?
I imagine that Casca could come back with her memories and all.
Half traumatized but also with her original strong spirit.
She could go through some struggles with Guts, I can see them trying to be together again, as a couple.
Casca would want to do it but had problems, maybe cry, Guts would step back but they'll push and manage to open themselves. It would be like the first time they were together but with different luggage.
She would be very weak after the potato phase and would feel useless. She would understand all the weight Guts have been carrying for both of them and would try to push her further than ever to have his back.
I see her becoming a witch more than a swordman again. With Shierke teaching her too and surpasing them both, Shierke and Farnese.
She would fight hand in hand with Guts against Griffith.
Guts with the sword, Casca with her magic, Griffith with himself and probably all three of them dead by the end.
It's not like Schierke snaps her fingers and solves everything. The sea god was killed by Guts destroying it from the inside, old school style.
Miura doesn't use magic cheaply and supernatural stuff was in berserk since the beginning.
Fuck off with your shit, Shierke is winning Gutsubawl.
Taking bets on Shierke's death
I'm saying... she gets cut in half by an apostle, then her now two part body fells to the mud with a blank stare. Never ending the phrase
They found her when her already rotting body has created a pond of waste under her.
Which apostle did it? Maye it was Zodd :)
casca is like a mediterranean kind of ethnicity.
Not really...
In about 45 minutes
I'm more worried that he's forgotten how to write her as a non-retard
It looks more Mulata than Med, but maybe she's a very tanned Med, that could be if we see that potato Casca looks white rather than what she used to look.
He could re-read his series.
I miss them.
Casca is a Spanish or Italian word. She's most definitely Mediterranean
>Casca means: shell in portuguese and tan in spanish
So do I
>Miura decides to make an AU of Berserk and this time the egg doesn't exist so the Band of the Hawk lives happily ever after
Take your guess on her interpretation of Griffith in her consciousness
I see what miura did there
Eh, no it doesn't. Casca doesn't mean tan in Spanish.
If any it can be used as hit/punch or masturbation, and that's kind of forced
>Le voy a cascar una hostia
>María me la casca muy bien.
It's going to be a hawk.
guilt? what the fuck did he do?
it'll just fuel his hatred for griffith
A phallic symbol that she will subconsciously be drawn to and long for while the dog that represents Guts holds her back while in pain.
I'm with you.
I can see why the other user would say 'guilt' but it's twisted and fuck'd up, it wouldn't really add with common sense.
I bet he means guilt as in 'I couldn't protect her' but both of them are too mature to that bs, they both know what happened and that there's no space for that fuckery.
I think that there is an implication here, that casca is a kushan rape-baby, and that is why she was given away, so easily.
I wouldn't want that thing running after me
>long for
fuck off
We'll see them again, but not in the way you imagine it.
Berserk abridged has you covered, brah.
I know
Was K-On based on this dog?
Why not? I think it will happen, but not because the whole "she enjoyed it" meme. Current Casca is drawn to Griffith. The whole phallic thing is stupid, but she does see her child in him. And that interpretation might appear in her mind.
>she does see her child in him
oh shit
That's absurd, retard Casca was drawn to him because she couldn't think about the situation.
If Casca regains her mind and finds out that her child was absorbed by the vessel Griffith used, she's just going to be mad at Griffith because he was the cause of death of her child.
>death of her child
I do believe that she will be extremely angry tho
Yeah but the breast is still there, so that means all Guts has to do is fuck her until she comes back
Rape giveth and rape taketh away
I'm just glad you bunch of retards aren't in charge of writing berserk.
Never thought I would live to see a nip being more coherent and using fewer misunderstanding tropes than Sup Forums
Turns out that Guts' bite has dimensional healing powers and all he had to do to cure Casca was forcing her to have savage and violent sex with him, biting her entirely like a mad dog.
>she's just going to be mad
Not just mad, but full nuclear. Griffith was also responsible for the abomination her child ended up turning into. And that's on top of all the other shit he did to her, her lover, and her friends.
I really hope Miura delivers.
The speculation is stupid anyway, everyone has some theory backed by nothing at all and most of the time it's ridiculous
That's what I was talking about, Casca still wanting Griffith after having her mind fixed is absurd and there's no fucking way Miura would do that.
Is there a thread for the new epîsode?
end this, you people are the sole reason bersserk threads go to shit
>wanting Griffith
you do realize that griffith is just using it as a vessel?
if the person you hate took the body of your beloved you wouldn't "want" that person
you'd want a solution
potato casca is simple, she senses the child she touches him but once she's back she won't take exactly the same action
>yfw amnesia
Just post in here
I don't particularly care abotu secondaries, but having a discussion about the manga in the middle of the anime thread is going to spoil the anime for them.
Are these two gonna get scarred for life?
It's your fault. Berserk is 28 year old.
Not Farnie, that's for sure.
>Band of the Retards
Wyald knew how to fucking party, why would he consider life a waste?
you seriously think anyone is dumb enough to NOT read the manga and just watch the anime?
didn't started in 1988? thats what i remember from the prototype
1 year younger than me
The answer to almost any "is anyone dumb enough-" question is yes
>my kokoro melted
If you really need to ask that I'm afraid you haven't lived enough yet.
Did we ever found out who was this boy?
It was never confirmed he was from Elfheim.
Hold on, those two think that the breast she has intact is due to the bite Guts made her and that's somehow hint of sex salvation?
Don't they know that it could be the other way around? That Guts destroyed the other breast with her bite and not Femto with his hand?
I thought he was somehow the lost child of Guts and Casca. At least his soul.
>she knows how much of a burden she is to Guts but can do nothing to fix it, trapped in her broken mind