How do you fix anime Beatrix? And the Schwarzesmarken anime too.
Schwarzesmarken / Total Eclipse / Muv Luv
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You can't it already aired.
Probably need more then 1 cour to do that. She isn't a simple character like Katia or Annete.
needs her own takeru
>How do you fix anime Beatrix?
Cut out all anime original scenes and traits. Yes, even muh Jürgen at the end. Its almost offensive fanservice.
Otherwise the solution is the same as the for fixing the anime. Get a better screenwriter and another director.
More like SM needs better writing in general. And to not outsource characterization into Prequels and sidestories.
Simple, presume the anime is a propaganda piece/Theo's delusional perspective.
Fix everybody's characterization and do Iris route instead.
But Iris is a huge fucking shit?
Like her or hate her, Katia's route is the LN's route for the most part, and thus closest to canon.
Whose sprite did they reuse here for faceless Rosalinde? Is it Marai again?
>Like her or hate her, Katia's route is the LN's route for the most part, and thus closest to canon.
This. But then came age's lazy solution to its poor reception. They should have gone all in with the tragedy and have both Theo and Katia learn and grow from the mistakes made. Not make Katia redundant post-speech and Theo's growth or lack thereof irrelevant in the bigger picture.
VN Rosalinde has some pretty nice knockers compared to the anime.
Yeah, her breast size is quite inconsistent though. She's larger in concept art and the few sketches made by the character designer for the anime, but pretty flat in the final product.
>Cut out all anime original scenes and traits. Yes, even muh Jürgen at the end. Its almost offensive fanservice.
Honestly this. It's just completely out of character after all the other shit she's done and especially the way she goes about doing it.
>tfw you found a radiant diamond shining through the darkness and her name is Lise
>implying they don't all deserve the leadbelly treatment.
They are already so dumb and useless, that they'll be perfectly harmless after getting a lobotomy.
make her my wife
Also, the faceless Werewolf in episode 11 who was bleeding out in her cockpit after Theo shot it sounds a lot like Farka.
Speaking of mindrape, what's the best way to introduce Simone to it?
She needs a trip to the funhouse. I'm sure that replacing Lise as Axmann's chewtoy will be quite the education for her.
Otherwise, the whole dress her up as a maid and make her work for Viets is just fine.
I really think the fights in SM should have been more brutal, especially the final one with Beatrix. Theo and her should have been getting knocked around, bloodied up, and exhausted. Would have worked better with the overall grittier tone then quick shot deaths.
Pinching Anett's cheeks and headpatting her
Punching Anett's face and kicking her
Tank shot actually.
Let's take turns bullying Tarisa
But she's tiny and there's nothing to bully about her.
Also, what does this picture mean?
I don't know what annoyed me more about that scene. The fact that they used Tanks and not SPAAGs or how utterly useless the Werewolves were. Only Beatrix feels halfways threatening, and thanks to cutting her bailing out the 666th against the BETA, its implied to be only due to her TSF and not skill.
Source on that pic?
>lurkin' for lewds
>zero lewds
oh no
>implying that isn't lewd as fuck
Ahh, I thought it was some new "the Master's fireplace pic.
But now that I look at it,isn't it just Yuuya and Cryska holding hands?
We can go lewder.
Not THAT lewd, have some limits.
I want to step on Von Baka
>isn't it just Yuuya and Cryska holding hands?
Yes, hence the filename
Damn, I'm a fucking idiot.
nice going
Gretel and Kirke are shit.
Both are himecuts.
>punished Yui
I want to hug her as many times as she has friends.
Yui is made for hand holding and taking care of.
After she has another PTSD flashback and breaks down crying?
That just means I hold her close and tell her how much I love her. No matter how many times it happens.
>fuck Irisdina, promise to call her again and never do so.
>newfag trying to greentext
who are you qouting
I want to watch Meiya get dressed, and look at her cute face when she catches me watching.
I wonder what your corpse would look like after Tsukuyomi was done with you.
Mana wouldn't dare touch Meiya's husband.
Just don't invite Yuuhi to your wedding. No one wants her anywhere.
I want her there. She is a lovely girl that deserves affection too.
Berlin's whore.
New SF heroine. Too moe~moe for my tastes.
What's the deal with Strike Frontier?
>not Katia
What's her story? She doesn't really give even the remotest feeling of being a pilot.
Mobage's are easy ways to milk franchises over in nipland apparently.
Would be funny if she's somehow a bigger cunt than Simone.
>What's her story? She doesn't really give even the remotest feeling of being a pilot.
She's Yuuko's apprentice from Extra timeline (kinda like Minori with Miki), so she's support, not a soldier.
I would pull it until she cries.
>Yuuko in her mid to late 40s
Hmmm. Didn't expect that to eventually make its way into the plot. Not even tangentially like it did.
Now the inevitable question:
Has Extra Marimo found a man that can handle her yet?
>That wisp of brown hair draped over her right breast
Rosalinde confirmed for sexhair in VN?
Get a room, you dykes
My room that is.
>If Theo comes in contact with Beato a little earlier, the ideal and the strain and the danger
>If I had understood, I wonder if he was attracted to her like Iris's mirrors.
What did moonman mean by this?
あの童顔と可愛らしい髪型、ほどよい髪の長さとドスケベおっぱい、ドスケベお尻、その身から漂うドスケベオーラ サキュバスだよ
Probably Irisdina.
Calm down Lise.
Here, a cock.
SF originals have bullshit dream scenes
I wanna fuck Stella.
>And the Schwarzesmarken anime too
Accurately purvey Requiem and the pain and suffering Lise went through, the adaptation did not do the original character justice by a long shot.
This, 2 cours would have been much better.
Love and protect Katia!
In Onii-chan's arms is her pacifier and happy place, not a rooster. Even tho his hair does sometimes makes him look like a bird.
Ah~, Pham-chan is so lovely.
She didn't deserve such an awful fate. F
Schwarzemsarken Extra ever?
Who are they?
The Strike Frontier originals, aka the most generic moeblobs ever. Minori (I think that's her name), the main one, is the only one that I even remotely like and that's because I like her hair and eye color combo. Her casual outfit is nice too.
It's simple. We kill the director and start over. He's butchered an anime for the last time.
I'm sure we can even pay a KGNE fan to do it.
Shoulda, coulda, woulda. I'll never understand why they dropped the ball so badly on Martyrs.
You're a good person, please keep that belief.
Is that Ayu?
Dump and then phump Pham!
Have her take responsibility for it!
Pham is pretty. A shame her H-scene is so lame.
Only if i can merry Gretel
Why is there no good lewds of her?
She has official porn though
It's anal. Even Beatrix gets her hymen tor. The only more disappointing lewd is Lise's.
great taste
A shame really
It's a relative of hers. I want to say her niece. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.
Can someone compile a list of all the girls each protag has fugged thanks to SF?
>great taste