My friend hates anime, he says moeshit sucks dick.
How do I convince him that moe is justice?
My friend hates anime, he says moeshit sucks dick
Other urls found in this thread:
Fuck off.
Kill yourself.
Kill yourself, blogging normalfag cancer.
moe sucks, make him watch real anime like SnK and Dragon ball super
This is the fucking gayest post I've seen all week. Thanks for ruining my day OP
Wow, what a surprise.
Hey, you're pretty good!
Kill yourself.
Fuck him in the ass then suck his dick.
Kill yourself and blame your friend in your suicide note, that's sure will change her opinion
Don't be a cancerous crossboarding faggot if you don't want people to call you out for it, retard.
you should neck yourself first, then comeback and we will tell you how
>implying I'm OP
You're the retard, but thanks for the reply.
>neck yourself
Back to r/funnimaymays
13 year old detected.
Strangle a rope with your neck, you fucking waste of space
what does reddit have to do with me telling you to fuck off, kill yourself, is that more suited to you? then kill yourself
Dear diary, today I protected my dear safe space from an invader with my good virtual friends. Maki is best girl.
> my good virtual friends
I fucking hate all of you, though.
Yeah, "kill yourself" works better. You'll go far kiddo.
I'm not the OP by the way.
They are all spics, I bet. I need the flags back now.
don't falseflag you fucking leaf
Why would spics be against cancerous shitposters like OP, though?
The price of non-normalfaggotry is eternal vigilance.
Brazilian found.
dear god, you are shit, kill yourself
Because you're the spic.
>everyone I don't like is a spic
Is Sup Forums going to turn into /m/ now?
why bother when you have dubs such as mine?
Left that in just to trigger you. Fucking idiot newfag.
>i was pretending to be retarded
fuck off and kill yourself
yeah whatever sperglord
Hi guys! :)
so, you admit you're shit?
maybe if you sperg out some more
>he says moeshit sucks dick
Well he's not wrong
safe space is the biggest Sup Forumseddit meme though, you should go back
i'm not sperging, i'm just telling you to fuck off and kill yourself
Dress yourself as a girl and write some codes with him.
>I-I'm not sperging
Stupid nerd LMAO
Check my 9.
Now check mine.
>n-n-no you, BAKA
you're lame, faggot, kill yourself
cry more
>le epic troll xD
just kill yourself, i'm not asking much
That's a six BAKA BAKA
Rate my girlfriend.
Suck his dick
No energy. Check my 8.
This butthurt though
Thin skinned people