How can a doll be so sexy and scary?
How can a doll be so sexy and scary?
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I just want to fuck Suiseiseki.
Souseiseki is where it's at.
>wanting to fuck a boy
She's a cute boyish girl, you take that back.
Stair Wars best episode.
Hina best doll.
Where my Shinku bros at?
I'm all about that desu. Nomsayin?
You mean Suigintou.
I've always really like Kirakishou's design, so that scene made me the most aroused I've ever been while reading Rozen Maiden.
>ywn be her master
I fucking finally found this gif thank you
have this season's one
whats this?
I agree, her design is pure sex. It doesn't help her VA fits her well.
>that part where she creeps up to Jun with her small hands.
I was just downloading this, now I really want to watch it
she is so delicate and perfect
Everyone knows best doll is Suigintou.
>you're completely surrounded
>oh, what am I to do?
the smuggest
All it takes is not being junk.
Fucking HATE Rozen Maiden ending.
Wait, wasn't Rozen Maiden season 3 absolute dogshit?
I remember only the first 2 were any good.
Why did they have to ruin perfect dick sucking height?
I like the new height and how they make it a point to show how they scale. They actually look like dolls.
I've been putting this off for awhile, I think it's time I finally watch it.
Should I watch the 2004 version or the newer one?
It's up to you honestly. The new one stands alone by itself if you avoid the first episode. It's also easier to get into because of the modern design and a depressed older main character.
The old one is a hikki NEET lesson and fun SoL. It's aged pretty badly and the main character can be off-putting. It's really fun though.
For the old series it doesn't really matter, but if you are watching DEEN's you would do well to read the mango beforehand.
reading the manga is probably the best route anyway, Traumend and Ouverture are pretty much anime original (though still fun) and the manga has some amazing art.
What's peach pit doing now?
Rozen Maiden 0
I don't know about sexy, but they can be scary.
See > Pedokun
>comparing a godawful doll to a rozen maiden
That is awful though kek
What in gods name drives people to this.
Murder is a big part of it.
Shame about the last season.
you know it
Anime soon right?
If we are lucky.
Did Rozen Maiden 2013 end or was it another blueballer like most modern anime?
Suigintou is sexy and scary.
The arc it adapts is self contained and IMO pretty well done, but it then spends the final half of the last episode to jump ahead thru the source material until reaching the next arc when adult Jun is relevant again. Make of that what you will.
Best dolls
Troll somewhere else.
My Nigga.
apparently I've been living under a rock
Posting best doll.
But they're the cutest
It's called daddy issues. I'm glad that KK won the Old-Jun-Bowl in the end.
The skipping at the end gave me hope that they would try to adapt the very last arc. It doesn't look like it could happen, and personally I am not sure if I want it considering the rushjob of an ending it got.
this desu
I would do the most unholy things to that doll.
Like use the Lord's name in vain?
didnt she win
AU Jun is fucking trash.
what episode did she get eaten?
Episode 1 of Trauma.
can magically animated dolls be considered robots?
They don't have gears so it's okay to fist the Rozen dolls.
>No Kazamori
That list needs to be fixed.
Man I missed that show.