>Game came out in 2013
>KanColle doujins are fucking everywhere on Sadpanda and every Comiket brings out another 500 or so to the pile
What is it about this setting that lends itself to so much goddamn porn?
>Game came out in 2013
>KanColle doujins are fucking everywhere on Sadpanda and every Comiket brings out another 500 or so to the pile
What is it about this setting that lends itself to so much goddamn porn?
School girls and horny admirals.
The perfect doujinshi recipe.
Men have a primal desire to have sex with their boats.
Is touthou still reclining?
The SDM cast is by far the most popular cast in the franchise. You get a few characters from other that might kind of reach SDM's general popularity like Alice, but it basically kept on going downhill popularity-wise after SDM.
it's declining though, last actually popular boatslut was kashima every girl after her flopped
It's quite simple, really. The more cute girls i.e., waifu candidates your franchise has, the more likely it is to succeed.
Pic related, in two contexts.
I'm tired of Kancolle and Tohou porn
>that feel when 2hu will die in your lifetime
feels good man
Same thing that's why there's infinitely more Touhou shit, Fate has exploded thanks to Grand Order and even Granblue's doing alright.
Three franchises I wish would stop getting doujins so it'll stop cluttering up nhentai.
Maybe you're just gay.
Surprising to no one except faggots and bitter old men, when you pander and make products for your fans, they respond by putting efforts in fan works.
Konosuba included.
>KanColle declining
It has cute girls representing glorious Nippon ships folded over 1000 times, I don't know how it could be declining.
>almost 800 physical doujin collection
>most of it is idolmaster and kancolle lolis
I'm sorry user but I just can't stop buying them.
The gameplay is fucking horrible. I probably have over 1000 hours in the game. It is a browser game but they've had 4 years to improve it.
How many people who watched the anime/bought figures/draw doujins actually play KanColle consistently though? I can't imagine that everyone involved plays Waifu Spreadsheet Simulator every day.
Same principle as horses, really.
I enjoyed the shit out of KonoSuba because it was genuinely hilarious. It knew how not to oversell jokes, which a lot of comedy anime fails at.
Any sexual attraction is just a plus.
No one cares, Kagawife C91 TL when?
>doesn't even learn his waifu's language
How can you say you love her?
But Im@s has been a steady source of good anal doujins. It would be annoying if that dried up.
Kaga is rabu, Kaga is raibu
I love that doujin, it's stupidly cute. Mogami a cute. Sameda Koban's new Mogami doujin is amazing too.
when something has 4 thousand characters it isn't that hard
Idolm@ster has good loli doujins. Believable realistic little lolis.
2hu has a lot of supernatural lolis, which isn't really my thing. But every now and then something comes out which I can get into. The color front covers are often appealing too.
Got my eye on Granblue. Doujin scene starting to look promising.
Kancolle... What's the fucking point? Who finds that shit appealing?
the clesta gbf doujins have been nice
You will be really old by then
You mean who finds that ship appealing.
Granblue >>> Shitcolle
Better girls with actually good designs.
The massive cast that basically fulfills every fetish.
I'm not sure but that doujin made my dick diamonds. There isn't enough involving pregnant sex (that are actually good).
I'm with you, I don't give a fuck about boatsluts, but a good preggo doujin is really appreciated.
Blue and white perfection, just like Kaga-san
Isn't Kancolle reclining now too?
I don't really like 2hu character designs so I for one welcome our new boat overlords.
Fuck off kemonobrony.
I dont like boats polluting my swimsuits
Because it's easy to write stories about maids and vampires.
Not so easy to write stories about obscure taoist and buddhist deities.
What if my admiral is a girl?
I don't understand why Kemono Friends are the bronies when /ai/ and Precure fans have been prioritizing little girl shows for way longer.
Because it's popular.
im more into /ss/
>Who finds that shit appealing?
A lof of doujin makers obviously. That's why touhou and idolmaster got beaten.
ironically precure fans at least from what i seen on Sup Forums seem to be pretty mature people.
Touhou has Reitaisai, Kemono Friends has Japariket, why is it that I've never heard of Kancolle having its own convention?
Because they already have comiket pretty much all for themselves.
It's the new Touhou.
Because you don't really care enough, I guess. Look for HouraiKeksen-Yoi and Destroyer con.
>Touhou has Reitaisai
why is touhou still a big thing over a decade later?
They don't get bored of drawing the same shitty character over and over again
you know , that word has pretty much taken the old meaning of the word "nerd"
Interesting character designs, music compositions, setting, and the fact that it's essentially a free license that people are free to make games, animations, etc. of allows it to continue to gather attention long after the Touhou Boom. Also dank memes like Cookie and all the cute designs and characters that come with it (BNKRG best Cookie).
Hey at least nerds are honest. Touhoutards still pretend that their shit was popuplar because of it's "amazing" plot and games and not because of it's big selection of sluts.
Just check this delusional autists right here.
the modern definition of nerd is anyone with even a mild interest in video games.
Please stop shitposting with KFs.
I want to rock this boat, OP
Pretty much. People say kancolle is popular because of the girls and nobody gives a crap about the game, but the same can be said about touhou, which considering how big it was, you barely ever saw people discussing the games. I can concede that the music was important in making touhou what it still is and that's something kancolle never did.
kancolle didnt have much staying power, all that is left is the porn,
I wonder how kemono will fare
Jesus not even zun is that autistic about his own creation. He actually likes kancolle.
The other factor except for the ensemble cast is that the characters must be only just barely fleshed out, so fans can freely create content and develop the characters themselves.
An overlying reference like warship history or animal biology to provide a framework for this seems to really kick the fandom into overdrive.
That's what people have said for 4 years.
Well, leave autism to fanbases. They're the best at doing that.
Menawhile, I'm still waiting for ZUN to either release another goddamn game or just put this dog to rest already.
I think Mogami needs to tell her sister to keep her fucking legs SHUT.
I love Suzuya!
>put this dog to rest already.
irc he has stated hes going to keep doing it till he dies.
Suzuya OVA when? Not necessarily hentai.
Every blonde after Atago is an afterthought
When her sister's around, Atago is an afterthought.
I agree.
Maya is really good
How muchimuchi and punipuni do you like your Maya?
Takao is great
Maya is great
Atago is great
Choukai is alright, I guess