This is better than Cowboy Bebop
This is better than Cowboy Bebop
I don't know what it was but for some reason I just never got into Samurai Champloo.
Few episodes are better.
Just how much autism do you have OP?
hmm.. I like certain parts of the aesthetic and certain episodes better than anything in Bebop (specifically the feeling of the last episode in Champloo is really special and unrivaled) but the storytelling and thematic focus of bebop were undeniably more coherent and fleshed out I think. They have some interesting similarities in plot/episode structure, but Bebop's characters just have more dimension I think.
I like sci-fi more than historical settings, but I also love nujabes.
I got bored and stopped watching at episode 4.
Yet not better than Dandy
nod really
bebop stands up much better to repeated viewings
champloo has the more fun filler episodes
The OST certainly is.
Cowboy Bebop had: The better tear jerker episode (Speak like a child) and the better stylish action episode (Ballad of fallen angels)
Samurai Champloo had the better character banter and the funniest episode (the one where mugen meets that ninja grill)
Sorry, but that's not correct.
Cowboy Bebop > Space Dandy > Samurai Champloo >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ZnT
They are both good. Arguing over which is better is vain and stupid.
what's wrong with that?
This was better than both.
Also the funniest episode
I'd say I slightly prefer most of Champloo but Bebop had a better ending
It had the style of Bebop but without the substance
In contrast, Wolf's Rain had the substance but lacked the style
what's that
Indeed. I really liked introspective existential journey in Samurai Champloo. Bebop just didn't resonate with me on the same level.
Both are pretty good. I enjoyed more Champloo because of the samurai and all those goofy episodes
>that ninja girl episode
That was great. As the one with the weed, or that gay dutch.
But the baseball one is still the best one, but in japanese because they nailed it those american voices and hate they had towards asians
why do you torment me
image search brought up nothing
and im not about to crop out the pictures from that collection and search them up individually
could you just please tell me the name of that anime?
Yeah it was, bebop is overrated.
In pure style points, some Cowboy Bebop episodes are just unbeatable.
what is this
Could say the same about Bebop desu. First few episodes kinda suck
Fuck off.
it's space dandy
that image makes it look better than the shitty anime actually was
Space Dandy, my dude
End your life you inbred piece of shit.
Thank you, you are a gentleman and a scholar.
>the number one most downloaded Champloo sub on nyaa is watermarked and has mistimed subs
>recommended download was BakaBT
I hate everything.
Space Dandy has got to be one of my favorite anime in existence.
I never got past that refrigerator slime so i agree
the ending made me sadder than cowboy bebop's ending that's for sure.