I respect women - wrong?

Is it wrong to think that women are as smart as men?
I know many of you will say that is sjw propaganda and i shouldnt be fooled but honestly there are as many smar women as there are men and i know lotso stupid men and women too so it seems quite equal.

I think women are often lacking in job ect because most men are pigs who dont care about cleaning up and that stuff so women have to take care of that. also if there are children women care for them 100% most of the time.

user you probably disagree but try to really think about that

and no i am not a fkn sjw cuck faggot and no leftist.

Other urls found in this thread:


I respect the fact that women are inferior.

misogyn-user why do u think that? how r men superior?

Respect is earned in a personal basis.

sure but you dont go around and insult all ur fellow men do you? I mean the basic respect

I respect women the same way I respect children.

I'm nice around them, try not to upset them with too much reality and generally avoid difficult tasks or topics.

No, I tolerate the ones I can't ignore

Please let this thread be parody.

Why? what were ur experiences that u compare women to children?

Smart men are smarter than smart women and dumb men are dumber than dumb women.

hmm that makes sense!

y?? i am serious i cant really believe that /pol is filled with fat guys who cant get laid and thus get no pussy and hate women..c-cant be tru right?


that doesnt make any sense. Examples?

>I respect the fact that women are inferior.

ouch i can smell the agnst from here.


In my experience bringing up difficult topics with women that I personally enjoy discussing with men is a great way to make them either mad, disintirested, or just get on their nerves.

I try to avoid topics like: anthropology, geopolitics(or politics in general), transhumanism, history(especially military history), technology, philosophy, or religion.

There are many others, but in general if you want a woman to like you you ought to stick to simple topics. Makes it easier for them to contribute to the conversation. Also, asking women about themselves is the best way of avoiding stumblin upon a topic that unnerves them.

>Is it wrong to think that women are as smart as men?
>I think women are often lacking in job ect because most men are pigs who dont care about cleaning up and that stuff so women have to take care of that. also if there are children women care for them 100% most of the time.
a valid observation

Can a woman be smarter than a man?
Genetics prove this to be a yes
But, can a woman be a man?
Can a woman think like a man?
Can a woman with 120 IQ achieve the same "greatness" as a man with a 120 IQ
no, even in a society specifically designed for them to do this, the answer is no
If a woman with a 120 iq and a man with an 80 iq have two children
It is far more likely their male child will have 10-15 iq points higher than his female sister
Nature is designed to make men smart in the way men are smart and women smart the way women are smart
There is a fundamental difference in our approach
And, for the highest degree of order, functionality and fulfillment, the best approach is the woman at home, taking care of the home and the babies, and the man making the money to find that enterprise
That's just the way it is

Can women work at a call center and read the script off the computer into the headset forty hours a week just like men?
Can they maybe do it better than men?
Is that the best approach for an order which is functional and will reach our highest degree of fulfillment

oh nice example!

>Is it wrong to think that women are as smart as men?

They're not, science. And yes, you're stupid to think that.


You realize this is based on children, right? Meaning, they tested girls in puberty vs boys where a lot of them had yet to reach it.

>You realize this is based on children,

Sounds like a valid point of view user.

But I think women can also achieve "greatness" like men - look into politics from monarchs to elected leaders we got bad men and women and good men and women. Look at shillary - she not very smart and look at madleine albright who is very accomplished politician and its good she didnt stay at home to raise the kids.

In real life i meet waaay more man that act like scum and are dumb

Oooh, do I smell another sexually frustrated incel thread?

Wouldn't it be convenient if these pictures had a source to begin with? I'm not gonna google it for you, blame the burger who posted it. The study is pretty famous, so you'll have no trouble finding it.

Well I think you're a stupid mountyfucker duh

In cases of intelligence a woman can be just as smart as a man if not more, but there are clear differences with each gender. Women tend to take administration jobs for a reason, not because they are forced to, its because they want to. You probably have grown up in an extremely feminist household (probably single mother). Men tend to be unsympathetically realistic while women tend to be the opposite.

The graph's axes are misleading. It's not so much that dumb men are dumber and smart men are smarter. Men of lower and higher IQ take up a more significant percentage of the overall male population while women of average IQ take up a more significant percentage of overall female population. Basically, this graph is claiming that most women are average while most men are either very smart or very dumb. It doesn't say anything comparatively about the different populations. Also, this looks like it was made in paint and doesn't have any sources or numbers, so I'm assuming it's bullshit.

Sorry you not allowed to post in austrian thread cause ur kille our ferdinand!

>Is it wrong to think that women are as smart as men?
Maybe you're proof of that statement but in general men are far smarter

>Wouldn't it be convenient if these pictures had a source to begin with?

can't you just reverse image search or something?
let me try to find it.

isn't Austria just a better version of germany?

I agree men tend to be unsympathetically realistic and women ofte make stupid choices based on emotions and I think thats why so many women are fkn leftists.

Yes indeed

Why u think that?

reverse image search only brings up Sup Forums, makes you think

>But I think women can also achieve "greatness" like men
"Greatness" like men achieve, is not true greatness. It's a euphemism for "absolute shit existence lacking joy other than your beautiful wife and kids that you get to spend your last 3 hours of the day with"
"Greatness" is working on a tedious task, repetitively, for decades, and then maybe getting kind of recognised for it by your peers at the end
This is what men have decided to do with what we do, celebrate it, because we're no good at being mothers
And through our celebration, we have erroneously lead women to believe true greatness is something only achieved by men in politics, war, business and the like.
No, true greatness is a mother of five.
We hate what we do. And our celebration is to add honor, which only exists to blind us from just how objectively shitty it is to be a man.
Enjoy being a woman, because you'll never be a man, and if you ever get to be great like a man, you'll hate it, because men hate it. Because its joyless.

>reverse image search only brings up Sup Forums, makes you think

the study probably doesn't even exist.

>Yes indeed
wow do the krauts have any penis envy that your just a better version of them?

Of course women are equally smart to men. Only /r9k/ NEETs here complain otherwise. However, if you think women belong in the workforce post-childbirth, you are an idiot

user thats kinda bleak worldview...

get a green card or something you got problems

we are a better version of pretty much everything

I believe in equality. Man and women are 100% equal. If you look at the muslim countries they are all major shitholes. Meanwhile you look at Europe and Japan = first world

user, the redpill and the blackpill are not mutually exclusive.

>we are a better version of pretty much everything

(laughs in prussian)

hmm yes. They used to come here after the war to make vacation in the summer so the older generation mocks them in a friendly manner. but now they are flooding our country. They basically taking of all universities and service jobs (from waiter to doctor) and get in ur face big time.

the university krauts are the worst they lurk around all day and try to bluepill the shit outta u. honestly when WW3 comes along i rahter not fight again with them.

>there are as many smar women as there are men
That's objectively, factually wrong.

If a woman is equal to you you are deficient.

You should love and protect the women in your life such as mom, sister, wife, daughter but Other women should be ignored.

Whatever works for you, man.

fuck prussia they should have bowed to Habsburg from the beginning instead we got MUH KAISAR and MUH PROTESTANTS. Norhter germans cant be allowed to rule themselves.

>I believe in equality. Man and women are 100% equal.
They are not equal. That is a neoliberal capitalist worldview. Each gender has different roles in society. Neither one is more important, but they are not "equal." Look at America in its peak (1950s), women left the workforce when they got pregnant to be housewives, and men got paid enough to support a family.

you were saying?

if you ignor all women in ur life whom do you bang? ur sister?

lol there like walloons but much friendlier.
to be fair bismark's uniting of all the german kingdoms was the best thing he did.

>you were saying?
(laughs in slavic)
man those krauts sure got buthurt.

but if I own a company I would want as big a resource pool as possible right? seems stupid to say I dont employ women just because of ideology...

This video has the source somewhere in the description.


>but if I own a company I would want as big a resource pool as possible right?
So you would rather support an oligarch's paycheck and destroy the traditional family?

Arent walloons just some butthurts that are angry they have to share a state with the flemish?

Fuck Bismark he ruined everything. we could have led all those petty kingdoms into a great austrian kaiserreich instead we got wilhelm smoking cigars all day long dreaming to be some top-conqueror

Totally if I am the oligarch or get paid by it.

bismark ruined germany with his crazy ideas. Imagine europe under austrian rule, would have been a conservative utopia. But soon there will be vergeltung.

>Arent walloons just some butthurts that are angry they have to share a state with the flemish?

there frenchmen in denial also there flag is a litiral cuck LOL.

honestly i wish france would just annex the tumor thats wallonia and give us luxemburg as a proxy state.

>we could have led all those petty kingdoms into a great austrian kaiserreich
the eternal kraut.

Except you aren't, and it has put the West in its current position. You Euros really are the stock of serfs

Dont u dare call me kraut ?! Du forgetting dein place belgy! We have claim on ur lands to me thinks...

Says the pleb-americunt who works for ford all day long

Reverse-Anschluss wann?

>would have been a conservative utopia.
imagine just imagine a super prussia eurpoe would be fucked.

>Du forgetting dein place belgy!
ich weiss mein platz freund.
ich kan auch deutsch sprechen:)

>Reverse-Anschluss wann?

>Euro calling an American a pleb
Enjoy going to college for four years to make 25k a year.

Schön schön.

I respect women the same way I respect a dog.

we are no krauts u wannabe german. We are a proud mixture of slavs, germans nd some other strange creatures. Mix it with a bit of incest and you got an austrian.

Enjoy going to serf our hispanic catholic allies! All hail future president Mendoza or Gomez!

soon brother!

>Schön schön.
JA ich kan nicht warten.

who is that? isn't that that one inbred spanish habsburg that ruled spain?

Good. I respect you traitors like cockroaches. U are all vassals to Elizabeth II. Soon the old world will rise to swallow you abominations!

well at least we dont have to pay our own fucking insurance or be ruined when you need some expensive treatment

This is our typical austrian

This nigga gets it, men have higher variance , women are mostly the same

>Enjoy going to college for four years to make 25k a year.

>when you don't have to be a dept slave after college.
>This is our typical austrian
ooh i remember that guy house of horrors right?


If women didn't have pussies we would hunt them for sport.

Not this fucking thread again. Won't you shills ever fucking learn? This merely gives us an opportunity to red pill the masses coming here now.


Women are fatter than men.[1]

Women are bigger hypochondriacs than men.[2]

2 of 3 healthcare dollars in the U.S. are spent by women.[3]

Females between ages 19-44 spend 70% more per capita than males in the same

In the population aged 45 to 64, median annual per capita healthcare expenditures are 50% more for women than men.[5]

Women’s reproductive health is 16% of overall health plan costs.[6]

Women have a higher rate of underlying chronic conditions than men.[7]

Most men are stronger than most women.[8]
>pic related


1. The Lancet. URL: eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2016-03/tl-tlw033016.php
and World Bank Open Data. URL: metrocosm.com/map-world-obesity/

2. Women are bigger hypochondriacs than men, but are also less likely to die of illness. URL: nydailynews.com/life-style/health/women-bigger-hypochondriacs-men-die-illness-study-article-1.163563

3. The Sex-Bias Myth in Medicine. URL: theatlantic.com/past/docs/issues/96jun/cancer/kadar.htm

4. U.S. Personal Health Care Spending by Age and Gender. URL: cms.gov/Research-Statistics-Data-and-Systems/Statistics-Trends-and-Reports/NationalHealthExpendData/Downloads/2010AgeandGenderHighlights.pdf

5. Owens, G. Gender Differences in Health Care Expenditures, Resource Utilization, and Quality of Care, Supplement to Journal of Managed Care Pharmacy JMCP April 2008 Vol. 14, No. 3. URL: amcp.org/data/jmcp/JMCPSupp_April08_S2-S6.pdf

6. Ibid.

7. Why Women Report Being in Worse Health Than Men. URL: scientificamerican.com/article/why-women-report-being-in/ and Handbook of the Psychology of Women and Gender, 2001. "Women have higher rates of physical illnesses and disabilities..." p. 190.

8. Various data sets. URL: archive.is/4JEpf

arent you the guys who marry their own cousin?

>Enjoy going to college for four years to make 25k a year.
What u mean???

>ooh i remember that guy house of horrors right?

no user he is the one guy who married his mum

implying u fat fucks could get out of your rollators


American women arrive at basic training less fit than men.[1]

US Marines To Accept Chubbier Women.[12]

Army women are injured more than men in combat training and have higher rates of mental disorders.[1]

Women suffer a rate of stress that’s four times higher than men.[1]

86% of women (and 3% of men) fail new U.S. marines combat fitness test.[2]

Studies demonstrate a relationship between shorter female height and injury rates among military recruits.[3]

Study finds women in combat get injured more often and shoot less accurately than men.[4]

The army’s standard fragmentation grenade has a blast radius of 15 meters. Infantrymen are required to demonstrate the ability to throw a grenade 35 meters; military women, only 25 meters. In practice, many military women cannot throw even that far.[5]

1. Army women hurt more often in combat training, experience more mental health issues, Washington Times, December 17, 2015. URL: washingtontimes.com/news/2015/dec/17/army-women-hurt-more-often-in-combat-training-expe/
Based on report Soldier 2020: Injury Rates/Attrition Rates Working Group/Medical Recommendations

2. New Marine Corps fitness standards: Women, and men, are washing out, Christian Science Monitor, June 21, 2016. URL: csmonitor.com/USA/Military/2016/0621/New-Marine-Corps-fitness-standards-Women-and-men-are-washing-out

3. Musculoskeletal Injuries in Military Women, Borden Institute, 2011. URL: cs.amedd.army.mil/FileDownloadpublic.aspx?docid=b42d1acd-0b32-4d26-8e22-4a518be998f7

4. U.S. Marines study: Women in combat injured more often than men, UPI, September 10, 2015. URL: upi.com/Top_News/US/2015/09/10/US-Marines-study-Women-in-combat-injured-more-often-than-men/6121441908304/

5. The Truth About Women in Combat, The Daily Beast, March 1, 2013. URL: thedailybeast.com/the-truth-about-women-in-combat

If u hadnt made a traitorous rebellion we would import u as workers

top kek

>t. omega male incel.

user you ever heard of the Walküres-Regiment? they were special OPs during WW2 famous for cutting americans faces before shooting them in the head

Austria user!
What's happening to your country, bro? You alright over there? Hmm. You OK? mmm?

wait is that my großmutter???

its in vienna we really dont give a shit about that hellhole

>Is it wrong to think that women are as smart as men?
Yes, it is wrong/incorrect to think that.

All the evidence points to the fact that men are smarter than women, generally.

>wait is that my großmutter???
lol was? ist das wirchlich deine grossmutter?

We got our problems soon rid of us with a new government our glorious people tasked with restoring the kaiserreich

I post research and you post the joo

Hanna Freidenberg was ur großmutter????

‘Smart’ doesn’t mean you can’t be a massive fucking retard at the same time. Doesn’t just go for women sadly.

I provide a mountain of evidence and you provide ... a regiment nobody's heard of? WTF is wrong with you?