
>mamika: what the fuck? People actually get hurt in this world? What type of satanic sorcery is this?

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Shouldn't her invincibility in her anime transfer over to actual invincibility in real life?

>These are douji- OH HOLY FUCK WHY


>you will never fuck your own creation because you got cockblocked by some fuckboi self insert in real life

look at her gobbling them dicks

>tfw magical girl TERRORISTS
We need to put a ban on magical contracts

Would you buy it?

>she's so naive and doesn't know people get hurt

What if her writer is Urobuchi and she only managed to get out of the show before the shit started hitting the fan?

Why is Meteora much better than red?

Meteora a slut

Why did this faggot took side of red cowtits instead of the injured little girl?

Does she have her own route? This is god damn important

How do these characters keep getting away with all this property damage?

Because he's a dick, a dick who somehow made the right decision.

Because you like guys

Because he appreciates the refined body of a mature woman

Also he fucking hates kids and kicks puppies

Man I thought this episode was going to be maximum suffering, glad that Travis Touchdown and Penthesilea were there to save the day.

She's cuter.

He's evil edgelord, why would he side with magical girl?

Meteora is fat! Fat!

magical girls are savage

Why would he side with the moralfag princess?

Not anymore they want. It would be strange if they didn't get involved with the actual military and government trying to kill them

Because she's the only one with common sense.

in b4

So travis cutdown is on MC's side.

He is Travis Cutdown, edge extraordinaire

>being attracted to your own creation
is this a new form of incest?

>they're from 2D world
>mostly likely to go back to where they are from in the end

I don't think I'd be ready for this kind of farewell

Basically the left side of poster vs right vs Chuuni

>their stories get cancelled by the editors

I will have many keks

Red should be "goofy looking asuna"

Subs when?

I can't make head or tail from Meteora's explanation. All that I understand is that she loves burger.

looks like Travis was some kind of big bad gang leader, not the end of the world type Village

Because the magical started it and was wrecking the town, which has his favourite burger place.

>Both Hime and MC are not in the group shot once again
Hime and MC vs the rest is the inevitable and you know it.

I dunno, did Zeus love Athena?

Greek deities got up to some kinky shit even for gods

That would be cool

Meteora is short and cute!

The only ones on MC's side is MC and Chuunihime.

I'd take it. First cour would be general silly exploratory shit with the creations fucking around and the conflict between MC's side and Chuuni's. There'll be a hugetwist mid-season and suddenly MC realizes the Chuuni's secret and they inevitably become the main duo for the second cour.


Which girl do you think would be most upset when finding out doujins of herself?

Maybe they have to hunt them down and send them back to their worlds.


Why would Chuuni be here when she's from an unpublished story no one has heard of? And MC isn't one of them, either. What would be the logic of fighting his friends like Red and Missile?

What if glasses guy is MC of glasses girl's LN ???

And MC will turn from Shirou into Kiritsugu.

Screencap this post.

Lancer probably

Did anyone take a look at these daily updates? Is it just Hiroe's text for the story?

meguca and lancer

>it's nichibros all over again
But user, literary girl became a singer in this world.

Self insert is brought into real life, but his only power is to rely on asspulls from his creator

My crazy speculation is that both MC and Chuuni Hime are real humans, except Hime got somehow sent to another world

>This anime will never touch the domain of doujins
I'm already sad.

>What if glasses guy is MC of glasses girl's LN ???
>she's cute.

No wonder he didn't kill her, man of refined taste right here.



Reminder that Aoki and Hiroe are perverts. We already had the knee to crotch scene in episode 1 and in this one Red's creator is visibly lusting over her.

Meguca would go SLB on the city.

>heart shaped murder beam

Hiroe makes touhou porn for years. And original femdom porn.

MC's actual creation getting real when?

Poodle and Lancer. Sharkteeth would probably rape you


I was so waiting for this.

Plot twist: it's actually hime

>Sharkteeth turns out to be the nicest person out there.
>It's Angel Densetsu all over again.

My waifu red is very cute

>cat ears under the hat

author pls

I want to stick my dick in that window

Celestia has fat thighs.

Charon please fuck off


Are you sure?

Is charon the contender for biggest cuck of the season?


I think Sharkteeth would enjoy her porn

>implying MC will end up with anyone other than chuunihime

Celestia is about to organize an orgy with Charon cosplayers behind the convention center.

It depends if Boruto gets to Scarlet Spring Arc in less than 20 episodes

bracing myself for the lancer x mamika art

It's not like they need anyone else

Subs are out

That Charon on the left is kinda hot


>gets cucked by his cosplayers
can't make this shit up

Hime is so cute.

Hime is edgy af

But also the cutest.
>roses in the back
What did she mean by this?

I love my girlfriend Rui-chan.


She's a good girl and the weapon to surpass metal gear

Hime a shit. I hope she'll turn out to be a generic Chuuni antagonist that thinks the world spins around her and gives her right to summon the people out from their stories.

Shouldn't you be picking up Charon's kid from school?

If she actually has the power she claims she has, she legit does have the 'right' to do that.

Charon is the one picking up his kid from school.