What the fuck am I watching

What the fuck am I watching.

This makes no sense.

First Ikuhara? It's really simple.

I've seen Utena, and I'm 3 episodes into this.

So far it seems, I dunno, unnecessarily surreal I guess? Can tell what's going on so far. The op is fucking great though.

Compared to Utena and Penguindrum is less rooted in reality and more blatantly a fairy tale. But it shouldn't be difficult to follow once you have accepted the rules of the setting.
4 is the best episode anyway, keep watching.

4 was one of the best episode. Shota ototo was the best.

I still haven't finished it even though I started watching it a second time

I still haven't rewatched penguindrum. I still haven't watched adolescence.

I fail at Ikuhara. I'm not sure how I feel about this.

The notion that you have to like or "get" everything is a flawed one.

>like everything

What do you watch that you don't like?

I don't. I was telling that he shouldn't feel bad that he isn't all that into Ikuhara's stuff.


Lulu a best

Best girl by far. I hope she's happy, playing with her onii-chan, whenever she is.

keep watching

The specifics of the bears, the invisible storm and the wall of severance are explained later. I feel that many people were confused by the lack of explanations and disliked it for that reason.
And obviously being Ikuhara you can't expect to have all the allegories explained.

If there's anyone that honestly doesn't get it by the end then they're certified retarded. Yuri Kuma was as straight forward as you can get.

The thing is that I both like and get it, but I just don't want to bother watching it when I could be watching something vapid. I guess.



it's a metaphor for lesbians


What was the Yuri Trials about?

Don't blame the series for yourself. Though I guess you could also wait to finish it.



Were the court bears the Id, Ego, and Superego after all?
I remember that was a theory brought up early, but then I remember reading something else that made just as much sense and made me question whether they actually were the Id, Ego, and Superego after all.
I don't remember the alternate theory though. But maybe Ikuhara said something on it by now.


I didn't like the manga.

I forced myself to finish Penguindrum and didn't really like it in the end, too pretentious and didn't make much sense. I still haven't finished Utena - too repetitive.

I did enjoy Yuri Kuma Arashi, though. It was cute and satisfying how the characters formed interspecies sexual relationships.


>I forced myself to finish Penguindrum and didn't really like it in the end, too pretentious and didn't make much sense. I still haven't finished Utena - too repetitive.

Friendly reminder ikuhara shows are for pseudo intellectuals that are trying to justify fapping to furrys and tumblrcore pink haired landwhales
>inb4 you nevah saw da show
Yes ive seen utena and this bear garbadge, he is a hack and im really mad Sup Forums made me see it.


>Utena is garbage
>baiting this hard

Great show isn't it?