Please don't break what's left of her heart.
Kemono Friends
I want to Bully the owls with my superior human intelligence but make it up later by making them something nice
I want shoebill to break my hips.
What's the endgame as far as sandstar research goes?
I feel like sandstar might be a valuable substance in long term clean energy, since exposing inorganic materials to it produces so much mechanical energy in the form of ceruleans.
I also want to explore exposing friends and breaking them down within the ceruleans. We've seen the intermediate stage between friend and animal (rainbow gel). I have a feeling that while in this intermediate stage, there is potential to splice together animals, creating hybrids that wouldn't be able to exist due to our understanding of genetics and reproduction.
Also, it's unknown what long term exposure to high amounts of sandstar does to friends, animals, humans etc. We need to get some trials on lab friends on sandstar overloading and establish if there are any adverse reactions or maybe even beneficial ones.
What is the deal with crystalline sandstar as well? I wonder if it requires processing to use, or if there is some way to utilitize. Maybe find out some of it's basic material properties and analyze it's structure alongside airborne sandstar and sandstar low.
The filtration system for the SSL needs to be improved as well and maintained so no more colossal incidents occur.
Please no raping Shoebill
Shoebill rape to I want.
I want to marry Shoebill and live a happy life together with her.
I want to rape Shoebill.
She is a big bird.
We definitely know that research was being conducted on Sandstar, but humans being humans you should know what we'd be using Sandstar for.
Definitely the most fappable friend. I think I get why she's number 3 now.
All friends are for hugs, cuddles,hand holding, and snuggles.
One of those are not like the others
Except shoebill.
What would sex with shoebill be like?
How the fuck do I buy the KF soundtrack online. I don't use physical media
S2 leaked
Well, she is carrying a pike and you have an asshole
Arai-san just agreed to marry me.
What about petting?
>Kemono Friends Encore
I'm still disappointed that we didn't get a petting scene in the anime.
That is the meme we are not going to resurrect
Same guys, so you should be. Now the question is, will they rush it as they did with Encore, or give it a bit more time?
you pet pets, not friendos
Good for you, Fennec.
Are there mor Tatsuki works like these?
So we have a lot of normal fags friends it seems.
You can just watch all 3 seasons of Tesagure! Bukatsu-mono.
Time for some tofu indulgence.
Since Sandstar is a phenomenon, much like weather, observation and research would be the first step. Which is what Mirai was doing before she evacuated. Not sure if there was a mention of a different Sandstar in existence but let's ignore that notion.
The next step would be prevention of undesirable effects. You wouldn't want your household appliance suddenly turning into a Cerulean, would you now? In the anime itself, there seems to be some sort of prevention of the spread of those black particles which strengthens the Ceruleans so there seems to be some sort of system in place so far. The Friends in Japari Park seem to be aware of the times when there will be new Friends are born.
Then, the next would be its utilization in the same vein of windmills and solar panels. Probably something more ethical than "Expose a part of an extinct animal to Sandstar → Get the Friend be eaten to a Cerulean → Repeat the process to fight off extinction!".
If you check his nico account, he actually uploads very frequently
Is it just coincidence or this artist got that coon proposal pic here?
He really likes what he's doing huh.
I wanna look under Grey Wolf's skirt!
"Like" is an understatement. Tatsuki's obsessed with animation.
As expected, popularity changes Kemofure threads from comfy to the worst. I guess I will never visit these threads again. There are too much sexualizers and popular anime snowflakes now in here.
The black shit is Sandstar Low, and I'm pretty sure the crystals at the top of the mountain is just a concentrated version of the bubbles that the mountain/animals shit out.
As far as we know lore wise, the only significance Sandstar Low has is powering up the Blacked Cerulean. The big crystals didn't come into play at all though.
I figure we could create huge generators utilizing ceruleans. Since it's implied that they feed on sandstar, we could just make up a bunch of ceruleans by exposing waste products and litter to the sandstar and then leading them to some sort of mechanical energy plant where we dangle some concentrated sandstar in front of their faces (assuming they are the mobile type) while they endlessly chase it on a conveyor belt. Wouldn't be super efficient, but it'd definitely help supplement energy needs until earth gets back to processing fossil fuels or using nuclear.
I don't think sandstar is a phenomenon, just the eruptions that generate the new generations of friends. I'm eating my mapo right now under the assumption that we could somehow collect and concentrate sandstar in order to utilize it's ability to generate friends and ceruleans.
See you tomorrow
Death is your only escape.
Nothing has changed at all from the early threads, but if whining makes you feel better then feel free to continue doing it.
> There are too much sexualizers and popular anime snowflakes now in here.
That's right, but these threads are still best place to talk about KF in the west.
Did we not discuss when the episode came out about how that was crunchyroll being stupid?
Stop lewding.
those god dang sexualizers ruining my anime!!!
Phenomenon or not, there's still a need to know (and possibly regulate) the birth of Friends just to assure there's enough Japari Buns for everyone especially the hungry ones who eat more than one.
Not sure about Ceruleans being able be some use for supplemental energy and what-not but in-universe they seem to be able to do just fine with solar energy. I mean, we have only been shown that the Japari Bus was charged once (it was just like a couple of hours) and look how far it got.
Sandstar RHO, as in the greek letter, not low. Fuck, you're dumb
im not gonna stop coming to these threads until we get a proper wiki
Stop being a sexy bird.
Friendly reminder that Stellar Sea Lion can't be outlewded.
What are we all still doing here?
Aren't there other shows airing?
Has not an episode of this show not aired in over a week?
And was that most recent episode not only a few minutes long?
I worry for our souls.
If exposing animals to the sandstar means that they turn into humanoid creatures does that mean Kaban is a superhuman? Is that why she's so smart? If she trained she might reach Captain America levels.
Japari buns are just baked sea critters and insects.
There is no shortage of it especially when a single friend can singlehandedly tend to 2 acres of farm in a day
Those Friends are OP as fuck
On other note: anyone knows how Alpaca survive all the way up high in the mountains when Boss cannot climb there and deliver her some buns?
Aww cute, a Sup Forums concern shill.
Who the fuck thought she wears a full body suit?
I believe shoebill is intended to procreate with humans.
Please go and stay go.
>Nothing has changed at all from the early threads
Not him, but this isn't even kind of true.
I don't know but I really like that idea.
I wholeheartedly agree. I only post like once or twice per thread anymore and only open them to save whatever new art is posted.
Alpacas are excellent climbers. She goes down from time to time to restock.
Anyone here can guide me on encoding the whole Music Station live episode? I've got the TS from JPopsuki and the file is too big to post (5GB).
Also an observation note there were definitely lots of fans in the background, specifically female one, when Doubutsu Biscuits x PPP was introduce.
> Sup Forums
I honestly don't know what you mean by this.
But I blame my having posted that after that more combative user complaining about the threads. Which I in no way planned, mind you. I just came in the thread and had that thought.
What was the consensus then?
It's rho, now low. See
Please don't.
Tell me about raccoons
Racoons are kill.
sou yo.
Tatsuki played us like a damn fiddle.
I want to touch Fennec's ears
Stuffing sausages down them you mean
What's your CPU and GPU?
I can't do conversions, but if I can I'd download and then convert it to VP9 webm. Am gonna take huge processing power/time but the resulting file would be small and efficient.
Shoebill's VA also looks like Shoebill
What is the bustiest Friend?
What is the tallest Fried?
Moose is a big friend for me
Post her picture? Apparently their personalities are matched with their character, but I doubt it even follows their face.
I wanna do things to Arai-san
I'll break what's left of her hymen
>nice tits
>nice ass
What's not perfect in her?
Uncute voice.
Has almost no character.
After seeing Fennec's seiyuu, I wouldn't be so quick to dismiss that.