Shingeki no Kyojin

>Chilling with the 104th.
>See this
>Everyone else asleep

What do?

Armin is ____


Give her a blanket.

Nothing, her girlfriend looks scary.

Tell Eren to take more care of her future wife.


Good to see and hear Captain Verman again. Hope he survives till the end.

You had it right the first time

White and based

She isn't sleeping.
That isn't drool.

Endgame right here, brothers.

I'm going to be honest. During this part, even though he keeps running his mouth like an idiot, Reiner still does a better job of keeping his cover than Bort. Can't Bort try to fit in, even a little?

sniff her breath

I want to cum so hard down Hisu's throat that her breath smells of semen for the rest of the day.

Armin a cute.

Le monke

I want to cuddle with her.

The Sasha humor is very out of place. Even if they wanted to write her into the season they could have left the potato bit out

But Bort fits in perfectly by being quiet in the background.

Reiner just hams it up which makes him even more suspicious.

I would rape Hisu's mouth, to be honest.

What do these expressions convey?

I can't believe they cut this scene for potato filler. It basically foreshadows Eren's rage and lack of where to put it.

>Reminder that Levi didn't want Erwin to suffer anymore, so he let him die. The little shit.


Ymir pls

Thanks alot Op, now you're going to attract weirdos and cwl to this thread

If it weren't for Reiner he would look very very strange. He only gets away with it because he's his friend. Reiner does all the work for this mission.

I liked how Hanji just materialized a potato. Wouldn't water be the normal thing to first give someone who's been running around?

Shitting pants when your superior comes to visit and you know you already fucked up.

flashbacks of tent time with Zek

>Reminder manlet chose humanity and by doing that he denied his friend to reach the only purpose he had in his forsaken life. The little shit.

Can't wait for this face.

Reiner was the one at the end who fucked up the mission by just spilling out their secret.

Is he ok?

>But Bort fits in perfectly by being quiet in the background.
>Reiner just hams it up which makes him even more suspicious.
That's how it should be, but it doesn't actually work out that way. Bort looks so fucking guilty all the time.

Erwin was just too pathetic to watch anymore. So they let him rot there in peace. Next to the basement he so desperately wanted to see.

I said "during this part" not "after this part"

Rotting away quietly. At least they put him on a bed.

The potato was from a crate.


What does Hisu's breath smell like?

Baby's breath




I predict the final season of the anime will air after 3 years when the manga ends. Benchmark other super popular anime for normalfags like Naruto.

Like Kenzo Flower by Kenzo

most of the time, he isn't keeping his cover. He's genuinely acting like a soldier because he has brain problems.

Why does she salivate so much?

Eren's D

I want to draw Erwin a la Kago Shintaro "suck it" one shot manga.


Cigarettes and Whiskey


>Next to the basement he so desperately wanted to see.
I just can't imagine any good friend doing that. Your pal's hopes and dreams are within his reach, all you need to do is to bring him back to give his life some meaning, but no, it's better to let him ""rest"" and let the other boy live.

He doesn't have one. Even Mikasa knows.

Goodnight Commander Handsome.
You'll always live in our hearts.

The other boy is a mad genius who wanted to see the ocean. Creepy Erwin who didn't really care about humanity was just suffering to a cringy degree and needed to be put down.

Was this in the manga or did the director force it in because memes?

>Reminder manlet chose humanity
I agree wih the rest of the statement, to a point.

>Levi, you've been talking to a corpse for 8 minutes.

Better off ded

The latter

>Manlet literally let the man he knew wasn't fighting for humanity die
>Somehow this isn't beneficial for humanity.
Gets me every time.

He forced it, but it's not like Sasha doesn't genuinely love food. Assuming the season ends at ch 51, one of the last things you'll see is Sasha stealing some more bread.

Forced in shit.

we need normies to like Sasha and buy our shitty anime


Force it but you have to admit the chase scene will be a lot better with the forced flashbacks.

She's dreaming of juicy sensual handholding



Retard. Even when he wasn't fighting for humanity, he was. Coordinate would be in the hands of Marley right now.

>mfw Armin survived that
>mfw he got the serum and is a shifter now
>mfw there are asspulls everywhere in the arc

That's one handsome Mankasa


Can't wait for more of my favorite bitch deaths.

This scene was actually done really well.

>not beneficial for humanity
As you said, manlet knew he wasn't fighting for humanity the moment Erwin laughed at knowing Titans were humans, yet he still followed him and still wanted to inject him desperately.
In your opinion why was that if he knew that early on his true objectives weren't for humanity?

He had no one else to follow. As soon as he found someone better he dumped him.

>Even when he wasn't fighting for humanity, he was
Except he wasn't. Manlet makes it clear
>If you bite the dust while we're at it, that's it for us. So you better stay here
>No. I'd rather throw my life away in order to see the basement because that's how much I care about humanity.

That just goes to show that there was nothing for Erwin afterwards. His goal wasn't helping anybody, but proving his father right. How is that helpful in the long run?

>storyboarded by Wit's top director
When would he direct something good for once? Like Magus Bride for example.

Let her vore me

I want to write on the pages of Historia with my dick pen and white ink.

he should've been vaporized in his heroic moment. what a glorious ending would that be




What if the dick punches back?

Will Reiner turn traitor once he learns that Historia is now queen of the wall? Or was that all part of his cover?

Her dick is king sized. She won't feel a thing.

Post that sburdo edit of "I am armored titan"

Bertholdt is actually the one doing the right thing.
Nobody fucking suspects him cause he is being too much of a pansy to seem like a threat.
And he aint faking it. He is a pansy.

Mikasa is such a good mom_

>he wasn't
Did you even read? Many things Erwin created or forced his fodder to do helped delay their own people's destruction by Marley's hand, even if he wasn't doing it for the logical reasons.

What Erwin would've done after learning the truth is anyone's fuckin guess and I don't care to argue about it.

Why would he? He doesn't care much about her, except for a promise he made with Ymir to keep her out of this conflict.

>yet he still followed him and still wanted to inject him desperately.
Because from an objective view, Erwin was clearly what humanity needed. The commander with years of experience, that's the man manlet saw as well, see pic related which was after the talk in chapter 72. As Isayama put it, manlet gave up analyzing Erwin's creepy ass smile and intentions deeper and leaned towards the attitude of "I'll help you anyways"although manlet always felt uneasy about it, as if there was something wrong but he ignored it. But in the final decision, when manlet had to face the reality and acknowledge the dreams of both Armin and Erwin, manlet decided to go for Armin since he knew that he was fighting for the greater, more meaningful end.
"You have a power others lack". Seriously, that's why manlet chose Armin.

Poor Armin.

>he knew that he was fighting for the greater, more meaningful end.
Yeah, the desire to go on a beach vacation