Well user, are you?
Tokyo Ghoul:re
Touka is best and this chapter proves it.
how can anyone at their 20's be a virgin? it's just unreal.
i mean if you are that fat i can believe it, but that many ppl, wtf?
That said, akira best girl
you just have to be yourself right?
Heh of course not user, what do you take me for?
Yes. And I want Touka to take my virginity.
I was just being myself.
t. 24 y.o. virgin
Nope. But first time was fucking awful.
Hey I'm a 24 yo virgin too
you don't belong here.
Wow. What are the chances, huh?
i'm fat and i don't like girls
I sticked it into a pussy two times but never finished intercourse, does it count ?
I suppose but it's kinda weird that you didn't finish the act, that's the easiest part of the job after all.
not fat
not poor
not leaving the house
not a problem
Yeah, same here. I'm actually fully functional and perhaps even a bit of an over-achiever, except for the whole virgin at 24 thing. Don't have any friends though.
Well... it's all psychology, man. My first gf was ok with doing it but after we started fucking she suddenly stopped wanting to do it, and because I'm a colossal faggot I never asked her why. Still fear the answer to this day.
My second gf had vaginismus and even tho I kinda could stick it in, it was so tight it was painful for her and for me.
Seems like I've yet to find the right hole
I always expected at some point I will meet a girl/woman I will want to chase.
Never happened. So I never got laid.
Well, I'm 25 so it's definitely possible.
I'm so sorry.
He's not, right?
I dont really care about being a virgin as much I care more about never having an romantic relationship with the opposite sex
Pretty much this.
Getting your dick wet is nothing, what's truly painful is that women just don't find you interesting or fun.
20 bucks i bet touka lost her virginity during college
ill take that bet.
I will drop the manga if that's true
Why do you need to be interesting though? Seems to me like only other people would care.
Same. I will unironically drop it if she's a non-virgin.
>"Is this a fuckn joke page?" -Chibi
22 KV reporting in.
It just didn't happen. I don't really try to make it happen either.
It's something I'd like to do, but I don't really care enough to put in the effort.
We all know who took her virginity
god please no, just thinking about that makes me feel angry.
what a way to trigger me senpai.
holy shit that bottom right shot kek
Touka even dyed her hair for this conversation so she'd look like she did back when she was close with Kaneki.
She wants the D so hard but still cares about her husbando's purity. Top waifu.
Nishiki is Kimisexual.
I'll only be mad if it's some random Chad from her college.
You don't think weird we never heard about his human gf again ? That's right
Except we did and she's with Kanou now. How bad did Nishiki fuck up?
Didn't Rize fuck him?
He fucked Touka of course
>Takizawa got cucked
It's just not fair. Takizawa got tortured into insanity but still came back to save her, yet Akira still chooses the tall handsome Chad.
Why are women so heartless?
Nishiki eyes here tell everything, he's making fun of cuckneki
We did though. She founded that organization that sent the doctor to help save Akira. We even get a reaction shot of his face when he heard about his human waifu.
It's all in the past now
You people are monsters.
>Kanou is a Chad
He's a nerdy old scientist, that can't be true.
maybe because he killed shit ton of humans even his mentor and was also about to finish her off if it wasn't for amon
I'm gonna kill myself senpai. bls stop.
Then go kill yourself.
>Amon a chad
Did you skip the first part, speadreader?
Amon is just an autistic /fit/izen
If you had an electric handsaw taken to your body for months in captivity and were forced to eat your parents, you would go insane and murder a ton of humans as well.
he may have ascended to chad status after fuggin akira though.
Reminder that Nishiki sleeps at Touka's place and drinks the coffee she makes for him every morning after he fucked her hard and good, while Cuckneki masturbates himself to sleep every night
Don't worry user, Touka is pure.
She just asked that because kaneki is too beta to make a move, so she did it herself.
This is the first time I've seen a mangaka give so much to its fans. Goddamn based.
t. kissless but lost virginity to a prostitute -- multiple positions and throat fucking x)
Is there a statute of limitations on virginity? I've had sex before, but it's been long enough that I forget what it was even like.
He suffered enough
Don't you even dare take his prize away
Turning 24 in September
I am too afraid to catch something even with a condom on with how active people my age are these days
>imperial scans
That was a strange week when the raw provider got busted and a number of groups suddenly decided that translating things is too much work and real life obligations and blahblahblah.
shit I remember imperial scans, and yes that was a very weird week.
In addition to a condom, also shove an onahole up her vagina and only put your dick in that.
0% chance of infection.
Is Amon a virgin?
>stopped reading tokyo ghoul around when furata kill or not kill eto in the prison
>see this
Not now
You are not alone in this user.
My story are quite similar.
Now, I don't even want to have sex anymore.
A kiss doesn't solve your virginity, user
Dont pick up, its even shittier now
That kind of shit is why I'm still a virgin. I am worried about getting traumatized worse than I already am.
>kill or not kill
Yeah, he pulled a flashback to that scene in chapter 99 showing eto opening her eyes again and talking to kaneki like nothing happened, and then it left it open, obviously for le epik cliffhanger.
Also hairu can be revived, shirazu soon, wouldnt be surprised if we see arima come back from dead too, wofwof and ape guys are alive too.
So you might as well forget about last arc you watched and imagine after chapter 63 ghouls won thanks to ccg retardation letting eto make her conference, because that is better than we have been getting these last 50 chapters
I am sorry for you. At least, you haven't given up on sex completely. Right?
Nah. I don't want a gf though, just sex
Wasn't Kaneki raped like 3 times?
>tfw I speedread in three sections with too much time in between
>I hardly remember any names besides touka, kaneki, nishio and amon
>I hardly recognize anyone
>mfw now I have to rearead all that dull crap
Nice trip. Hope you get what you want.
All I need is someone to cuddle and handholding
Thanks m8. Same to you.
So, when are you two getting married?
To be fair I don't mind the pairing if this is what Ishida wants, coming from an Etofag. All I hope is that Ishida executes it well, the "means" to the end. I don't want him to bullshit his way into this, because at this point I have yet to see anything sort of the feelings Touka feels for him, come from Kaneki.
That's all
>be cuckneki
>become one eyed king
>have a chance to fuck eto and create the ultimate hybrid ghoul
>nah I'm just going to fuck the girl with shit kagune
She wanted some extra practice before she gives kaneki any action.
>shit kagune
>female ghoul Tor
Pick one
No tumblrfag he was not
>you remember touka and nishio, both literal who and amon the jobber
You dont remember eto arima furucuck, urine or mutsuki names at least
You just read the first part and not :re right?
I will sit back get some food and watch pretty much everything explode
it was said in a chapter that shes eto is sterile, fuck off
Bullshit that was never said, don't go around giving false information fucking retard.
>he will hack into kaneki mind and make him love touka, and then make mutsuki kill her, or a worse outcome, that but touka talks no jutsu mutsuki and heals her 19 years of being a psychopath who killed her parents through the power of winsdom
If you think about it who would teach touka about sex and nishki is the only one to get any action. I dont think touka is a virgin.
>fuck of the century vs be gentle kaneki
contain your head cannon in your spongy brain.
by the by anons, which one do you like more?