Little Witch Academia

45 Hours left for episode 15 subs......

Buy the BDs & Diana will kiss you user....

Other urls found in this thread:小魔女学园&ie=utf-8&red_tag=e2221123266

Previously on Little Witch Academia




Give it up Chariot.

She made the superior choice.


Fuck you!

Fuck off shill

>user has new screens for episode 15
>won't post them


>Akko is being mindcontroled!
>Don't worry, I know how to dispell this.

Fuck me, Chariot


No one seeing episode 15 yet user

Was this her plan all along?

This episode might become the best yet.

Stop shoehorning shoehorn rants you shoehorned shoehornfags.

Some Chinese board has some new screen caps.


.sgafnroheohs denroheohs uoy stnar nroheohs gninroheohs potS

>Chariot rescues Akko, everything seems normal
>having a serious heartfelt conversation
>everything going well until suddenly
>"What are you saying, Ursula-sensei? Who is this Chariot person? "

Another Trigger mindfuck that temporarily turns the MC into an evil boyband reject episode...

mutes don't talk

No! give me Akko back!

This baidu lwa threads ?小魔女学园&ie=utf-8&red_tag=e2221123266

I search it, but there arent any screens of episode 15 except the ones that already available on lwa website.

Not when Amanda is around anyway

>Chariot rescues Akko
>mindrape didn't cause any permanent damage besides her losing all of her YAY

>tfw you're too poor to buy tbe BluRays

The suffering never stops.

Ursula, I think I'm pregnant and Croix is the father

>Ursula saves Akko in full Chariot mode
>takes her home than turns back
>next day Akko tells her how Chariot ssved her and now she wonders where is she and why sensei's clothes had been damaged


So does Chariot keep the red hair color on with pure rage?

>Sensei obviously lend Chariot her clothes so that she can sneak into Luna Nova

>Akko loses yay
>next episode has us learning something new about Sucy
>Sucy goes berserk in response to seeing her best friend in such a bad state

No, some piracy thread. I haven't seen them but user seems sure they exist so I'm calling him to come here and post them or shut up.

That's her natural color, Chariot use magic to make it blue.

>sensei you should have seen Chariot
>why is it that everytime Chariot appears you had to go to the bathroom?

No, user.

The blue hair is made through magical dye. Chariot has always being a redhead.

But well, if we take the OVAs in consideration, I guess we can say her hair turns into fire if she reach ultimate nuclear levels.

Don't make promises you can't keep, OP.

She worships Khorne

Red is her original hair color. She turns back whenever she is to mad to bother keepin her hair blue.

I feel like these threads are about to get really spoilery over the next few weeks cause of this.

>But well, if we take the OVAs in consideration, I guess we can say her hair turns into fire if she reach ultimate nuclear levels.

Like this cutie?

>aah, i wanna taste a dick!

So, it didnt exist then.

How do you know if any the spoilers are real?

Now that you mention it, it's kinda like that aesthetically.

I hope Episode 16 is a comfy episode

I want angry Ursula/Chariot to ride my dick and rape me.



I never thought of Roombas as evolved brooms

Holy shit /s4s/ still exists?

Would you take a selfie with Diana?

le millenom girl

>Using modern technology

Is Croix used goods or is she a lonely virgin like ursula?

>Sucy's VA teased interaction between Sucy and Diana
>Sucy will actually relevant next week
>Akko's memories might be tampered with
>Diana will realize there is something wrong with Croix
Mmm... SucyDiana team-up episode?

Its literally an anagram to "a broom"

>tfw it's the backstage thing and everyone is OVA characters performing as themselves with new script.

Ursula is used good, Croix is a nerd who never got laid.

She's the alpha female

Diana enters Sucy's mind episode ??

Then Diana found some clue about cube dragon inside Sucy's mind ??

Im fine with this.

Used goods, for maximun Irony.

Who would have thought??

>tfw it's all an imagining of a lonely Japanese girl

Diana and Sucy enter Akko's memories.

1) This is Diana!
2) Diana is a girl!
3) She's cute!
4) I love her!
5) Diana!

>both Lotte and Lucy hates to see Akko in this lobotomized state someone who used to be fun and full of life is reduced to a semi-vegetable
>Diana couldn't take seeing Akko like this and leaves the school
>one night...
>Yasminka sneaks into Akko's day room where Akko spends most of her days in a semi-veggie like state
>Akko's eyes follows Yasminka who picks up a nearby pillow
>Yasminka proceeded to put the pillow on Akko's face
>Akko tried to fight but Yasminka fat ass strength overcomes her and she is quickly snuffed out
>Akko hands droop to the side of her wheelchair, she's dead... freed from this fucked up life
>Yasminka then picks up a vending machine and tosses it at a window shattering both
>she picks up the snacks before escaping into the night

>It's actuallyConstanze Imaginations as she holds and stares a crystal snowball

>be Ursula
>be Luna Nova Special Ed teacher
>you finally get your first student since you started working here
>a Japanese girl with a brain structure defect
>nice, kind, cute
>all around pleasant
>loves to tell you that she "wuvs" you
>she actually starts learning magic under your expert tutelage
>help defend her against the other teachers who don't think she can learn
>help her put on a genuinely good performance at the Samhain festival
>the kid they blew off as "slow" outshines even the Cavendish kid
>old school friend shows up at school and takes disabled daughter away
>tfw can't have nice things for once in my life

Nice simpsons reference user. I barely remember that episode

I want Croix to fondle and finger Ursula who is tied to a chair and gagged, while wearing her skintight suit

>tfw it's all just an imaginary world of Japanese anime

Diana has a skintight suit?

She's only interested in little girls though

This really makes me wanna see Jack Nicholson as an anime girl.

stop projecting.


Wouldn't mind that, a blushing and resisting Diana is top tier fap material, especially if forced to wear cute outfits like that

Worst Akko mindrape fanfic ever.

Dork or Dyke?


>tfw LWA is 10 Episodes left with no info about Season 2 at all.......


>10 episodes left already
What the fuck. I'm sorta gonna miss these threads when the show is over despite them being pretty shit

They have to wait for the BD/Figma sales to fund the second season.


>no pics of builtfat Jasminka lifting heavy things
why even live

>Main character wants to be like famous redhead witch

>The best girl on main team is redhead

>Best girl on B-team is redhead

>Best girl on antagonist team is redhead

>Color ribbon for the main team is red

What Trigger meant by this?

I want to walk up behind young Croix and bury my head right into the tangled morass of her unkempt hair, taking a huge lingering whiff of her scent as my nose probes through the mass of stringy, dandruff-laden and slightly sticky baby blue hair, luxuriating in her distinct musk. I want to clutch her lanky, awkwardly tall physique as she tries to struggle (but not too much) and bask in the intoxicating aroma of stale sweat, energy drinks, and masturbation that she has been fermenting over the past week, utterly refusing to clean herself in any way since she undertook her latest research project. I want to whisper sweet little nothings into her wax-coated ear, gingerly brushing away the dead skin building up at the rims. I want to peel off her wrinkled, sweat-stained uniform from her pointy, skeletal body and stuff her damp, musk-laden boxer-briefs into my mouth to taste the lingering hints of her bountiful vaginal discharge tinged with urine and sweat thats poured down from between her butt cheeks, the same stew she's been sitting on for the last week at least. I want Croix.

>lwa is shit


confirmation bias

>Constanze still has no idea what the fuck does she doing here

I meant that these threads are shit, but I still love them user

>Wake up
>See this

What to do?

>The best girl on main team is redhead
Main team has no redhead.

that's auburn

constanze has seen some shit