
پشتیبانی:من ناشناس هستم و حزب بشریت

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No, you can't blow this up...

Independent Baluchistan when?

yes, maybe someday you can marry a goat

Gedrosian masterrace

Ok so I was starting to get interested in this dna/genes meme a week ago or so. It is interesting that Iranians, Azerbaijanis and seemingly Kurds and Chechens have more than 30% of this Gedrosian component. In DNA Land the Gedrosian component is present as Indo-Iranian. And it is classified closely with Indus Valley and Kalash, aka Pakistan.
So what is it? Is the Gedrosian component south asian or west asian? Or is it independent/somewhere in between?

Pic is the first result of googling "Baluchi man". I can't pin point if he was south asian or west asian either (We have genes to tell us now thankfully). My best guess would have been Afghan.

I heard you can make a 1000 a year there planting trees!

No idea. That place is a sparsely populated desert with living standards comparable to sub saharan africa. So you probably don't make money at all there. If this is what you meant by 1000...?

Why to sandrunes have to be so fucking impractical? They are small and resemble each other. Every rune has 2 to 4 forms and when you form words you often omit the vowels

Explain yourselves, sandfriends

There's no reason that area couldn't be Vegas-tier beauty. If you build it, they will come.

>Why to sandrunes have to be so fucking impractical?
some people just want to rune it for everyone.

What's that flag? Iranian secular republic?

it's what it should be, brother.


says the "40-20-17 instead of 97" man

Doesn't also include portions of beautiful southern Afghanistan and stunning southern Pakistan to add to its property value..

Think Karachi in spring :)

Yeah but the Iranian government doesn't give a fuck about this region.

>beautiful southern Afghanistan
Literally a sparsely populated desert.
But here you go the full map.

Why the fuck do you give a shit about Baluchistan? The population is like 1 million. Big fucking woop

Well the Iranian government doesn't really minorities any how. Balochi is a fucked up language, in thought it would be similar to Persian but it's not at all

Doesn't like*

>says the "40-20-17 instead of 97" man
I don't understand

The google translate is giving gibberish.
Didn't work this time.
But, remember the law of unintended coincidences...

I don't give a fuck. Also the population is more like 2.5 million. It is just that it is geographically close to where I am from and I am aware of it.

itt Iran protests discussion? How can we help?

Just dropping my oc to bump.

Yeah it is a butt ugly language. But It is better than asian languages in south asia and east and south east asia.

What I got from google translate.
"Support: I am anonymous and party of humanity"

He's in house arrest.

What I got from google translate:
"stop pocking Iran... lick your wounds and move on.
Learn your lessons from distablizing Labenon (created hezbollah)
Creating ISIS... which forced Iran to create nojaba... and heavelu expand into syria

stop it!!!
Iran can blitz and take over all of Persian gulf's countries and just like Georgian war, USA will do not a single thing about it.

Let Iran alone and stop creating fire that will end up burning your own houses.

USA doesn't have any good track record of protecting its allies.

Be careful what you wish for"

That was what I got from google translate

english only please


>USA doesn't have any good track record of protecting its allies.

We aren't the U as ei dei

That's not a great translation, I think someone just typed it into Google translate. It's more like"supporter: I'm unknown and a party of humanity"


How does the Iranian government oppress you as ethnic minorities? Sounds like you're just kurding out desu. Dont support getting divided and conquered (and inevitably enslaved and legitimately oppressed).

Also that is sand land but its quite scenic, no fog or pollution in sight.


Fake news

Newfoundland caliphate?


Paki cunts are so mad they don't get the gibsmedat anymore.
Fuck Pakistan. Not even a real country.

Hey who is that one Persian girl youtuber? Been trying to find her channel but can remember her name.

quatre vingt dix sept


كس أمك


So far I am satisfied with this thread.



How's the weather?

hello brothers