Horrible Subs in 30 minutes
Eromanga sensei
But siblings are already family.
this is family love story
>most of the chuuni lines got cut off
Thank God.
Does this series pick up or is it just a shittier Oreimo?
How much time passed up to latest novel when confession happened?
Sagiri is cute! CUTE!
More cute Sagiri please.
Thanks to the anons that explained this page for me. I wasn't expecting it to be a misunderstanding considering the huge amount of progress that had just been made. Not sure why, but I'm really into the characters right now despite it being so early in the story, so you can understand why i was so pissed
>Not watching live
The japanese is so easy in this anyone with 1 year of anime history should be able to understand 90% of it.
Will Sagiri but a massive cunt this episode too?
I could either watch and understand 90% of it or I could wait a little and understand 100% of it. I'd rather wait.
Also those Sagiri moves are smooth as fuck. How can other girls even compete?
>HQ raws > streams
Nothing is shittier than Oreo
>Non-blood related
>Non-blood related
>Non-blood related
>Non-blood related
I wait for the downloadable HQ video so I can make webms.
And most of the discussions comes out after subs. I'm in it mostly for the discussions.
Makes you think
>caught your imouto washing her string panties
wat do
Go to Sup Forums and post the bigger version.
Take 2
She simply was too shy to clear it up. Later on he even tells her that he loves her and she still is too shy to clear up the misunderstanding, she wont be able to pussy out after the most recent LN chapter, though.
>he needs subs
Noice, saved.
hands off
Why is she so cute?
I want to fondle this middle schooler
Worst girl even more kuso than manami
I can't handle all these sexy little girls
> [seiya] Eromanga Sensei - 02 [720p].mkv
What a fucking slut
HS 720p also out.
>slut but not really
just pretending!
All I know is hiragana and katakana, how many years until I can read basic level shit like this?
when her hair is fluffy like this it's cute
What eromanga does she draw? Does she have some crazy/gross fetish
I want to spank her and teach her some manners
a year of reading eroge with machine translation
I thought we would get EMS-mode this week. I completely forgot that it happens later.
She doesn't know anybody by that name
What did she mean by this?
1 year of eroge or 1-2 of proper learning?
Difficult choice
Is this a reference?
The sameface sometimes is incredible.
If you're an autist then it'll take less than a year. SoL LNs are really simple.
Otherwise, 2-3.
This is why people get raped
Do not underestimate the strain on your penis.
>All girls my age lock dicks.
Why are Japanese women such sluts?
I'm just watching this shit show for Sagiri.
>I'm just watching this shit show for a shit character.
Ought to drop it, then.
This opening is really good.
What the fuck are with her legs?
Sagiri is an international treasure, you piece of shit.
His point is that she wont be in a couple episodes this/next season.
Deformities from spending too much time sitting
I can't believe they made Sagiri 3km tall.
>a massive cunt is a Japanese national treasure
Perhaps, but what does that say of Japan?
Slut is also best girl
I want to pour so much semen down her throat that she chokes.
>I want to pour so much semen down her throat that she chokes.
What do you mean by this?
>you will never wash Sagiri's panties
The FUCK am I watching?
She's clearly American.
I want to glaze the lining of her throat with my thick, viscous cum until she can't breathe properly.
What times we live in.
This one hits me too hard.
Have they banged yet?
>talking about anime with normalfags
>people like Sagiri
>meanwhile, Megumi tells you she literally loves your dick
Was it ntr?
It's the other way around. After you get a computer and internet you don't need friends and stuff like that anymore.
>all spoony
>Sagiri is forced to listen to her brother make love to Megumin for hours on end
How can people hate NTR? It sounds pretty hot.
Because Sagiri isn't a slut. She's a pure girl. And she's pretty much perfect.
Why isn't MC molesting all these little girls that appear to flock to him?