Calling it now, Kabru is going to become the next sorcerer/soul enslaved to the dungeon.
He's manipulative as fuck.
Calling it now, Kabru is going to become the next sorcerer/soul enslaved to the dungeon.
He's manipulative as fuck.
The fuck is this slut saying about Laius?
He's too dumb not to be honest.
He said they wouldn't be good owners of the dungeon, since they are easily taken advantage of.
He thinks they were apart of the black market scheme.
I thought it was this, but then the part about them being dishonest makes no sense
He is going to go along, until they are a bit too close to the dark elf or maybe the king who is being kept alive by said dark elf, and then PVP starts
The sorcerer is looking for the king though. Maybe he died or something and the dark elf is just trying to revive him?
More likely he'll be turned into some great and delicious monster by the dark sorceror and that'll be the warm up fight before the dark sorceror proper is taken out in a DUEL OF MAGIC by farnese/laius/marcille while senshi sneaks up and bonks him on the head with his cookware.
then they'll add a dark elf stew to the final meal of the series!
The King is literally up top and likely buried somewhere on the surface, so there might be a "break out" moment when the dungeon pops out of the ground and the dark sorceror claims the entire island as his own.
Well, he thinks Laius stole their treasure, so he thinks he's a thief, that this is his true nature when others aren't there to watch and give him credit for his good deeds.
This guy seems pretty outright suspicious, almost paranoid, not to mention his manipulative behavior, as a default, so...
>This guy seems pretty outright suspicious
They all seem a little bit off.
I hope they change gear for PvP.
Chapter out?
Yeah, there was a 500+ thread already
The King was in Chapter 1 though.
He crawled to the surface and then died.
>mfw he jobbed to Laius
Can't wait.
>laius uses his connection with Alphonse to tame a suit of living armor
>it proceeds to wear laius into battle
Someone tell me how they will find Lauis's party when the Dark Elf already started changing the layout of the dungeon?
Man I'll laugh really fucking hard if the final meal is cannibalism. That would be the perfect ending to the series.
Since when did samurai have a crush on Faelyn?
I don't like nippon in my western flavored series.
I know it's a silly thing to complain about when the creator is Japanese but it just never seems to mesh well with the other elements in the series for me.
like those stupid chinkjap ninjas in FMA.
didn't the femdwarf outright say it a few chapters ago?
It's mentioned during their first reunion with Namari, I think.
Maybe his soul stayed and the mage is looking for it?
that's not manipulation
>western fantasy races mixing with eastern fantasy races
Nope... don't see anything wrong with that.
Half of his group are borderline sociopaths. Kabru's a malicious killer, his nip gf is possessive and the halfing's a jew. They are mistakenly justified that they were robbed but they don't give a damn about anyone but themselves. It's a good chapter that expanded the world's political background and characters, we finally get to see based Sureau looking for his waifu but I can't help but feel this brewing conflict would cause unnecessary drama that would fuck up Lauis' rescue party at a critical moment. We might even lose the chance to save Farlyn or even defeating the mad sorcerer over a stupid misunderstanding in the future and that's what galls me.
I wonder if the right eye being like that is because using her magic takes away some focus from using some kind of spell to stop aging. Then again she is an elf and can live long.
>I don't like nippon in my western flavored series
Blame Wizardry and D&D then, not the mangaka
No. But pic related is.
I can see where you're coming from but I think that's just her being annoyed that her ancient magic attacks didn't work on Marcille because she wasn't expecting a fellow practitioner.
Don't think Samurai will get tricked.
His number 2, Tea Girl, was pissed at Kabru.
There is no reason to team up since Samurai's Party should only have bought enough supplies for their own party and nobody else.
Meanwhile. Kabru's party is all out of food and supplies.
that's not being manipulative as fuck and is also his real motive anyway.
He will use the Samurai but who knows how the samurai will react to them using dark magic to revive Farlyn.
Another thing is the mage changed the "dragons" form, so they could mistake another dragon for Farlyn and Laius' group notices the scar on the chin/neck or something
>since they are easily taken advantage of.
No it's because he thinks they are shady people. The chapter shows them talking shit about everyone in the party. Namari had a shady dad, chilchak was a hustler, senshi had a bad smell, and he thinks the siblings are providing funds for the black market dealers.
>Hey I'm a random guy you saved. I know you're looking for this girl who's somewhere in this dungeon. Let's go find her together! No ulterior motives, we're totally doing this out of goodwill. I promise!
>angry dog face
I'm fukkin done lads...
Dogs do not like Cats.
that's not being manipulative as fuck. He's basically half truthing.
And telling half truths is a way to manipulate people.
He's literally using Sureau to track his former party in order to get back at him. He's taking advantage of his desperation, I think you're confusing manipulation with lying.
Laius and crew are currently on the way out of the dungeon to restock. They might encounter each other soon, or catch up after replenishing supplies.
I started this and caught up with the most recent chapter today. I'm kind of conflicted. On the one hand, all these plot developments have been fantastic and I'm super interested to see where this goes in the long haul. On the other, where/why did everything go so far south so fast? Is it cause I read too fast?
They will probably use Orc Shortcut
I figured that, but that idea doesn't fit with the story he told. Laius gave money to sick people who were only pretending to be sick, and that somehow makes Laius a bad person?
On another note, Kabru backwards is 'ur bak'. Coincidence?! I think not.
Why the mangaka likes to make his evil character black.
And why asian women of that world love them ?
>Japanese squad has the catgirl now
you're giving this guy too much credit for half truthing.
Remember the dark elf is changing the layout of the dungeon, who knows if they will meet "soon". I doubt they will ever get to the surface before the main story ends.
How is that pottery?
>Laius gave money to sick people who were only pretending to be sick, and that somehow makes Laius a bad person?
He's saying he thinks the fact that they aren't sick is KNOWN by Laius, and that he continues giving them funding anyway as an investment in whatever illegal shenanigans they're performing.
and you're calling a lily a rose.
He thinks that the whole "Giving money to party members too injured to return to work" is just a cover for black market dealings because the supposed injured party members have long since recovered and have connections to the black market.
In reality they were most likely just being taken advantage of but Kabru is a suspicious and manipulative fuckwad.
I was annoyed at first too, but maybe something good will come out of it. Laius&Co were heading back out of the dungeon because they need to recuperate. which would mean they'd lose time. After serving Kabru his ass at the inevitable meetup, they may regroup with some of the members from the other parties and head straight back down without heading back to the surface. Catgirl was a party member in the original one shot, for instance.
Twintail Oni a cute!
Also. Sex-Hair Elf and her male companion's names have been revealed. Fioli & Donny
He's assuming lyus is actually giving them money instead of lyus being ignorant
Were sex-hair elf and Donny the ones that appeared in the plant chapter?
These people are the biggest jobbers in the world. What the hell are they even expecting.
The people he's giving money to are known black market dealers so he thinks Laius is in cahoots with the and the donations are just a cover story for payments of some kind of illegal transaction.
This chapter was creepy as fuck
He is spec'd for PVP and has CHA, and he just convinced the PVE group to lead the way
>Sureau didn't leave because he was fed up with this bullshit, he left to get a way better party with his Asian connections
I admire the dedication.
I wonder what the explanation is for him not getting Laius and the others back first, though. I'd guess it's just because he justifiably thought they were too shit to save her.
Their group is eastern based; it has party members based off of oni, tengu, and samurai, the catgirl originally showed up in the one-shot but they're also associated with Japanese spirits so it makes sense
They killed other dragons with that party before too. Probably wanted to get Laius out of the picture to marry Farlyn. Farlyn is an airhead too so she probably didn't know his affection for her.
She's got the right idea. She may be viable disciple in the art of dungeon meshi.
In other news, what riles me up about Kabru's party is how they all preach on how everyone's evil and corrupt, while they themselves are various shades of shitty people. They keep assuming the worst of others, based on hearsay, prejudice and personal convenience, to justify their own shit.
Or he planned to meet up with them in the dungeon on the way, or thought they had already died on the way down.
He probably didn't think the party would be able to manage another dungeon dive in their current condition, which would have been true if they didn't meet Senshi. Its pointless to go down if they'll just die halfway there.
He probably looked for them when he came back with his party and couldn't find them since they were in the dungeon. Its possible that he might have gotten information from Namari about them as well
I think that's kind of the point. Especially the halfling.
Dude's the son of a feudal lord with five ninja, neko and oni retainers that came with him on his training trip/vacation. Of course he's gonna think his personal group is better.
If either of those was the case, he could certainly have told them of his plans before he left the party.
Clearly he didn't want to bring them with.
>Everyone's evil except me
I can't wait until they get their asses whipped by the sorcerer.
I hope he's not as weak willed as he was in this chapter. Actually, I was hoping he would join them as a chuuni dps guy obsessed with hunting but after this chapter he's just a desperate and infuriated man born into high status. I want him to join Laius' party sooner or later but an alliance with Kabru was completely unexpected. It would be shitty if he does get suckered to Kabru's scheme even if he had good intentions.
brown edgelord was a mistake, i hope that piece of shit dies again and no one will revive him
>Is it cause I read too fast?
That's part of it. The author took a break after the end of the first part and before everything going to shit a few chapters ago.
>have dog attack trauma
>see last page
They're literally "we dindu nothin" the party. It looks like they're on track to finally meet Laius's party thanks to the Japanese party. There's no way they would have been able to traverse any deeper into the dungeon without help. Hell, they were about to get rekt by the sea serpent.
His party serious thinks this plotting psychopath asshole is the best candidate to be dungeon king.
>Senshi is about to learn nippon foods
my dick is ready lads
What makes it creepy is how unettling it is to watch a group of people have a chat about characters we've been following and growing to love while twisting their actions to sound darker than they actually are in order to convince themselves of their own actions.
Notice how at the beginning of the conversation most of them are unsure that Laius's group could be the culprits because of how nice and charitable they are, but by the end of the conversation Laius's party are a group suspicious fucks and terrible money grubbers? To the point where one of his former party members saves the group the first thing they do is take advantage of his desperation?
Watching a group talk themselves into warping the truth to satisfy their own desires is what makes it creepy.
I see it and remind myself of the video of people fucking around with growling and snarling dogs' snouts. Then I remember the time one of the related videos was an abused dog being pet for the first time, instead of being bitten. Poor doge. RIP my naivety. RIP my faith in humanity
What part of "It's a party full of terrible people and idiots" did you not understand?
Holy crap, I guess I'm not the only one who thought that. While I like Karbu's party being developed, this whole mistaken fiasco is going to solidify them into a irredeemable path. Last chapter showed that they have the potential to be merciless despite being justified in self defense but it's dragging the plot to darker depths and that's definitely something I didn't sign up for.
I'm just fucking fed up with this party and they're not going to leave any time soon.
>chapter is about misunderstandings in order setup up a future point where they stall the rescue and extend the manga needlessly for money
It was a good run but I've seen too many of these to allow myself to be fooled again, dropped.
B-but cutest girls and fucbois!
All the other attributes make up for it. But whatever man, your loss.
>despite being justified in self defense
They stopped being justified in self-defense after they murdered someone that had just surrendered and was firmly in their custody and no longer posed a threat.
Two words:
Kind of interesting, the halfling doesn't like Chilchack because she thinks he's a money grubber being paid by the guild to shill for it to newbies for their contracts. In reality, the real reason you go through a guild for such a thing is that they usually offer enforcement and protection for contracts. Chilchacks whole development is that he doesn't trust people easily, so it makes sense that he advises people to use the guild.
>talking shit about best party like he's some detective
Trumped up ignorant weakling piece of shit. Fuck.
>needlessly extending
>implying that Meshi staying as a comfy dungeon cooking mange wouldn't be needlessly extending it
The end goal is obvious. The mangaka is making it more interesting by adding a human element. Not to mention it's adding to the world building too.
>no longer posed a threat.
What's stopping that guy to go around spreading slander about their group and finding a resurrection service in order to get their vengeance at a later date?
I think it goes without saying that Kabru is going to end up being one of the major antagonists. Not the main one since that'll probably be the dark elf, but a big one nonetheless. Well unless we're getting set up for some kind of ruse.
>Yeah, there was a 500+ thread already
Anyone have a link to that one? I knew the chapter was out today but didn't have time to read it until now, I missed original thread entirely.
I think what most people found over excessive was destroying the body completely and condemning his soul to eternity trapped in the dungeon as a wandering spirit.
You're forgetting that Sureau is on a mission to rescue his waifu. The objections of his party will be overriden due to his standing.
Never mind, forgot Sup Forums has its own archive function now. Hurf. Old thread was
>Samurai kills a dragon on the way down.
>Turns out it was his waifu and he never noticed.
Nothing. But that has nothing to do with self-defense. You can't justify killing under the idea of self-defense by what someone might do in the future. My bad for not saying "immediate threat" though.
So does anyone still like Kabru and his party?
Probably, some people on Sup Forums seem to have a fetish for good looking curry nigger boys. See OPM and Shokugeki no Souma.