Ready for a real President in 2020?

Who is ready for a real president in 2020. Joe Biden all the way! He's well educated, has great experience and is big infrastructure. Maybe he'll get some more money into our shitty rail system he likes so much!

Pedos can't President

Known pedophile. What is it with commies and their affinity or at least tolerance with pedos?




>BIDEN 2020





WTF is this shit? What is he doing?

Being a creepy sickening person.

If he has the hubris to do this in front of cameras, imagine what he does behind closed doors.

how he brushes the girl's hair creeps me out the most, its so unprofessional and pervy.

what a fucking alpha

Oh... you know, just being himself.

Yo fuk u whyte boo he da gud shiiiiiiiet nigga if dat uh uh Burnie was his nayme ain't becumin da preysiden den we getin dis nigga instay cus fuk u dat y

The fucking kikes brainwashed blacks into thinking a lavish lifestyle OF BUYING CHAINS TO WEAR AROUND YOU LIKE A SLAVE is something to strive for. Disgusting.

>electing a creepy known pedophile who is only roaming free because of his deep state connections

Yeah, nah, fuck off.

Doing his sworn duty as an elected official in the U.S., abuse Americans openly and receive zero repercussions for doing so.

Uncle Joe has been embarrassing himself in public for 8 years! He’s dropped F-bombs, pissed off business owners, gotten creepy with women & children, got in fights and even gotten kicked out of Israel for anti-Jewish slander.

Anybody stupid enough to vote for this fool needs their head examined.

He is a big ass pedo that’s fro sho

Gayz is a dumb ass satanist.

his hair are fake

top kek, OP has played well for once