Worst KyoAni

Can we all agree that The Professor is the worst KyoAni girl?

I think it is the one thing that can unite KyoAni fans and KyoAni haters.

I know that she's the worst Nichijou.


This is the worst KyoAni girl

Umm its maichan actually but hakase is a close second. Btw nichijou is the best kyoani show, which also implies it's the best anime of all time

You fuckers need a Snickers

Professor Hakase might been the worst girl of all of anime.

Nichijou used to be the worst KyoAni show

they've been really busy making shit

What? Why do people hate Hakase? She's so cute.

This. She's a little girl and acts like one. I don't get the hate.

I found almost all scenes with Hakase cringey and difficult to watch.

she bullies the best girl

You cant solve all your problems with snacks hakase

Worst Kyoani girl is the fluffy bitch from the euphonium show.


Hakase was easily top 3 best girl of Nichijou.

No you faggot, Hakase was the best.

Hakase and maichan were my favorite

Pretty sure any girl from Kay;On and Maidragon is way more bland and shitty than Hakase

Don't you talk about k-on like that

she acts like a real child, meaning that sometimes she's adorable, and sometimes you just want to throw her into the ocean and run.

I think creating best girl excludes her from worst anything.
worst Nichijou was the afrofag.

What, can't take the heat?

But Hakase didn't create Yuuko

Are you completely sure about that?


>liking that shitty brat
You must be female.


Professor was pretty annoying but she had her good moments. Misato was worst nichijou as far as I'm concerned.

Kill yourself dog fucker.

Deko is best dess

All the Nichijou girls were top tier

Yuuko > Nano > Ehh-chan > Mio > Mai >>> Hakase

This is a fact.

>all these people hating on Hakase
Go back to r eddit you fucking soulless cunts

Reddit probably likes Hakase. I don't like her because she bullies Nano.


Hakase da nyan!

>she bullies Nano
But she loves Nano more than anything. She even had a song about that.
Which makes sense, since she basically built and programmed Nano to be her mom.

How can someone who watched this show not realize this. Did you really watch the show at all?

Professor Professor


I'm not. I don't even understand that.


Not every kid acts so selfishly. You can imagine her throwing a tantrum everywhere you go.

top 3 nichijous

the three m's of ultimate greatness

Yeah but without her best girl wouldn't exist.

such is the dilemma

Hmm, only good argument in favor of Professor Hakase honestly.

The real top 3
Sakurai sensei

>you'll never adopt Hakase as your daughteru and then exploit her to build robot waifus for you.

Man D.W, Hakase...
People on Sup Forums really hate children. D.Ws case is more understandable though I guess, but still she's 4.
Hakase on the other hand really isn't even bad at all, I only remember her throwing a tantrum that one time. And to be completely fair Nano is a spineless pushover. It's funny again too because in so many other cases you see people ready to blame faulty parenting for every flaw a child could have, but no one wants to blame Nano here when it's clearly her attitude that allows Hakase to act like that. Yuuko was a better mother than Nano those few times they hung out.

>And to be completely fair Nano is a spineless pushover.

The professor has the power of life and death over Nano. If I were Nano, I would be in constant fear that the professor was going to kill me on a whim.

>People on Sup Forums really hate children.
That's because they hate themselves.

And then there's this homosexual.

Patrician taste, user.

She's an emotionless cunt and you know it

xiao mei mei


I casually bought Volume 5 yesterday at 2nd and Charles (haven't read any of the others but I've watched the anime). It's the same sketches and I'm about even as to which is better. KyoAni did a great job breathing life and color to some of them, but in others I feel the jokes work better in 4koma format, especially the "eeeeehhhh" girl.

everytime that a child acts like a child someone complains about it

is it as tasty as it looks?

I like how she actually acts like her age.