Ellen DeGeneres supports Pedophilia


An 8 year old boy is modelling drag outfits for a fetish costume company and Ellen DeGeneres approves.

This is the results of progressivism.

Other urls found in this thread:

web.archive.org/web/20180107105648/https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:liBDRRjj-g4J:https://twitter.com/thehouseofmann?lang=en-gb &cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=uk

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...Anonymous (ID: XxIBdVD4)
/PedoGate/ (((Drag Kids))) edi(...)
01/07/18(Sun)13:16:34 No.155864118
573 KB
573 KB PNG
An 8 year old is being sexualised and abused publicly:

The kid was probably molested since he was a baby. Has degenerates as parents and is modelling for an erotic costume company.
This is a huge red pill for normies. Spread the info.

This is the pedo that runs the company:

Be sure to let him know what you think.

Another (((Drag Kid))):

Archived Twitter of Account:
web.archive.org/web/20180107105648/https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:liBDRRjj-g4J:https://twitter.com/thehouseofmann?lang=en-gb &cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=uk

Brandon Hilton removed the word erotic from his twitter page. Someone is sending me the archive link soon.

Archive here.

She just got tagged in the photo retard, she didnt signal approval

More like Ellen DeGenerates

Bump for interest

These idiots don't know what they're doing. They will get punished for it sooner or later.

does anyone know of an place to buy a pallet of giftgas?
you know, for science.

it's Allen Degenerate.
if you see him, hit him in the mouth.

This, may the world know and judge accordingly.

>supports pedos
checks out

>homo supports pedophilia
Should I be surprised?

The revolution against this degeneracy can't come fast enough.

I'll get the fertilizer.
You get the guns.

This is literally the definition of attempting to gas-light pedophilia into being socially acceptable

Checked for truth.

Aren't there some statistics floating around showing that the vast majority of pedophile cases against boys were done by gay men despite the gays making up such a small part of the population? I don't know what it is but the gays and especially the trans adults almost always seem to have some sort of sexuality abuse trauma and they keep pushing for the sexualization of young boys (rarely ever girls).

My best friend didn't believe me when I said the trans and gays have a Pedo agenda until I showed him how there are drag groups in our city electing boys under 10 to be their representatives and the parents are dressing them up and taking them to places where the adult men dress in BDSM gear, and putting their boys in daycare programs run by messed up men in dresses and makeup.. now he says he feels like we're all living in a progressive dystopian nightmare where they're trying to eliminate the masculine man and turn him into girls and freaks by chemicals or surgery, and the girls who aren't girly enough are being told to become men instead and wear fake pennies and remove their breasts. feels like I'm taking crazy pills.

Gaschambers. It's the only solution.

You misspelled its name. Ellen DeGenerate.

kids in showbiz = pedo, nothing more to add ever

We'll put that on it's tombstone.

how is noone picking the eyes out of the parents of those kids?

All dykes and faggots are sick in the head. Pedophilia isn't a big deal to them because they are already going against nature.

We need to get this faggot Lactatia to say he's a sexual being at 10. Make the Left REALLY own what they're peddling.

what's your opinion

I wish there were drag kid fashion back in the 80s when I was pic related.
Could have cashed on my girliness.

Why do they always say that it’s “inspiring” and “empowering”?

I don’t see anything inspiring or empowering about a fag kid dressing up like a tranny.

Master Fard Muhammad is going to break the cross and kill the swine. You'll learn he is real within the next 3 years if we live to make it.

Congrats you idiots. You finally understand what the "Bible Thumpers" were trying to warn you about all along.


This was always their intent. Gay rights were never going to stop at marriage. You've opened the gates and thumbed your nose at the "Christfags" who tried to keep them close.

This world is going to be destroyed, again.

People will flock back to religion after they see what the liberals created.

Age of consent is a Jew trick on America to prevent whites from having offspring. Back in the Bible days it was the norm for 14 and 15 year olds to get pregnant. Anything (((they))) can do to subvert white Nations, they'll do it. They would push the age up to 21 if they could...

every time I see that kid, I want to put a bullet in its head.

not because I hate it. I don't. I feel sorry for it. It would be like shooting a horse that broke both its legs. You'd be saving it. I don't believe it can be saved, and it is better to end its suffering, than to let it live and exist in such horror.

More like Ellen Degenerate.

Get this out the normies. Trigger the soccer moms via Facebook, Twitter, whatever: but make it clear that it's about an MSM talk show host supporting pedo bullshit in the form of a nine year old drag queen posing for gay lingerie ads. This is MSM supporting pederasty, and moms need to hear about this.

i dont see the word erotic anywhere

>gay youth
Does he even know if he is gay yet? I mean he hasn't even hit puberty.
Do you think it's mommy/well-intentioned activists pushing a gay identity on him?

I think his dad fucks him and his mom watches.
After all, what's more progressive than destroying masculinity?

literally child abuse

My heavenly Father...Forgive me of my sins. Have I traveled so far already? Far from you. Im here now. In this dark hell, cold from the absence of your light. Not the children lord...not like this. If there has ever been any ambiguity in the past that I needed you....WE need you...let us cast that aside now. I am calling on you now and forever. Give us the strength in our hearts to deal with this swine...this disease. Come down and animate our bodies by your grace once again. Let us build a future together by YOUR will. Wash away the sins of this planet. Cleanse this place and retrieve vengeance for the divine.

Our father in heaven
Hallow be thy name
thy kingdom come
thy will be done
on earth as it is in heaven
give us this day our daily bread
and forgive us our trespasses
as we forgive those who trespass against us
lead us not into temptation
deliver us from evil
For that is the kingdom
the power
the glory

(((They))) really thought they'd get away with it.
Normies aren't buying it.

Normies are all pro-lgbtqpzxcvb now, so it won't work. They will all applaud how brave she is.

Liberals just see this as people bullying an 8 year old. They don't see anything wrong with what this kid is doing or his parents having encouraged him or others encouraging him. To them, you are the evil ones that must be purged.

Check the Twitter.
They ain't being fooled.
Even fags are pissed.

Ellen was tagged in this. She has nothing to do with it. She's still degenerate, but if you attack her over this it will backfire. Why do you faggots ignore this fact? Someone mentioned this earlier in the thread and everyone ignored him.

Liberals are dropping in numbers fast.
Everyone knows the agenda now.

95% of pedos are gay men. Dig around on google for a couple of minutes and you can find the studies you're looking for

It needs to be put in it's place. A lot of things do.


faggot can't into twitter, she Liked the post

Who cares if it's true or not? The association will draw more attention to the issue at hand.


I don't have the link, and google cache has been updated probably

Why do you care about Ellen DeGenerate? Fuck em all dude. Go get a hobby and forget about the social issues of this world, otherwise enjoy living with bitterness.

Imagine when this kid grows up and understand what his parents has done to him. All while the "elites" of society applauds.


That man needs to be liquidated. Good Lord.

That pedo fag mirin

>most molested are girls
>95% of molesters are gay
Real smart there. Even here most of the pedos are into girls.

What the fuck?


Damn why are they sliding that guy back under the flaming car?! Isn't that the opposite of what they should be doing rather than helping him they're actually going to get him killed.... it's like as if the video is from a reversed world one which they hurt instead of save and now you're reading all this thinking my comments was actually real but it's not i am just taking up your time because you will think this video should be about a guy being saved! wtf!

Naw, that old faggot just wishes he started sucking dicks at a much younger age as well!

> feels like I'm taking crazy pills

That's the worst part about it. The people standing AGAINST this filth are the ones being denounced as "crazy" while those pushing the sexualization of children, the destruction of the family, the hypersexualization of society, the pushing of homo- and transsexuality, etc. are being praised as heroes.

"The lunatics are running the asylum" doesn't even begin to cover how fucking batshit the societal and political elite have become. And they call us crazy for seeing it.

Just fourteen years ago, homosexuality was still (rightly) seen as an aberration by the people of this nation. We were willing to reelect Bush, even after his fiasco in Iraq, because of his opposition to gay marriage. That's really why Kerry lost in '04. We as a nation still had the morals to see that homosexuality is wrong. Now? It's inescapable.

Just bring on World War III already, I want to watch it all burn. Let the new Sodoms and Gommorahs disappear in cleansing nuclear fire. Let the old world fade away and a new one arise from the ashes, one that might not trade it's values and traditions for rank hedonism.

If the programming works, he will either never realize what has happened or if he does he will kill himself out of dispair and never fight against it. That’s why the elites are so good at what they do.

I wish I were that age I would be that little slut.
Me at that age.
I would have made such a good little drag slut.

>wants the state to enforce sexual rules
>upset and surprised when leftists show up and beat him at his own game

I'd fuck that boipucci


The story is being picked up.
PedoGate is about to go public.

>making sure they look sickening!
Is that an insult or a compliment?

LOLED So hard ... yeah let's fuck Muhamad's 9y old wife... Also PEDO ALERT!!

what position and how hard?

i can look into his eyes and know that if his dick hasn't been in that poor boy, he desires it more than the alt-right desires the ethno-state.


Hitler 2.0 when? Unironically now.

degenerate terms are compliments for leftists

God is watching


Why not just throw them directly into a huge furnace?

Sudden moment of clarity.
This whole thing is sickening.

you never know with these leftist types... What is the world coming to.

>le face of evil

>degenerate lesbian supports pedos
Imagine my shock

I bet you'd make for great kindling now

Volcano. The word you're looking for is 'volcano'.

>from the latin word lactare
>translates to giving milk

Fuck it. Throw them into the sun. NASA can be useful for once.


Oh boy this is gonna be good.

Let's Rip that degenerate fuck to piece's Anons.

Suicide when?

Prepare the ropes

You will hang alongside the pedos.


lol that drag queen is going to fucking kill himself when he grows up i almost feel sympathetic but then agian if seen this shit so many times if become jaded to it.

hey aren't you that irish user that made that "sterilize all pedos" thread a year ago?

I guarantee the sick fuck has nudes of the kids on his PC.

wow... I thought its was an isolated case when i screen capped pic related.

I am sure its just a coincidence that trannies viciously support 8 year olds being trannies/cross dressers.

Just a coincidence pic related "female" "goes for the throat" and has pedo images on "its" personal website.

nothing to see here folks, only bigots see anything wrong with this.

>the sick fuck has nudes of the kids on his PC.
by that logic all medical care workers and babysitters are pedos because they look at naked children too.

>idb4 muh magical voodu intent rays

>Just bring on World War III already, I want to watch it all burn.
You aren't thinking clearly user.
Just bring on World War III already, I want to make it all burn. (as a prank NSA)