Is this show just a "XD so randum" autist bait?

Is this show just a "XD so randum" autist bait?

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Yes, please don't watch it. Stay away from the manga too.

No one gives a shit about your shitty overrated series, you can to being so defensive now.

Not really

I wouldn't say it's overrated, until the anime it was quite unknown. It has a cult following, tho.

It has neat action scenes. Perhaps too much porn bait.

Clothes realy do wonders to female bodies

It's garbage. The manga is better but not by much.

>porn bait
It's not porn bait. It's literal porn

Those stomach folds are a miracle of the universe

This show feels like it's one of those shows that anime clubs would rave over.

My last gf had exactly this body type with the same sized boobs and all
It's a lot better in 2d than it is in 3d

i loved the manga, i hope they didn't ruin the anime. i haven't checked it yet

So comedy is just "XD so randum" now is it?

Drop it if you hate it so much.

This guy gets it

>slapstick humor that belongs in the 2000s

so having comedic moments is now autist bait?. Welp, I guess you fell for it then

When did you become unable to enjoy things OP?

Quiet, later this will get better

>just a "XD so randum" autist bait?
For a second I thought you were talking about your post.

why does Sup Forums hate all the anime I like? I don't wanna have to go to r/anime to talk about stuff I'm watching but it looks like I might have to

Go ahead, if you have that much shit taste that you want to put your face deep into the anus of the internet