Little Witch Academia

Buy the BDs or i will kill Akko

Other urls found in this thread:


I demand pictures of Akko being cute

I love Aku! He's so cute!

I want to marry this cute little bully!

Капиталисты сами продадут нам веревку, на которой мы их повесим

when was the last time tattun was here?


did he have any spoilers?

No because he was in America so he couldn't see any further episodes. He only really defended Diana's honor, really.

Удалая гвардия, да боевая гвардия,
Отчизны советской железный оплот.
Могучая и скорая, та самая, которая
Без устали рубит, без промаха бьет,
Без промаха бьет

Akko must fall.

This is a cow. Say something nice to her!

Diana is a nice person & helps you if you not a jerk like Akko, Tattun said.

Stop liking shoehorned romance and shoehorned characters.

Angry redhead Ursula is a miracle to the universe.
Prove me wrong.

Stop posting this in every thread

>final episode
>Connie speaks for the first time and says "this really is a Little Witch Academia"
>the show ends, but there is a few minutes in the episode left
>live action of the Trigger staff apologizing for shoehorning romance and shoehorning andrew and fagrank, and specifically apologizes to the shoehorn poster in the LWA threads on Sup Forums saying he was right all along
>Tattun is brought to the front with hands tied behind back, and is beheaded with a katana made with Japanese steal folded over 1000 times
>the hack writer commits seppuku as an apology

*gunshot noises*


Amanda a best girl.

I wanna fuck Croix more than I want to fuck Ursula.

This is why generals are banned and why you should be banned too

croix looks like a dude

It's cause Ursula peaked too early. Croix is like one of those nerdy girls that become pretty out of spite.

Shilling is banned yet Tattun is allowed to post here, he was even given a blue name so he can't be reported.


nice digits there

>killing yourself
Go ahead, I'm not giving any money to the chinese cartoon mafia

I want to TITFUCK Diana

what if I just want the cards

Who's even tattun? Isn't he just some pr faggot? He's not even involved in the creative process or production, it would be like giving a blue trip to the owner of j-list.
Fuck I hate the new admin.


They most likely will release a card deck with the exact same cards later on

Why this bitch is always got innocent face while she acts like a bitch all the time

I want to buy merch but everything is in moonrunes...

>Isn't he just some pr faggot?
Exactly why he should be banned, pr job is to shill and defend whatever company they are working for.

She's not for titfuck.
Diana is for using you as living furniture, putting her hot tea cups over your naked back while she diligently reads a book. And if you ever flinch or make a sound she uses a petrification spell on you indefinitedly, so you can learn to be a proper table.

He single-handedly got this shit show popular on Sup Forums. Literally no one had heard of Little Witch Academia until he came around talking about the movies. The threads for shows like this usually only last a few episodes, but it's on episode 15 and the threads are still going strong.

this image being painted of him makes him look like some hero


Her cold exterior is hiding a pure heart of yay-exuding gold.

>Still Holy Week
>Still having Un-Holy thoughts about Akko

What do?

I wouldn't call him a hero. People are now wasting time on some boring show and most of them don't even realize it.

Croix reminds me of something...

Gainax has been the most revered and well known japanimation studio in Sup Forums since the beginning, we knew about trigger and LWA before tattun even came posting here.

go to your nearest stakes and burn yourself

How long until Ursula dies?

LWA threads were always popular on Sup Forums you giant flaming faggot

She has forced the bitch act on herself, the day magic is saved she won't have be frowning all the time.

This is simply not true.

Already pre-ordered mine.
Can't wait to get my hands on those sweet Shiny Chariot cards.

>simply not true

are you really sure about that?

forgot the pic.

Shit I want those cards. Too bad i'm living off of neetbux and can't afford it.

>D-Don't do this in front of Akko

tattun pls

Get a job, user.

I've got two roommates and we all work like 30-40 hours a week.

She wouldn't be so bitchy if Akko would tickle her from time to time

I want Ursula to choke me

>idiot Akko everywhere on the boxart
Good thing I'm not buying any of this crap

Hello Tattun

>It's cause Ursula peaked too early

>Judging a costume


>Literally no one had heard of Little Witch Academia until he came around talking about the movies

How to spot the newfag. We've known the movie ever since Anime Mirai and the rest is history, faggot. Stop being salty because a PR is coming here.

How is it possible to be this wrong? Do you also think KLK's popularity was all due to shilling? Did you forget how Sup Forums pushed for LWA when it was in its funding phase?

Go to bed Akko

Im curious, why Croix show her Evil side so quick ? at this point, she can be fired from Luna Nova for Kidnapping a student.


>ywn be a cute boy that gets accepted into Luna Nova because they thought you were a girl
>ywn eventually be found out by Hannah and Barbara
>they will never bully you about it, but promise not to tell on one condition
>you have to do what ever they want you to do
>ywn get sexually harassed by the two cute bullies
>ywn be forced into taking showers with them
>Barbara will never bully your cute feminine dick with her perfect butt
>ywn get jerked off under the table during a lecture by H/B, and threatened to keep quiet or they'll zap you with magic
>ywn have to try to hide your mind blowing orgasm while they giggle at how cute you are when you cum

What if this was the new uniform at Luna Nova?

it would be a lot easier to find the traps that snuck into LN

I'd think they all work as support staff or in customer service

Would Akko still try to have a skirt shorter than the other students?

Don't lose your yay

>fired from Luna Nova
Those morons hired a fucking fish. Not to mention they have a basement dwelling tree sensei, who, honestly, I don't even think they realize is on payroll.
Kidnap a student and they'll give you tenure.

Why does Ursula look so hot when she's angry? Why does Diana look so attractive when she's smiling?

This is my Sucy. There are many like it, but this one is mine.
My Sucy is my best friend. It is my life. I must master her as I must master my life.
Without me, my Sucy is useless. Without my Sucy I am useless.

I'm still impressed about Ursula/Chariot making these those expressions, I mean yeah, there's episode 7 but this is way beyond.

That's a pretty subpar Sucy.

I found this in Diana's room


>diana is a furry too

>I will never be a little witch

Guys I can't find Lotte anywhere, but there's this cute girl named Alice that's just shown up!

Say something nice to her!

>liking life fibers

Of course

pretty much

Because those are expressions/feelings they usually don't experiment.


>ywn even be Chumlee

Why live?

>rewatch episode 8 after watching episode 16 and you will notice something new about Sucy

what did he mean by this! also why sucy remembers winning the race?

he means keep watching until episode 16 so he gets his raise.

She made a deal with Lukic to change the actual winning prize with snakes to fuck with Hannah and Barbara.

>mfw I am a fat guy who lives in vegas

I already rewatched the episode and can't imagine what that could be Sucy being evil because the dragon has the same colors as the cubes is dumb, maybe episode 16 is about the Mushroom of lost love?

>yfw he's in on it with Croix
>cumlee will rape and mindbreak the witches

The whole yurishit has either been delusional or shitposting up until now but I just wanted to drop in and say that Croix straight up looks just like a 3D lesbian


>Not liking life fibers

Alternate realities
Akko is actually Chariot from the future