If you don't like individualism, tell me why

If you don't like individualism, tell me why.




It's at odds with human nature and is only a luxury that we enjoy in modern industrial society because we can afford to, for a time at least.

Wow, a memeflag and Soygun of Blackdad in one post. Cuck level over 9000

It's not at odds with nature for schizoids or autistics.

Individuals don't win. Large, organized groups do.

This is certainly true. Explains why so many lolbertarians are turboautists.

I only like individualists who form groups to collectively promote individualism.

A bit of individualism is good, and a bit of collectivism is good. Too-much of either is dangerous.

^That's what Sargon-types needs to realize. He's presenting a false-choice between either 100% individualism or 100% collectivism.

Individualism does nothing to help the community. You clean your room, make your house & car better, & then what? There's no end game to make things better for your fellow man because there IS no "fellow man". Just you. It's attention whoring.

I do like individualism but I understand it only works in a homogeneous country.

t. commie shills

>be Ukraine
>enshrine libertarianism
>die to Russia

It's not a complete view of human nature and always runs up against that

So white nationalism is Communism? By community, I means other white people.

It depends on what you mean by Individualism... Are you an individual? Yes

Are humans an individual species? No

These two are against Tribalism, the grouping of individuals, YET, human beings are naturally tribal so it completely goes against their beliefs. We wouldn't have survived 200k plus years if we weren't tribal. We are naturally collective. Our country is a collective
Our family is a collective
Our work is a collective
Our friends group is a collective
You are an individual apart of a collective.

According to them the individual should some how stand apart from the collective, become an outcast and even an outcast of the outcasts. The individual rights should supercede the collective but that would cause conflicts in our society. If individual feels he has the right to abuse children or do illegal activities (then according to these twats) then he has the right to do so. BUT, as a collective he have deemed degenerate practices illegal.

We are individuals inside a collective.

Is it not human nature to desire to have free choice and expression? I'd say if anything is unnatural, it's living in cities with thousands and even millions of people.

Friendly reminder without a strong collective of western countries we'd all be commies now.

individualism is overrated. once I heard a muslim preacher say that the west put to much enphasis on the individual and forgets that we were "created" to live in a comunity and a human can only achieve his full potential when he serves his community. I am not religious at all but I think he is right. also the facts are on his side of the argument. lonely people have higher rates of suicide, live shorter lives, have weaker immunological systems, etc.

Large, organized groups made up of individuals. Regardless of whether or not you base a country on collectivism or individualism, a group of people is a group. If a group of people is automatically collectivist, than individualism only exists to the hermit in the woods. Individualism isn't a distinction between and individual or a group, its an ideology that believes in individual rights, freedoms, liberties, etc.

Because I dislike brown people being in my homeland, more. pic related. Crime, also.

I don't hate it, but ultimately, it has trouble sustaining itself because collectives are stronger than groups of individuals. Not better, simply stronger.

No since humans are social creatures

Do you think individualism will save you from the highly collectivist xiao bings and rajdeeps who will dominate the world this century? Didn't think so.

I'm not really clear on what "individualism" is as a philosophy. Does individualism support the existence of coercive non-voluntary groups (like nations with governments and laws)? If so, then what even is individualism?

I'm married with a kid, hence I'm already in a small collective. I live in a good town, we watch out for each other, a larger collective. I could keep going, but the point is clear.

And this somehow negates individualism?

>this sub

It depends, in a homogeneous society where people cannot team up by race or other characteristics, individualism is fine.

But in a diverse multicultural society, if one group of people is made up of individualists all doing their own thing, and another group is made up of collectivists who are working together to destroy the first group, the collectivist group will destroy the individualists.

This is the situation in America now. That's why whites are being slowly backed into a corner by blacks and Hispanics.

Communitarianism is not Communism.

Groups working together will always be capable of dominating a collection of individuals. There is only one major racial group not working together in a substantial way in the world and I happen to belong to that group. Individualism is utopian.

Holy shit. My mum came into my room to bring me a plate of chicken nuggets and I literally screamed at her and hit the plate of chicken nuggets out of her hand. She started yelling and swearing at me and I slammed the door on her. I'm so distressed right now I don't know what to do. I didn't mean to do that to my mum but I'm literally in shock from Richard Spencer destroying Sargon of Akkad. I feel like I'm going to explode. Why the fucking fuck is he winning? This can't be happening. I'm having a fucking breakdown. I don't want to believe the Alt Right. I want a multi racial future. I want Sargon to destroy Spencer and kill White Nationalism for good. I cannot fucking deal with this right now. It wasn't supposed to be like this, I thought we were winning the argument???? This is so fucked. sdrater yeknom reggin era tidder.

Ethics is a group phenomenon.

Sargon is the most overrated, fake intellectual on youtube. I can not stand that goofy cunt.

>Ethics is a group phenomenon.


i dont like individualism because i need the support of others.

just direct that instinct into a fucking hobby. its that simple. start skateboarding or something. be part of a community.

Ethics - moral principles that govern a person's behavior or the conducting of an activity.
Morality - principles concerning the distinction between right and wrong or good and bad behavior.
Distinction - a difference or contrast between similar things or people. Excellence that sets someone or something apart from others.

Function precedes truth. Behavior is programmable. The basis of ethics is inherently genetic albeit shaped by environment. Chicken or egg?

Individualism can only exist in an environment created by collectivists.

>pick one

Why not fucking both? I never understood this absolutist one or the other mentality. How about this:

Your treat individuals as individuals, and you treat groups as groups?

What is hard to understand about this?

Liberalist(s)? Plural?
hmmm, that doesn't sound very INDIVIDUALISTIC

Because people want the best of both worlds based black man Will Smith

Because they aren't ancaps. They claim to be about the individual, and the ultimate form of individualism is anarcho-capitalism. But then they justify the existence of the state. Why? Because they still believe in the "greater good" and the surrendering of personal liberties for the betterment of the collective. The position is a logical fallacy, like when Ayn Rand says "the initiation of force is bad, but the existence of the state is not. In fact the existence of the state is moral" The existence of the state is based upon the initiation of force. This thought process doesn't add up to any logical reasoning.

Leaf it to a leaf.
No, Individualism is the first state.
Biologically speaking.
Your statement would have been more correct if you had said "Individualism can only exist in an environment created collective of individuals"
Humans obviously need more than one to have parents and family, and by extension, society.
But individualism is part of our evolution, we weren't a hive animal like bees, we were small groups of foragers and had to be self reliant to survive. Most of these people get to the surface and don't realize the best is a collective of individualists.

Be an individual, but if enough people fail to defend the values that enable that individualism or if you allow those opposed to those values to come into your country en masse, you'll lose your individualism and be forced to bow down to their ways.

You need some sort of collectivism or else a society wouldn't survive. It's like you libertarian retards forget about ww2 and the cold war and take everything for granted. All those warheads sitting in US silos were paid with taxes and if it weren't for them the entire world would be painted red right now.
Of course you just need to aim for the middle ground.

I honestly cant tell if that image was made to praise them or mock them.