What is Sup Forums's opinion on this?
What is Sup Forums's opinion on this?
I respect your opinion but your opinion is wrong.
Confusing as fuck if you're not familiar with the lore from the Visual Novel. I started with this.
Better than Fate and UBW
You missed out not watching this with Sup Forums. This was probably the best non-SoL show to watch with Sup Forums as it aired since Madoka. Also is correct, it is better to read the VN and then watch the anime.
Either the only worthwhile instalment or the black sheep of the franchise. If you liked it it's almost sure you will find everything else unsatisfying. If you like the other installments chances are you won't like Fate/Zero.
Only good part of fate desu
Only good adaptation of Fate and probably the only one that ever will be.
But most fans of the franchise like Zero, they just hate Zerofags.
Funny, I don't see them anywhere. Zero either gets high praise or gets shitted on.
I really liked both. I read the VN's and watched Zero and I didn't really find either of them unsatisfying.
They're different stories with different themes and characters that share the same universe, people can't seem to reconcile with that.
"Literally destroyed everything FSN as built on. Hiring a hack writer is a mistake."
I don't want to watch the anime, how do I get into the VN?
Don't. It's a waste of more than 60 hours. It just repeats itself, over and over. More repetition than a normal human brain should be capable of accepting.
Bretty good.
As a story, FSN is better.
As an anime, I'd put F/Z and ufotable's UBW on the same level.
You get into the VN by downloading and then proceeding to read the VN
The best iteration of Fate. The material was just handled way better in this.
I should mention this is for the first fate game as I haven't watched or played any of them.
I'm inherently distrustful of advice dispensed via youtube, maybe that's just me
It is perfectly fine to watch zero then ubw and skip the manga or light novels
am i getting fucking memed on right now
F/SN is fucking boring but F/Z is a fun ride.
Reminder that Kayneth did absolutely nothing wrong.
See how Urobuchi wrecked my waifu Saber with his shitty writing.
t. Takeuchi
The VN is a masterpiece.
Dumb contrarians should just leave.
>No Gilgamesh backstory
>No Lancelot backstory
>No Gil chat with Angry MainGuy
>No conclusion to Sakura arc
Come on man.
Saber was wrecked long before that. And kept getting wrecked afterwards.
Chaos, my lovely Neco - when are we going to get another Melty Blood?
One of the sharpest drops in cour to cour OP quality I have ever seen.
Best dark comedy anime
Even a worse adaptation than Ufo UBW.
People need to read the fucking LN already.
Fate/zero is a PREQUEL, you always watch/read/play a series in release order. You will not be able to fully enjoy zero if it's the first fate work you watch, you also won't know what the fuck is going on ESPECIALLY the ending. Read the VN, watch/read zero, it's that simple.
Download the fucking VN and then play? What else were you supposed to do?
Diarmuid deserves better
Only good fate entry.
Thee are so many versions of F/SN I don't know which to download and play
There's pretty much the original VN and Realta Nua. You want Realta Nua since it added new fancy CGs and stuff. You can patch the sex scenes back in if you want.
Tohsakas anus.
Bretty good. Makes "primaries" butthurt it can appeal to people who aren't mouthbreathers.
Nasu's such a hack, he needed someone less of a hack to do his own story justice.
Tohsaka's nasu
It's a fun watch.
The only good fate.
But Nasu was the one that said Zero was better than FSN and asked the aniplex guy to adapt it instead.
>We were talking about adapting the book as far back as when we were recording Realta Nua.
>Why would Zero be written by Urobuchi Gen? That is a long story. The relationship between Urobuchi Gen and Fate can go back to 2002.
>I was writing the Fate Saber route at the time, and was sent into the hospital near my house due to illnesses. TYPE-MOON was still doujin at the time, and Fate was yet a fledgling draft with four main routes including an Ilya route. Takeuchi, who thought ‘if there’s only Nasu doing the work we’ll never finish it’, asked me: “Is there a writer you think as trustworthy who can write some stories to be inserted into plot?”
>I was thinking of asking you to write an additional story for Fate/hollow ataraxia. The text you turned in that became Fate/Zero was amazing. Many anime fans want there to be a lot of cute bishoujo characters in the work, and while they work hard to meet those needs, Iwakami, an important producer at Aniplex, wasn't satisfied just by doing that. I suggested that he tackle Fate/Zero, a dark and serious story full of raw emotion. He had the resolve, and that's how they ended up adapting Fate/Zero.
Actually Nasu.
Nasu asked Butcher to bully Saber a lot, actually.
All the memes aside I liked Iskandar. Him and Waver felt like the only likable people in the cast.
You can't bully Saber.
First season was quite decent
Second season was a huge quality drop
Third will redeem!
sure you can
Best of the Fate series.
After Tsukihime remake.
So fucking literally never.
I thought it was okay
Pretty sure it has a ton of plot holes somewhere but I was busy contemplating young Kotomine so I didn't notice them
Pin unrelated
are the threads archived somewhere?
I love Zero. I love UBW. I even love the original FSN anime
Zero itself doesn't get shat on, but a lot of people hate Zerofags and them putting Zero characters on pedestal for being "so complex and mature xd" when the point of the LN/Anime was to show that they're all fucking retards.
There's instructions included with the patch. If you get crashes/blue screen at the start of Day 3, update your LAV Filter/install KCP
Over rated tripe.