>You will never raise a family with a fry faced Russian cake
Why live?
You will never raise a family with a fry faced Russian cake
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I dunno.
She's not a virgin and neither is Revy
Nobody cares
>you will never step in penguin shit
Why live?
Sawyer is
I think she's past cake status dude, isn't she like 50?
neither is your mother and yet some pathetic excuse for a man put a baby in that cum dumpster and gave birth to autism incarnated
>Balalaika will never hire you and give you some negligible job like opening doors, fetching coffee ect. Then one day you give her a heads up on something. She then promotes you to a position closer to her. Then one day you become her foot massager, and being allowed to clean her feet with your tongue. Then because of your tongue skills she promotes you to oral sex servant, not telling a soul about the job. Then one day in the heat of the moment she allows you inside her. Soon she makes that your job, but keeps a cold front on you in front her men and others. Soon the sex becomes love and she asks you to give her children. When the pregnancy shows she admits your relationship to the world, and you two live happily ever after as a powerful family.
I want to die.
>she asks you to give her children
In present day she might be 50, which you can still make babbies.
But the show takes place in the early 90's
She was like 19-23 when she fought in the war which was from 1979 - 1989
So in the show she'd be around 34.
>50, which you can still make babbies.
are we talking normally or only in freak cases because I thought they gave it up in the late 30's.
I'm pretty sure there was a Doujin with a premise like this. At least in part.
Lmao good one.
You've never hear of people having children after 30?
Do you live under a rock?
I said late 30's dingus
and no I have never met a 39 year old pregnant woman
The cover is misleading about the art
Menopause doesn't usually start until a woman is in her 50s, IIRC. However, the older a woman is the more likely the child is to suffer from illness or defects, so starting early is the best option.
This was the one I had in mind, thanks.
Celebrities are constantly having kids past 40
Lots of people keep popping out kids halfway threw their 60's.
Medicine is keeping people healthier at old ages.
I really hate that artist.
This, its just once you hit 40, be it man or woman, you start increasing the chances for stuff like ADD, ADHD, Aspergers and Autism
Like Chris-chan
His dad was 55 years old and his mom was 41 years old when Chris was born.
It almost certainly is half the reason Chris was born autistic
However young 18-34 year old """""""""studs"""""""""" breeding with Balalaika in her 50's could make perfectly normal children.
But then again, Sup Forums suffers from ADD, ADHD, Aspergers and Autism, so its kinda a moot point.
Revy a best
*second best.
How much did she fuck her men?
A lot.
Someone made a Балалайка without me?
>father served in Soviet Army
>Paratroopers, Mountain Division
>same unit as Balalaika
Shenhua bros where you at?
Cool. Does he have any stories about it?
Revy's hair looks like Rock's
Yeah, it's interesting to see how she evolved. I like her ripped jeans, too.
Pulled a Band of Brothers. Commander was a shit so he got the fuck out once his service ended. 1 month before invasion of Afghan.
Buddies of his died tho. Some came back addicted to opium. No good stories from that war among us ruskies.
Maybe if they had a commander like Balalaika things would've been different.
How old were each one when they lost their virginity?
Sawyer is still a virgin
Shenhua probably around 15 or 16
Revy was raped as a teenager, so maybe 13-15.
Sawyer was probably raped too bro
Everyone was probably raped in this show.
Sorry, forgot pic.
there's an association between being pregnant when older and autism in kids desu
>TFW you're the youngest child in the family and also a sperg...
>Sawyer is still a virgin
[citation needed]
IIRC he says so himself. Dunno how true it is but, no reason to lie as far as we know.
He never said that. He's said very little about Sawyer in general.
Mixed up my characters. Ignore this.
Who the hell were you thinking of?
>Sawyer is still a virgin
Possibly. She doesn't seem interested in sex or drugs or alcohol like the other characters. She doesn't even smoke.
>Shenhua probably around 15 or 16
She looks like a hooker. Probably was one too.
>Revy was raped as a teenager, so maybe 13-15.
Be careful when you say that, people will jump all over you for bringing that up.
>No good stories from that war among us ruskies.
Sounds sorta like Vietnam for us yanks.
It seems the archive no longer has that pasta about Hotel Moscow abducting you and tying you to a chair in the basement so Balalaika can ride the shit out of you and then execute you once she's finished.
>Shenhua probably around 15 or 16
What is your rationale behind that supposition?
It sounds about right to me.
>ywn gaze into those cold, murderous eyes while you plow her in missionary position.
But Balalaika is a canon terrible mother
>Revy was raped
So you've got NOTHING to back it up?
I don't see the problem. Bombing is more efficient and safer than shooting.
Good; I *hate* males being in the superior position.
The learning curve is much steeper. It's dangerous to make the bombs and rig detonation timers or switches. Loading a gun is safe and easy, even kids can handle it.
Once you get the finer points of bombing down, it's very easy and you can do all sort of fun things like mail bombs or car bombs, bombs rigged to doors or light switches, bombs dropped from above or buried underneath. With guns you still need a line of sight and the further you get from the target the more unlikely a kill is.
I'm not the one who suggested it, I just said it sounds right.
That's why you learn from a pro. Not only is bombing less likely to have wet firecracker results, you can't learn it if you're a dumbass so it's a good character building activity. It teaches minutiae, patience, and most importantly to respect your instructor- whereas any impulsive fuck can shoot straight.
So did you see that one movie about bank robbing cops where Kate Winslett is basically Balalaika?
any pic of that movie?
On what basis?
I can't wait for this shit to come back.
Hey wait a second why is Comrade Balaiaka assuming a title reserved for the mortal of enemy of communism aka National Socialism?
If only abducting her and her entire squad was an option.
Fuck you. Now I wanna play Phantom Pain again.
Japan was a part of the Deustchland Uber Allies I would hope they could at least get this much right. No wonder they lost the war.
You know, at this point, the author can throw established canon and make something new with the characters.
The most intimidating woman in Roanapur is in fact a cute loli.
The author gave up on the series a long time ago friendo. Enjoy your Re:Creators.
True. But I'll take what I can get. Even if the ending is the entire cast getting mowed down by machinegun fire.
I wouldn't even want her to be, it doesn't fit her character at all.
She's still sizzling hot.
Revy is hottest.
Balalaika is way too fucking cute
Because Russian moms tend to lose their sons and become sad. Next thing you know, she's projecting onto your son.
>Russian cake
She's clearly over age. Meaning she is not a cake.
>over age
Do you even know meaning of C-Cake? She's likely not a cake, but definitely not because of being too old.
12 hours later and this is still the most savage response in the thread.
That is not how it works.
>digital boat
I absolutely love this stuff.
I really miss boss Cheung. I can't remember the last time I saw him
Next chapter when?
>be this brainwashed into liking expired goods
>not wanting lolis
burgerland is cucked and they don't even know it.
sorry gaijin, no brack ragoon for you, you rike isekai instead??
I wish there was more of Queen Revy.