Nanatsu no taizai
> before I realized it, I was fighting against them as one of the 10c
Really now Nakaba? What about him getting clearly partially demonized (dark eyes)?
That was an effect from his commandment seal bestowed upon him after joing the 10c's
Getting accepted as a 10C sounds a bit too important to be brushed off like that to begin with.
This chapter was already pretty wordy as is, explaining the 10 commandments induction can wait
What the hell happened to this manga? The last time I remember there being a bunch of people were back when Escanor was fighting with that guy who stopped Melo's revenge counter
The 10 big baddies show up, then we get a flashback where giant and elf possess the bodies of the old elf king and leader of the giants, while also finding out angels used to be dicks before they were wiped out and the 10 commandments were okay dudes.
Well the demons were losing the war and one of their comandments got killed off by Meliodas and another one defected, they needed reinforcements and who other than the fairy king would be a valuable ally
So, he really went with the generic "Us demons were good boys, Angels are the real assholes" cliche? I'd rather both sides be douches and Human have had enough of their shit
No, everyone is a douche.
>Angels are the real assholes" cliche
Not at all.
What happened to my cute little octololi
Retconned from existence. Wore than death.
Will Diane run into Gloxinia again and wonder what the hell happened to King?
Octololi was a effeminate fairy male and the octopus form of his weapon is never used again.
>and the octopus form of his weapon is never used again.
>King mentions he has some ideas on how to use the spear now
Sure that's nice, now tell us if you remember how to use the tentacles.
What a faggots shit king
>"Us demons were good boys, Angels are the real assholes"
No, all of the races are assholes.
Winged King soon
for some reason my spotify radio played this song exactly when I scrolled down on the catalog.
it's like that movie with tom cruise and raining frogs.
>10 commandments were okay dudes.
How did you come to that conclusion?
Not that user, but some of them are obviously not just cackling evil (Monspiet, Derierre, perhaps real Gowther)
No, the retard you're replying to has no idea what he's talking about. The point is that all races are short sighted and that their own ignorance and belligerence is ruining the world. Much like in real life.
needs more suffering
Monifieth and Derierre are lovers but that's about it. They kill even their own kind without remorse.
>hurr he wasn't true evil
yeah he left one fairy live, what a great guy
glox made the right choice
Don't worry user, it will come.
What's your definition of "true" evil? By your logic, Meliodas, Ban and Gowther are all true evil.
That's right.
Elizabeth getting memories and powerup when?
Also, theories on what Merlin is?
Godeness fuck off you're way more vile then that. Litterally wiped out a human village just because they healed some random nigga.
I think Kings point is that he fought against a lot of enemies who believed doing the right thing and was judged the intention of them wrong like Ban so he showed more restrain to keep himself making more mistakes.
>a being that has no concept of morality
>literally because he has no heart
I know this is Sup Forums, but your comprehension skills are kinda shit user.
Gowther is like those kids that rip off wings off flies or make circles with alcohol around ants. They just do it out of ignorance and curiosity, there's no malice in that.
It's just "us adults" that see it that way because we were taught - and understood - so.
Gowther doll is the same, except that he can't learn since he has no heart.
I think that in an extreme being genuinely evil the demon King and in the extreme of goodness it's maybe Diane. It seems the later fell in between those points, with their unique circumstances. Of course some are more fucked up or less.
Meliodas killed 2 and I doubt GOWTER will not cause any causalities.
Nigga hes fighting Zeldris its pretty easy to see Gowthers gonna die and Zeldris is going to rip Dolnors eye out
We still have Meliodas. We know by Gowther's flashback that he indeed dies in the forest, but I doubt he'd just introduced to job.
He doesn't want to show us the shota Demon King yet.
He is a fucking cripple and his only magic power is ineffective on Zeldris because it is obvious Zel is his warden, I don't understand why you can't accpet that real gowther is going to die he was a dad an that's it not some major badass.
>They kill even their own kind without remorse.
The demons they killed to build up Derrierre's Combo Star were actually demonified humans, thanks to Grayroad. In the flashback, when the Archangels kill the demon grunts, Mon says he is sorry and he wants to avange them.
Of course he's gonna get killed by Zeldris. Would be perfect way to hype the latter a bit, he wasn't set up as the strongest 10c for nothing.
It's Fraudrin all over again. The problem is not that he was killed, but how. Glox was so consumed by rage, he didn't even check if Gerharde was still alive.
>Elizabeth getting memories and powerup when?
When next arc starts, or at the end of this one. We need 2 more flashbacks. One is about Meliodas' past when he was with the demons, showing how he met Elizabeth and killed Aranak and Zeno. The other is showing how Elizabeth sealed the demons. I guess at the end of the arc, when Zel, Mel and Estarossa meet again, we get Mel's flashback, and when something happens with the seal, or Goddesses come back, we will se Eli's.
Merlin might be a relative of a previous Demon King, killed by Mel's family. Or Beliaruin was a hippie community, where angels and demons lived and breeded in harmony, and Merlin is a halfling.
I wonder if Dolor decided to run away instead of protecting the meme doll and his father.
I'm still mad they turned the blonde bitch from a feral aggro megamilk slut into a useless autistic moeblob to serialize the manga
Is no one going to question that Glox said true evil exists? Literally what the fuck did he mean?
White haired
But that shouldn't even be possible. The conversation Diane is having with Gowther could not be done by Dolor. Diane is going to end up doing some weird time shit and get stuck.
She was never "feral" get your retarded headcanon out of here. From chapter 1 all she did was cry name one part of her that was feral?
Not really. He clearly wants to establish an "everyone is good" scenario.
>From chapter 1
Exactly you fucking retard, read my post again
I didn't care for this chapter all too much. The point of the test was to see if King would have made the same decision. But then we see that THE ONLY REASON he didn't make the same choice WAS BECAUSE HE ALREADY DID.
Like literally what.
It's not fair that King literally does it once ('kills' Ban had it not been for Elaine interference), feels guilty and then doesn't commit the same mistake twice. Glox only had one shot.
And then Glox is all "wow ur so kind, I would never be able to do that"
Well guess what? King fucking couldn't either.
Let's hope Diane's isn't as retarded.
True evil is just doing evil deeds for totally selfish or sadistic reasons. Like that knight that Helbram killed.
I think it's pretty lame that King gets busted out already too. Although that means Gloxonia is still hanging around.
>that knight that Helbram killed.
He killed helbram king killed him
She was before it was serialized, in some onehsots the author did but muh shounen need useless females and fag MCs so both of them was watered down as fuck and a giant spider robot was turned into a pig because fuck you shounen
>watered down
Niggea he punched someone so hard they lost a chunk of her body, I'd much rather have fun loving Mel then this edgy nigger 24/7.
>fuck you shounen
Nah, the giant robot change was to make the home a bit more memorable. Editors probably thought it was ridiculous for a giant moving robot to wander around, giant pig not so much. Also it could be related to Hawk.
As for 'watered down' it's more, One-shots are made to get straight to the point immediately. Actual serializations need to build up plot points and characters so we're introduced to Mel little by little. Even now we still don't have a full focus of his character and motivations besides caring about Liz.
It keeps interest.
To top it off you need a 'grounded' character. The one that needs everything explained to them and is relate-able to the audience. Elizabeth is that.
She'd our Luke/Jon Snow/Frodo/whatever
It happens a lot, the prototype ichigo was a fucking psycho and rukia had boobs
Must suck editor and publisher dicks tonget your mango
Fuck off Ludociel
Ichigo was a fucking pychopath until the end of Hucedo muedno
Nah, I'm sure Dolor met the real Gowther too.
Diane tells Gowther that she's from the present though and Gowther even gives her back her memories. That's not something Dolor can do.
>doesn't commit the same mistake twice
That's already a good point in King's favour.
King killed Helbram, Helbram killed the knight.
I fucking hated how the author tried to make Rou into this "justified" victim/hero in doing what he did... he did the same fucking thing: kill a bunch of innocents. then all of a sudden "oh please don't kill him, he's a widdle wictim!1" ftfy. he was an asshole and he deserved to die for what he did.
Gowther could easily meet Dolor for different reasons. He was already watching them through the doll, he probably wanted their help in stopping the war.
People like you are true evil.
He didn't kill innocents though he killed the active fighters you fucking retard. No one he killed was unable to defend themsevles they even kept giving him shit for being a human too boot.
What makes you think they were all innocents? The ones that destroyed his village were most probably among the warriors he killed.
Stigma killed civillians, humans killed soldiers. Still not a good guy, but there is a difference. And it's probably to show that demon civillians are not the only innocents Stigma is willing to kill.
They were assoles racists hating on the humans if it wasn't for Glox and Dolor.
>Moral relativism
Please, remove yourself from this plane of existence.
what? and you're calling me a retard... fucking gg dumbass. so it's justified to kill active soldiers for stuff they didn't do? awesome logic!
>for stuff they didn't do
But they did. Looking at their animosity for humans they clearly wouldn't hesitate to do that village massacre thing several times.
>Active soliders in a war
>Killed by their enemies in war
Merlin being Meliodas and Elizabeth's daughter would be an interesting twist
Pretty much this.
He's bad.
>Stigma killed civillians, humans killed soldiers.
how exactly does that matter? an innocent is an innocent. just because you're a soldier, it doesn't mean the value of your life is void. fair enough that Stigma was willing to kill. so was Gerharde also fair game? what about Meliodas and Elizabeth? how about Gloxinia and Dolor? they're all part of Stigma. I just want to see where the arbitrary mentality comes in.
Rou was a pos and he killed a bunch of innocents. period. "Stigma" is no better, but every Stigma-gook was not responsible for ONE village.
He didn't kill innocents though they were all soldiers in the war he killed. You can't be a Solider and Innocent at the same time you stuipd nigger.
so all of them killed the villagers?
How is that a starw man you literally said it's not ok to kill active soldiers in a war. Are you mentally challeneged or something?
Civilians are off limits to kill because everyone could see that would fuck up society and never record, you dumb ass. Soldiers are fair game because they'll kill you don't kill them.
holy shit, are you being fucking serious right now? so, again, Gerharde, Meliodas, Elizabeth, Dolor and Gloxinia were all guilty for killing the village?
>mentally challenged
>makes a straw-man argument and doesn't realize where it went full-on straw-man
keep drinking the koolaid, kid.
Finally figured out what's the deal with the Fairy forest and Fairy realm. So, there is a Fairy Realm, and about 4400 years ago, they faries opened a portal to Earth, in search of magic. The Portal is maintained by a Sacred Tree, which has a Forest around it. So the Fairy King is not the ruler of Fairies, but just the guard for the Portal/Tree.
Apparently, Fairy Kings, and their siblings, can live the longest amongst any clans. Gloxinia is 1400, and stopped being the King when joined the demons. So Dahlia started his reign 3000 years ago. King is about 1300, and the King for at least 1000 years. Normally Dahlia should still be the King. Will we ever find out what happened to Dahlia?
Do we really have all this talk after Rou himself said he deserves death and King explained that everyone has their own motives and goals
I could see that, but she is clearly in love with Mel in the vacation side story, saying she wants the same kind of affection Mel has towards Eli. Unless Nakaba is into incest, I doubt it will turn out to be true.
I'm just trying to point out how fucked up the whole logic about Rou being in any way justified was
How are they fucking respond able now? They weren't even there. Stigma the group attacked the village directly because they gave some rnadom half dead demon they found in the forest some food and shelter. If the ten commandments did it or caused it yes they would be. The group Stigma is what attacked village so they killed the members of the Stigma group. Is it that hard to understand you are apart of the group up must also suffer said conqueses of said fucking group, that's like going to war but not wanting to die because you yourself didn't cause the war. Once war starts you can't stop it just live it Stigma started the fight Rou finished it.
>Zeldris pre 10C job was being a prison guard for Gowther
Cant wait to read Gowthers backstory in 200 chapters
The whole scene's point was to get the reader to question the difference in their decisions. There's no good and bad, it's all grey morality. At least until Glox mentions that there's such a thing as true evil, but he doesn't say what it is. Only that his decision wasn't a good one because it's emotionally chosen.
>How are they fucking respond able now? They weren't even there. Stigma the group attacked the village directly
exactly! so were all the soldiers of Stigma present and partaking in the killing of the innocents in the village!?
You now realize Glox would have killed gerharde if rou didnt drop her