Wait a minute

Wait a minute.

Are you fucking kidding me Sup Forums

Ive been reading 80 chapters of this garbage just to found out the secret to the world outside the walls is litterly

This is now going to devolve into
>group a is evil and disgusting, look how they had this little girl be eaten by dogs.
>group B are just oppressed good boys,they just tryna live their titan lives n shieeet, the marleys are litterly JUST HITLER

This whole series might as well go down the fucking trash, idk what the in the fuck the writer was thinking when he decided on the backstory for all this but this is just disapointing and shit.
>just read the manga bro
fuck you fags

Other urls found in this thread:


Do you have a single person in your life that doesn't have to feign interest in what you have to say out of pity?

Don't worry both factions are Evil

Isayama wanted an Oscar for the live adaptation of his work.

>shitty series that only got popular because of edge
>surprised the writing is shit because it only needs to be good enough to keep the sheep entertained
I don't know what you expected?

That actually sounds worse

>the entirety of the royalty and flashback arc
Those years were painful

a fucking leaf?

not any different from ww2

I gonna rewrite my fanfic

>Eren x Harem
>Eren x Grandmother

>he thinks ww2 wasnt a morally indiffernet war

Not to mention that all manga are designed to be thoroughly milked until they stop making money and then are immediately cancelled and the author is usually forced to shit out an ending.

You have to be 18 to post here, you know?

Forget about the holocaust and discuss the fact that EM is canon

>manga is no where near the ending
>still makes a shitty turn in the story
This is not an excuse

If you get this triggered over a story development that you have to spout a bunch of Sup Forums lingo just fuck off and dont come back


Am I seriously the only one that kinda liked how the whole titan thing turned out? Sure the relation between this and WW2 is a little silly, but its waay better than "muh titans are aliens" or "muh titans are a punishment from god".
In the end, we got answers. Properly explained answers and a further plot setup that goes beyond the mystery "what are titans?". Although I really hope this won't turn into a generic titan vs titan where titans functions as mechs.

>Sup Forums lingo
>actually retarded story direction entirley made for basic bitch emotional reaction
kill yourself
Dont have to have Sup Forums mentality to realise how contrived this arc is

There is literally nothing people wouldn't complain about. Supernatural anything always gets people coming in saying "STUPID STUPID! THIS IS ALL STUPIIIIIID!"

If you don't see this story direction as the pinnacle of writing that it is, you are a Hillary shill and need to suck your own dong

>this arc
See, this is why I know you're a retard. The whole series was retarded since the moment Eren decided to not stay dead when he was swallowed.
This series is shit and you're shit for realizing it just now.

Where the titans came from isnt the problem here though.
I mean, right now all we know is that its most likley the titans came litterly from the devil.
But thats not the problem
This story is now going to be about
Group A being """evil""", since the mindless titans aren't becoming a problem anymore now the writer needs a new villian. And that means making Group A look as unrealistically villinious as possible.
Its weak writing and i dont see it changing

>pinnacle of writing that it is
Not him, but I hope you're baiting.

Wait, does this mean that SnK is essentially the Village by M. Night ShamamLongbingbong? This is delicious.

Yea yea, sure. The story has been pretty fucking stupid at times, but its nothing thats really new to me when it comes to gook writing.

This arc is just that bad i have to mention it, otherwise i would of dropped this series while ago



Im not defending the story. I dont have a problem with it, is it overdone? Probably, but dont go full retarded Sup Forums MUH DINDUS you fucking worthless crossboarder, especially when its your fault in the first place for expecting stellar writing when you should've noticed the series only had so much it could do with its setting.

Tbh that was the first thing that came to mind when I read about what happened to this series. Just swap out Amish people with Jews.

>Wahh Eren shoulda died in chapter 5
>Wahh Db shoulda ended at Freiza
>Wahh Naruto shoulda ended at zabuza
>Wahh Bleach shoulda ended at soul society
>Wahh One piece skypie bla bla bla

God shut up, or go reread from before that point in the story if you hate it so goddamn much.

Why are people so fucking obsessed with jews, hitler and ww2?
The only connection with ww2 this has is the fact that wall people are from the axis powers
Tech is ww1, internment camps and ghettos have always existed

But the whole point is that group A isnt completely evil. In the flashback it shows that both sides are extremely biased (Some believe the titan godess were evil while others believe she was a saint) and that there are no "good" side.

people like disaster and wars,what else is the to say? sure there are people who cries and want peace but they are the most hypocrite ones after all

The real question is : HOW the fuck were you able to endure 80 chapters of this shit?

>Why are people so fucking obsessed with jews
Nigger, you want to take another look at their arms?

Do you not realise how over used the jew tropes are in most media? Its blatantly obvious the writer is making a comparison with jews during Adolfs reign.
So obvious that its fucking cringy how over exagerated the arc is.
From the bands on their arms, to the shitty way the marley treat the titan children, to the time period where everything is based.

The only problem is that the comparison isnt even fuckign consistant, and you have the titans making an underground movement (in some reference to the hitlers nat-soc movement)

Its too bad thats not what they showed through out the entire arc. There is litterly no marley member that actually acts human or even somewhat nuetral during the time.
The only member showing an ounce of compassion was revealed to be a titan in secret.
What youre refering to is just the rewriting of history. I mean anyone can agree that you dont treat people like shit because of their ancestors. So the marleys are still depicted as evil


This is litterly the only reason why


If i find something similar thats atleast somewhat similar i will read shit just to get to it

You do realize it's literally a bizzarro world?
Don't try to draw comparisons
The world is literally upside down, and the sun literally rises from the west
If anything there are 2 possibilities
1, the bizzarro world has the blonde blue ayed aryans, so the eldians since they're represented by axis powers being German, Italian and Mikasa so Japanese, as the oppressed minority
2, it's a reference to Japanese concentration camps in the US because the Marleys are clearly British/American from their names
It's probably a mix of both

you call Kruger a british/american name?

It doesnt matter what fucking universe the story takes place in. It was still written in our time, and in our world.

That's why Kruger was an Eldian
So it's either of those, not everything is about jews

>This is now going to devolve into
>group a is evil and disgusting, look how they had this little girl be eaten by dogs.
>group B are just oppressed good boys,they just tryna live their titan lives n shieeet, the marleys are litterly JUST HITLER

Considering the latest chapters, I would be surprised if Isayama portrays the annihilation of Marleyans as a righteous act. This is the same guy who aknowledged Grisha as a biased individual and a crazy warmonger who commited attrocities and pushed his fucked up legacy onto his children. If Isayama truly believes that Group B's cause is just, why did he write Grisha that way ?

What I expect will happen, is the wall people (guys like Zackley, Pixis, Flocke and Armin) will push for the release of the wall titans to exterminate Marley and our main protagonist Eren will stand against it. Also we haven't seen much of the good Marleyans because so far we've seen things from the perspective of the biased Grisha and the persecuted Ymir, this leads to having false assumptions about their whole nation, assumptions you're having right now. Give it some time and we'll see the innocent Marleyans who don't throw rocks at Eldians, who don't stand for this war, and who are probably silenced by their own government.

Trolls are too painfully obvious

he was pretending to be a Marleyan so if they all had british/american names like that it would definitely give away his identity

Why is Grisha biased?
And Eren would definitely be in favor or unleashing the wall titans to kill everyone
Ending is gonna be an Eldian phyrric victory

He faked his blood test not change his identity
Besides, for all we know he might have changed his name too but simply told Grisha his real nane

>This whole series might as well go down the fucking trash
it took you this long to figure it out?

Stories like these hold readers attention with mystery. When mystery is gone, it becomes mediocre.

>gets triggered from his own limited allegory repository
Try to imagine a world in which there has been more than just one group of oppressed peoples, depictions of which so annoys you that it asks one to have empathy with 'the oppressed.' Now realize you've always lived in that world, and that nobody is clean. Just about every ethno group has at one time or another been in a position to both oppress and be the oppressed. This very narrative speaks to a time when their positions were reversed.

>people actually read this for the story
nigga why do you think nobody liked the Uprising Arc. The only reason this series has any sales is the Titan Fights and fujo.

Do you have the reading comprehension of a mutt? The whole point of that story is to put the reader in the perspective that they haven't been on the side of humanity all along. They've been on the side of the ones they thougth were the enemy.

Some people shouldn't be allowed to post on the internet.

pretty much

>what is the easiest and most well known oppressed group of people to make comparisons to if you were a hack writer
>make an entire arc centered around that.
>people actually defend it and say its not what you were specifically making a comparison to

I find it funny anyone defends trash like this

Are my posts really this depressing? People frequently reply to me with that image.

But it really isn't
Unless you're a jew yourself people will usually think of their own people being oppressed when they think of oppressed people, they don't think of jews

it is in a way, but i just thought it was a proper reaction.
Thankfully i read all of this in a few days so i didnt waste my time all that much

>>Wahh One piece skypie bla bla bla
people actually say this? the height of the series was definitely cp9
>>Wahh Naruto shoulda ended at zabuza
no one says this.
>Wahh Db shoulda ended at Freiza
it really should have.

Listen man, its great and all that you didnt suffer the vast amount of over-exageration and propoganda about the holocaust, but alot of people did. Most americans in fact, even europeans.

So if yorue a hack writer and you want to create oppressed group A and the evil oppressor group B, you're going to make alot of comparisons to the nazi jew memes.

The problem is, it really doesnt matter who you're trying to compare it to irl. This is shitty story telling any way you see it. and thats where my real complaint is

I'm European and I did suffer through the propaganda, I just never cared, like most people don't really give a fuck about it
And also the author is Japanese, why would they care about something happening on the other side of the planet almost a century ago?

Yes, basically.

>Why is Grisha biased?

Just read his flashback, young Grisha (aka. "eldians are the chosen ones, marleyans suck, we should kill them all" guy, aka. what OP thinks the morale of the story is from Isayama's point of view) thought Eldians were superior and righteous because he believes that shit he read in the book. Isayama totally called out how retarded Grisha was.

>And Eren would definitely be in favor or unleashing the wall titans to kill everyone

He would not, and this was foreshadowed in the last chapter we saw him in, he's having second thoughts about all this, because it would mean :
1 - Sacrifice Historia, which is a big no-no, Eren cares for his friends.
2 - Going outside the walls, which brought back memories of Fay's death, implying that if they go outside they'll suffer a terrible fate.

There's been an ongoing misconception on this board that Eren is a constant ragetard who wants to kill everybody who gets in the way of his freedom. But this is the guy who willingly let himself be put in prison by the suvery corps, who has no issue with being part of an army that has him monitored at all times, who was begging to be eaten for the of sake everyone else and who has literally only 8 years to live. Time to let go of your headcanon character analysis.

>Ending is gonna be an Eldian phyrric victory
Maybe, but I bet Eren won't take part in it.

Because they were allied to those people? Nigger i dont know, i dont really care its STILL hack writing

I find it funny the world's setting had been held back for as long as it had to conscientiously avoid making any relatable comparisons, likely to encourage the reader to suspend their innate loyalties, or to throw them up in the air, and that as soon as that background is filled in a bit some will automatically leap to the conclusion that the mangaka was just chomping at the bit all along to follow a tired trope to its natural conclusion, and rush to identify with whom they feel their real world ethno loyalties should rest. Even if that trope isn't an element of that mangaka's culture, and even if he'd been so obviously playing with the concept for awhile now of turning a story of survival into one of oppression turned on its head. If it had been his goal from the start to make an allegory story about Jews suffering at the hands of nazis, there'd have been no point to keep

>Listen man, its great and all that you didnt suffer the vast amount of over-exageration and propoganda about the holocaust, but alot of people did
And some people seems to have lost the point for their suffering annoyance.

>there'd have been no point to keep the allegories obscured.

Eldians ARE the chones ones
Eldians can turn into titans
Ackermans can enter berserk mode
What can Marleys do beside legalized discrimination?
There are a ton of alternatives to Historia dying
And Eren's not a pussy, he wants revenge

Nice one eye symbolism you lucifarian fuck.

>might randomly be bestowed the shifter power when the last one dies, you now have 13 years left to live
>you can be turned into a grotesque monster devoid of thought or awareness
>chosen ones

>mfw the titans were jews all along

IIRC that doesn't activate until you turn into a titan
And you don't unless you get injected
Which brings interesting scenarios
>one of the 9 titans dies
>power is transferred to a mindless on Paradis
>guy turns back
>immediately eaten by other mindless
>chain reaction until only one remains

Go back to Sup Forums you fucking faggot. Not everything is about the fucking jews.

>not about the jews
>they literally have star armbands

kill yoursefl faggot.
Not everything is Sup Forumss fault you fucking monkey

>IIRC that doesn't activate until you turn into a titan
said who ?

The point is, Eldians aren't chosen ones, not in a positive sense at least. They are regular people, who can turn into mindless tools of war.

You're really trying too hard to give yourself a reason to hate them for no reason. Pretty much every group of people that has been shit on heavily by other people had some kind of identification so people could fuck them over easily. Regardless, if an individual is not deserving of that kind of treatment, regardless of how similar they are to jews, niggers, or whatever else it is you hate, that's no reason to blindly get upset that people empathize with them. If I recall, the Nazi party themselves were very big about playing the "we were oppressed and shit". Of course, they weren't wrong about that, but they did use it as an excuse to fuck over innocent people simply for being similar to people they hated.

Oh yeah, sure, the OP being full of Sup Forums lingo is a total coincidence.

So wait, the titans were made by the Nazis?

So why the fuck did technology regress to pre-Industrial Revolution levels, except for the titan killing equipment?

At no point has the story told you to sympathize with either side. The only reason the Marley seem "inhuman" is because they are a secretive and mostly mysterious faction so we don't know a lot about them.

Like what are you even complaining about? You were okay with Titans being the bad guys and the main characters trying to stop them, you were okay with the Reiss family being the bad guys and the main characters trying to stop them but now all of a sudden the possibility of the Marley being the bad guys is some absolutely terrible concept that goes against all logic or something? What the hell is wrong with you?

Those are leafs.
They are Canadians, they deserve it.

They look like weed armbands


Does it trigger you that much to be told that people don't like being treated like shit?

Nazis were the ones with the armbands, the Jews were forced to wear the star on their chests.

Shit man, get your history together.

what Sup Forums lingo?
Not all rhetoric has to do with Sup Forums, stop using them as a fucking boogieman

That's all Sup Forums lingo, faggot. If you want to discuss a series, do it without resorting to shitty identity politics.

Technology on the other side of the ocean is ww1 level

>only Sup Forums uses this lingo
Seriously off yourself

Yeah, the manga went to trash when it went all ww2

The salient point being that Sup Forums doesn't use this lingo. Fuck off to wherever it is where that lingo is their board's culture.

Yes, only Sup Forums frequenters use this lingo. Maybe you could explain why you think they don't have justification to dislike their oppressors, without resorting to Sup Forums buzzwords?

I see WE WUZ used on all boards in different variants as well as dindu.

Not to say Sup Forums is right, especially since the worship a leftist retard like hitler, but their culture is in Sup Forums. This thread in and of itself is proof.

>The only reason the Marley seem "inhuman" is because they are a secretive and mostly mysterious faction so we don't know a lot about them.
Let's forget the part where the eldians live in concentration camps because their ancestors alledgedly were evil, get killed for fun and they're used as war slaves by forcing them to turn into mindless titans.

I just want to be able to read this manga without having to constantly be reminded of the cognitively dissonant assertions of neo-Marleyan-socialist's that the Eldian suppression never happened and they can't wait to do it again?

All those boards where people use that shitty lingo are filled with newfags and normalfags, that kind of shitty memespouting bullshit has no place on Sup Forums and only crossboarders use it. If he wants to discuss anime or manga he should explain why he thinks the characters are good or bad, and not resort to buzzwords from an especially shitty kind of identity politics. Real-world shit doesn't belong on Sup Forums.

I understand you dislike cultures that constantly jump through mental gymnastics, but this manga is kind of jumping through it's own cognitive dissonance in the fact that there are no good or bad guys.

I know this will sound retarded, but anime is based on real life. As far as identity politics, that's what this manga is about.

That's not an excuse to use Sup Forums ebonics. And while anime may be based on or inspired by real life, real life has no place in the discussion of it unless the series is specifically about history.

>people with shit taste mad because of how shit their taste is
top kek, everyone told you to drop this piece of shit but you didn't listen. Cry more faggot.

>the height of the series was definitely cp9
I dropped one piece after the fishmen island and I can say that this man is right

Underrated post.
