Ch. 35
The Promised Neverland
Someone dump? Also
>niggerstream late again
>our burning wills
When will the ninjas show up to destroy the demons?
The demons are ninjas with the katana demon at the end
Phil is the best
I'm just here to post my husband. Please be kind to him.
Stop samefagging yourself Norman
That's not very nice.
Phil is too good for this world
I feel so bad for shitting on him.
Someone in the previous thread proposed that the demons are wearing gas masks.
So where are the kids at plant 3 going to be living until the house is rebuilt? Won't they be freaked out if they're relocated to a new orphanage with a house and structure identical to their own?
i fucking love this kid. i feel like shit ever doubting him. ;_;
Yeah look back to chapter 1 the demon splits his mask open to lick and taste Connies corpse
And done
Ninja demons inbound
>Mama confirmed for an attempted escapee
I wonder what happened in her past
Didn't we already know she tried to escape and Grandma stopped her?
>implying the other kids get to live in luxury like the genius inhabitants of the gracefield house
It's a hard-knock life for the other plantations. Instead of treats they get tricked, instead of kisses they get kicked. It's a hard-knock life.
Is that an other-farm mama?
Shut the fuck Emma there's katana demons after your group.
>implying that's not Emma or Sherry
Lets be real for a moment here
It is likely that all of the girls on farm wanted Norman, because he's the oldest guy in group and not an unfriendly secretive loner like Ray
>every girl wants a piece of Norman
>he only wants the oblivious one
Being Norman is suffering.
She probably wanted a piece too, he just never said anything because he's an idiot.
>Emma only wants Phil
Being Norman is truly suffering
Shut up Phil, she doesn't want your shota ass.
Is philfag the grapefag of our threads?
Calm down Norman.
After she comes back in 2 years you can have some leftovers if you're somehow still alive
Gilda is such a nice girl, not even Emma had considered saving the kids in the other farms until she brought it up.
My man don sitting back and letting everyone do all the planning for him.
>implying Emma would diddle a six year old
Who do you take her for?
The kids must have been practicing a lot, because most 5-10 years old wouldn't be able to climb a wall like that with just a rope.
I take her for the type to play tag alone together in the woods
So none of these little kids did anything to make Mom suspicious? They must all be really good actors.
I guess the point is that she was so busy monitoring Ray and Emma that she ignored everyone else.
She's no a whore.
I'm sure you live to hear the tales someday
She's not a whore.*
Fuck, this is turning me into a retard.
Ray wanted to throw Molotov Cocktails at the other plants in order to start more fires, right?
niggastream BTFO
Anime when? Seiyuus? Studio?
As Onepiecefag I can only Yuriko Yamaguchi as Mama.
back at it again I see
I still don't understand why they take so much longer to translate than all its other series.
Childhood amnesia or infantile amnesia, which one sounds better for you?
Kanahana as Emma.
Kappei as Don.
Noriaki Sugiyami as Ray.
Daisuke Ono as Norman
It's understandable that they translate and upload popular wjs series like One Piece and bnha the same day the raws come out, but they transkate Dr stone on the same day of its raws as well, despite it being new and TPN being much more popular
that's what he wants you to believe. this niglet has multiple multidimensional antisymmetric indifferentiable keikakus in him
Akio as Sister Krone
Because why not
I still don't trust him.
They translated some chapters earlier after they had the first competition with reddit translators who did chapter 32 before them, but they let go the reins again this week and were outpaced once more.
I hope mangastream or someone else will translate the extra
>Phil is a butterfly
What did they mean by this?
>wanting to cut Emma's cute ahoge
Fuck you Mama.
Couldn't Mom break down the door with force?
She's been trying to cut that ahoge for years, but it's just too HAYAI even for her.
>four years old
how did he figure out the secret when even norman and emma didn't know it?
Sorry, I just really needed to reply to this post from the last thread.
>Phil's 12th birthday
I understand if math is not everyones strong point but goddamn. This chapter repeatedly stated that Phil is under 5 years old so if he waits 2 years for Emma's return it will definitely NOT be his 12th birthday.
Though the thought of a handsome 12 year old Phil still : 3 makes me smile.
Emma's ahoge is a sign of heroism, like a true protagonist. Mama's villainous attempts to kill it never stood a chance.
Umm, Emma just told him? He did not figure anything
He didn't figure it out, he just knew that something was up because everyone was acting weird and "harvest" had something to do with it.
He didn't.
What's with the weird font for Ray's speech?
Is he a robot?
Did you even read the post?
Probably that he was or will be raped.
He's dead inside.
It's cute how she's so sure the demons will act according to her will in that 2 years.
Leave Emma to me.
>implying Emma isn't saving her ultimate secret demon form to fuck you up
G-Guys what if the demons are not real demons but HUMANS?
Do not hurt Emma you big fat bully.
He didn't figure it out, he just knew something suspicious was going on based on how Emma and co. were acting. Plus Krone dropping her hints in the tag game.
All we know for sure is that Krone doesn't think they're demons since she wasn't sure what the kids were talking about at first.
Yes I really don't understand how some people like you can be this retarded when it comes to math and reading.
>that post
>Emma didn't come back in 2 years
>8 years go by without her return
I have a feeling it's going to go into "pyren" territory & somehow the kids will even up fighting the demons