Why is there a severe lack of badass women in Anime?
Why is there a severe lack of badass women in Anime?
here's your rethorical answer: japan is a patriarchal society.
now fuck off
they also have a severe lack of badass men
There isn't, you've been watching the wrong anime.
That and you should be reading manga.
I find the idea of genderswapped He-Man intriguing. Is Overlord any good? Is she cool?
Women can't be "badass". Any attempt will be embarrassing.
She's nothing like He-man. Jesus christ
Considering what you posted I'm assuming by badass you mean powerful but also insane, right? I'd agree those kind of characters are pretty good but there definitely isnt a shortage of them.
She gets literally hugged to death.
It was a joke.
That sounds awful. Never mind.
Watch Shin Mazinger.
Don't like the "hug" part turn you off, really its more like she got squeezed to death.
I stand by my statement. I don't really care for cute girls being murdered, even if they're insane.
I assumed Overlord was on the more goofy than edgy side, but I guess I was wrong.
More like there's a severe lack of bullied women.
Characters dying makes a show edgy?
It is still goofy, you're really jumping to conclusions here.
>Characters dying makes a show edgy?
Edgier than a show without it, sure.
And I'm sure it is goofy, I just don't really care for that sort of thing.
It's both goofy and edgy. The girl who looks like a genderbent He-Man is so edgy she shits razors so watching her get slowly get hugged to death is quite enjoyable.
>Edgier than a show without it, sure.
Is there some sort of edgy scale where the edgier a show is, the worse it becomes? So how good a show is is determined by how low it is on the edgy scale?
>The girl who looks like a genderbent He-Man is so edgy she shits razors so watching her get slowly get hugged to death is quite enjoyable.
Thank you for summing up exactly why I wouldn't enjoy it. I can't stand shows where they need to make a cute girl horrible to make her death gratifying.
I never said being edgy makes it bad, just that I'm not interested in it. Geez.
>I never said being edgy makes it bad, just that I'm not interested in it.
That's fine, I'm just kind of taken aback that someone would be completely put off a show just because a cute character dies in it. Do you do this with other forms of media aswell besides anime, like movies?
>Why is there a severe lack of badass women in Anime?
define """"badass"""" women
Yes. Mostly because I've already seen enough of it and it seems more endemic than ever, though it's probably my imagination. If it were something that's utterly unavoidable ala Madoka or something then I'd end up watching it, but otherwise there's too much to be keeping up with that I'd rather stick to stuff I know I'd actually enjoy. Thanks all the same.
Something that only exists in fiction.
>Why is there a severe lack of badass women in anime
How much anime have you even heard about.
Anime has the highest concentration of badass women in media.
Anthony Burch doesn't watch anime, only reason he's asking
Badass women are scary. I don't want to be scared or have my masculinity put into question when I'm watching my cartoons.
Waifu thread?
mye, roll
thought that was She-Ra, or how that series was promoted locally
Because tricks are good for three things
showing their titties
showing their butts
and making my dick hard by doing the first two things in situationally appropriate ways
Not one of them includes being a bad-ass
>Underaged shitposters leaking out of Sup Forums
Back you go.
>999 gets you shitoke
Whoever made that list deserves death .
Rolling for short hair waifu
I think anime probably has more badass women than most other similar media combined.
you should watch overlord anyway. Its from the perspecive of the BBEG lich. but hes just a normal jap salaryman that got iseki'ed into his D&D MMO character. Its kind of supposed to be about lawful evil done right. If you cant handle innocent characters being brutally murdered, then go back to watching teletubies. the show is NOT edgy like shadow the hedgehog, but more like ash williams.
sure shes got a fine ass body, but never stick your dick in crazy. chlementine isnt really as likeable as you want her to be. I mean if youre into crazy sadistic psycho chicks. she uses steleto daggers just because she like to slowly torture people to death.
if you like that sort of S&M sure thats the character for you. but otherwise, it IS satisfying to watch that bitch die. and bonus spoiler. her body was never recovered so it is highly likely that she has already been revived somewhere.
Anime has probably the largest concentration of badass females around.
Oh well.
Inb4 shit waifu
>strong independent woman BTFO'd by evil skeleton
autistic amazonian witch waifu
I'd say it is the contrary, anime has way too many woman who is too physically able and smart for their gender. Of course nobody wants realistic bitchy woman, but having them at the top of their class or fighting breaks my immersion.
I bet this faggot watches only shit like Lucky Star
roller coaster
hopefully that'll be remedied sometime. i'm tentatively excited for the future of SAO, if they do it right
>his girl can't create kaijus to fight
What's your excuse?
Why make something that sells less when you can make moe-blobs and make millions?
She doesn't need to, she has a 15 meters long sword.
Rolling around at the speed of sound
pretty much this. blame Japanese culture for that. if a woman's role doesn't neatly fit into predetermined gender roles, she shouldn't exist. just look at... belch... SAO. completely fucking ruined the female protagonist because "married women shouldn't be badass and need to fit to the role of being a housewife". lol
there are some exceptions of course, but the more popular view is that women shouldn't be badass... and if they are, they need to have something "wrong with them". it's so funny
Rolling for any waifu.
Well, they aren't wrong.
oh yeah here we go
Luck don't fail me now
let's see who I draw
meh, 11 would have been more interesting
Do you consider this psychotic bitch badass? Because she's like mid-level player who camps low-level zones and kills players just for shit and giggles, but gets stomped by every bored high-level passing by.
>Because she's like mid-level player who camps low-level zones and kills players just for shit and giggles, but gets stomped by every bored high-level passing by.
No she's not, she's a super-high level in the context of her Universe.
It's not her fault literally god-moders came along.
Literally what the fuck are you talking about? Is this a bad attempt at trolling? Anime might have a higher percentage of badass women than any other form of media for fuck's sake. Unless your definition of "badass" requires women to be ugly bull dyke feminazi fodder or something. Badass, tough, or otherwise mentally/physically strong females are incredibly present in anime, for fuck's sake, its part of what got me into anime n the first place, all the female leads and such. Literally what shows are you even watching?
She's not cute, she deserved her death, the show is dumb because there is absolutely no real danger to the main character pretty much ever
Also it's really edgy, in like that perverted jap irredeemable way that makes you feel like nips are irredeemable savages
There are tons. What the fuck are you on about OP?
>pic with mad edgy bitch
no thank you
mikasa ackerman
hmm lets go
Art reflects life.
There isn't.
They're just packed into 1 title.
They aren't badass in the western sense of I'M A GRRRL AND YOU GOTTA DEAL WITH IT feminazi shit, but balance out their actually badass actions woth cute personalities.
these are some nice waifus
>chlementine isnt really as likeable as you want her to be
>what is healing
>she uses steleto daggers just because she like to slowly torture people to death.
She uses them to oneshot enemies, targeting their vitals.
The winking He-man sells this.
She isnt murdered, she dies in mutual combat and absolutely deserves it. Dont worry, shes coming back anyhow.
I doubt they even watch that, because even the girls in that have a couple of arguably "badass" moments. Like the Initial D parody for example.
>absolutely deserves it
She just suffered a lot and in need of healing.
>mutual combat
>lvl 100 spellcaster uses her as close combat practice dummy
Sluts, all of them, but I still want one.
Huh, not bad, I got the queen of sluts.
Revy please and thank you
>badass women
There's a shit ton of them in anime, newfag. Unless you're talking about edgy cunts, in which case you're still wrong.
I thought the rolling thing was against the rules.
>"But guys what about the rules"
Get bent nerd.
>killing a character by slow fully and painful crushing their internal organs isn't edgy
C'mon 19, 38, 50, 67, or 79.
He was being hypocritical about not being angry with her killing his acquaintances.
She made them suffer - he makes her suffer in return.
There is nothing edgy about it, I doubt any user would be above that.
>all shit waifus
I'll happily stick to my waifu, thank you very much.
That's a boy.
Rolling my rollers
A cute girl (female) who is my wife.
Feminism the thread?
This. The
is not badass. It's grating and characters like that should only exist to get shoved down. It's pure arrogance and only makes them look like a joke. If you want a badass female character, don't make her try and point out how "badass" they are constantly. The badassness needs to come naturally through their actions, not through a forced attitude that makes them insufferable.
Well no, nips usually do strong female characters the right way.
As in they're strong because life made them that way or they strife to protect something dear to them.
Not bullshit "women are stronk because they are women".
Even when a female is physically weak - there are a lot of examples of characters with tough personality who show will and perseverance when faces with challenges or threats.
Im here yo derail the thread too
I wanna get into Overlord. Do I just watch the Madhouse anime? The OVA? The Compilation? What ordering is best?
>insane pshycopath
>all the shit girls are tripps so that people get them less
Based chart designer