If you had to fuck one of the keions, who would it be?

If you had to fuck one of the keions, who would it be?

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Mio looks like Chitanda so her.

Mio or Mugi.

Making love to my wife Mugi. I have fapped to many imagined scenarios of this.


I want to fuck Mio's slutty ass

Ritsu, she seems really slutty and i bet that cartoon pussy is amazing

The best one!

Azunyan probably.

For a first time k-on watcher; sub or dub? I was going to stary watching last night but decided not to because i was too drunk and watched some nature documentary on netflix (the documentary was ON netflix, not about netflix) instead

Before that though, i did notice that my k-on was indeed dual audio

as should be apparent by my even entertaining the idea; im not one of those people with a unilateral seething hatred for dubs in general. Although there are quite a few things Ive seen where i would fully agree that the dub was bad.

the dub is terrible, watch with subs

Always sub. Specially when it's an musical anime

t. George Costanza



the dub voice actresses make me want to rip my ears off, the Japanese voices are much cuter as well

Yui, because I've always wanted to fuck a retard

Sup Forums will always say that, no matter the anime. K-on dub was fine.

I'm not a dubhater but in the case of K-ON! the dub really can't compare to the o-tone imo

What is your iq?




I can't stand Ritsu, Mio has killer body but she's way too timid to be enjoyable fuck, lolis are not for fucking, Yui is literally retarded and then there's best girl Mugi.

Easy choice.



Even ignoring this horror show, the Japanese seiyuu were perfect in their roles (other than maybe Nodoka but who cares about her)

jesus christ. why do they sound so fake? I always hated dubs because english va can't act for shit


Yui, because she wouldn't even understand what's going on.

Cmon man, that's too much



why is yui so cheap?

>Mugi alone is 80% as much as all 4 at once


i'd fuck her along the way but i'd love to have a ritsu gf
I don't go out that much because no one invites me to, if I had a gf like ritsu she would probably drag my lazy ass to places and shit
also she likes the who

maybe because she don't stop talking


I'm black, so probably Mugi.

I'd fuck all of them, to be honest. If I had to choose, then I'd go for Yui, since she's my waifu and I wouldn't mind keeping her as my gf. She's a funny kind of dumb and not a destructive one.

Keions suck, dude

Fightin' words.


good taste, she has a chill personality and a nice ass


Mio would probably just freeze up and you could do whatever you wanted

Marry Ricchan, then have loads of lewd times together.

Is that real?

I wish twitter had an obnoxious 20% opaque gradient in the background of every tweet to make it easier to spot fakes. But I want to believe.

i wanna rape mio now
right fucking now

Which Keion has the tastiest anus?

Their heads look like something my grandmother would put on a shelf for display but since they all got the body of a pornstar any of them will do

go ahead, she's all yours

>violent slap off her ice
>punch her tummy with a thousand moon force
>faint, grab her by her hairdo along the beach
>ripoff her bikini
>spit on my dick and let it in dry
>let her bite the seashell
>cum inside
>position her cunt toward tide and let tide wave wash them off eventually
>go away

>position her cunt toward tide and let tide wave wash them off eventually
romantic desu

>all of them
>wanting to fuck a 2D girl who isn't your waifu

it's real

>these are the faggots we share a board with

I'm not exactly sure if her being an expensive whore instead of a cheap whore is something you should be proud of.

all that drumming gotta do something

>you will never fuck Ritsu after an intense drumming session
>you will never give her sweaty body the mating press

Ui, with Yui watching of course.

>marry Yui
>get a free Ui

First I'll bang her drums, then I bang everyone but her.

ritsu needs love too

Mio if she is willing to go out of her comfort zone and become dominant. Azusa depending on how kinky she gets. Any of those two really.

>dominant Mio
yes please

Dominant Mio would be really hot, imagine if she goes out of control and gets lost in the moment too much.

>tfw Mio will never give you a hickey
>she will never leave scratch marks on your back
life is suffering

>Mio will never use her strength against you while she commands you to hold in your ejaculation

Life truly is suffering

Mugi is fluffy

You could say she's fuwa fuwa

Ritsu is so energetic

She is best girl

Can I pick Ui?


Ewww why is mio so fat?

Which Keions would you enter into a threesome with? I'd go for either Sawako and Ritsu or Mio and Azusa. Sawako and Ritsu has potential to be AMAZING due to the amount of teasing Ritsu would dish at Sawako.

My wife Mugi and I inviting over Sawako

I want mommy Mugi to gently dominate me

time to fap

'>tfw no this figure

Yui and Ui. It'd be naughty and super sexy

How can one be hotter than Ritsu?

Mugi and nobody else because we are faithful to eachother