It's been three years since Chihiro won.
Have you accepted that she was best girl yet?
It's been three years since Chihiro won.
Have you accepted that she was best girl yet?
Sorry but Shiori is without a doubt best girl
You don't need me to tell you that.
sumo-cake-sensei was objectively the best route
>It's been three years
Oh fuck. I still remember the days where I would wait for it to come out on RHS. Kaminomi is hands down one of the best anime/mange I've ever watched/read.
Also, Tenri = Shiori = Kanon > Ayumi > The rest of the girls, I'm still mad that fucking Chihiro won she's the worst girl.
3rd post best post
never gets old
When were Asumi Kana characters not best?
Can't believe its been 3 years since then. I feel like this shit-storm happened only a few months ago.
Haqua is best girl though. But Chihiro is alright.
I'd accepted that Chihiro was best girl years earlier than that.
Reverse for me, feels like it's been a lot longer.
>this poster is an oldfag
>this poster is a youngfag
Why are shipperfags so pathetic?
I will never accept it.
>not Kusunoki
On one hand hey first girl rule didn't apply, but on other it got too dragged out with his time traveling bit.
>Hata may not give us indication whether or not Hayate heard Hina's confession and what his response was
This is the real Shonen Sunday fuck you.
Funny way of spelling Mio
It's better if you accepted reality.
>that one onoderafag
every time