I just don't understand anymore Sup Forums. Did Bannon really turn on Trump...

I just don't understand anymore Sup Forums. Did Bannon really turn on Trump? Is Bannon still working with Trump behind the scenes? Were he and Reince really the WH leakers like Scaramucci said? I've got so many questions. Does anyone have a good analysis?

Other urls found in this thread:


1. Bannon is a traitor
2. Bannon was the leaker
3. Bannon works in online media and politics
4. Bannon works for the Chinese Commies and with Kissanger
5. Bannon claims to be leader of Alt-Right
6. Bannon is ruthlessly defended on here and infinity, thread after thread. Even a sticky on how he never said those things.
7. Bannon defenders post in the same idiotic manner as the Spencer defenders.
8. Bannon had bad intentions from the start.
9. Bannon worked for Navy Intel and Hollywood
10. Bannon believes he masterminded the meme war.
11. Spencer has ties to Dugin through his wife.
12. Dugin calls Bannon soul mate

See the pattern yet????





The shills on this board, and the reason the_donald has turned into a jewish cesspit of zionist filth is because Bannon controls T_D through the mods and has shills on there as well as here.

That's why Roy Moore was shilled so hard and you actually got banned if you said to trust Trump and support Luther Strange.

Let me give you a quick run down.

>Richard Spencer is NAZBOL
>Bannon is NAZBOL
>Miller is NAZBOL
>Alexander Dugin is NAZBOL
>NAZBOL agents are trying to take down the West
>It's working
>p.s. Katy Perry is also NAZBOL

Trust no one. Only real world results are worth paying attention to. Who cares what people are saying? What are they doing?

Bannon was /ourguy/, then the CIA got him.
He's an asset as much as Podesta now.
I trust CIAnon here

So Scaramucci, who warned us early about Bannon is ourguy officially?

There something I still don't get though: Why didn't Alex Jones or his sources pick this up earlier? Isn't he just switching sides because he's unconditionally pro trump and doesn't see the bigger picture?

Because Alex Jones was on Bannon's side.

Your picture talks about Bannon launching a coup. But wasn't his plan to launch some actual pro trump candidates into congress? Ones that would actually be populists instead of RINOS? That's what I understood from it anyway

Jones was compromised long ago.

>Bannon and drumpf tomorrow

No. He OPPOSED a candidate Trump endorsed and hired so many shills that anyone who said they should trust Trump and vote for Strange got chastised into oblivion. On top of that you would get banned on t_d for supporting Strange. On top of that the shills called it 4D chess and that Trump was in on the plan.

Bannon is a lying sack of shit. Communist fucboi.

How does Bannon's influence on T_D work then? Because what it looks like right now is that they turned on him

The inmates arguing about who's in charge of the asylum...

If you've got nothing useful to add to the discussion you can fuck off in my opinion

Well the influence on t_d works this way. They have shills that make posts and comments/upvote posts to the front page, but more importantly they have mods who subvert the board to propel Bannon and his stooges into some semblance of relevancy. They can't be overt on t_d because people will start asking too many questions. It's gotta be subtle.

Bannon is a moron.

I literally got banned for saying to trust Trump and vote for Luther Strange.

It's called Kayfabe, OP. Trump/Bannon are still on good terms but Bannon pulled a heel turn to stir shit up and get the media focused on him while Trump prepares to attack them from behind.
This is basic WWE level shit.

No. This is all a Pro-Wrestling style act.

Trump controls the media.

and now you're here...

he fucked us on Alabama, Trump said go with Strange at his rally the other guy will lose seeming knowing of some unmentioned scandal and bannon gave a counter rally where he told everyone vote for Roy. why the fuck would he split the republicans like that. he knew what he was doing it's no accident the way it turned out.

Bannon is NOT on good terms with Trump. You're the exact Bannon shill I'm talking about. This damage control is fucking obvious to anyone looking faggot.

Bannon is finished. deal with it.

why are americans ugly AF as pic related.

almost as if they are fucking mongrels or something

He is part of the Rebel Alliance and a traitor!

Take him away!

It's because Bannon is a kike at heart and kikes want to deracinate society. Tear out the roots. Bannon doesn't want to build up America to new heights. He wants to tear everything down and implement a fresh system. Communism.

Republican seat for 30 years, thanks sloppy Steve!

Wow I didn't know it was this bad. That's ridiculous.
So what's your advice? Trust Trump in his judgement? Because I still have the feeling that he's got everything under control and that there's a lot of work being done behind the scenes. But he did trust Bannon which was a mistake in the end. Do you get those vibes as well?

>Did Bannon really turn on Trump? Is Bannon still working with Trump behind the scenes? Were he and Reince really the WH leakers like Scaramucci said? I've got so many questions. Does anyone have a good analysis?
Bannon is deep state. Just like how there are actors pretending to be journalists on the left, there are actors pretending to be journalists on the right. Bannon is a deep state actor on the right.
>Pic related.

>I trust CIAnon here
Who the fuck is CIAnon?

No, Bannon has always had a problem with Jared and Ivanka, who correctly considers agents of globalism who have Trump's ear.


Look at this mark, getting worked by big match Don. SEETHING.

You aren't being very convincing.

The mooch was my guy, whoever's side he was on.

Trust Trump. It's imperative. We only have one fucking chance to save this world and this planet and the entire NWO is working to usurp and defeat Trump.

We have to stand by him.

Because Breitbart under Bannon took a very hardline against DACA.
Trump wants to trade DACA for a wall. He promised a wall and he's determined to deliver on his promises. Now, you might argue that DACA is against the spirit of what Trump was saying about immigration, but Trump can (and will) argue that he didn't say anything specific about it - and that's true. Trump is solely concerned with the *promises* he made. Imagine, a president who did what he said he'd do; imagine how powerful that idea could be. And the wall will be the permanent memorial to this achievement.
Breitbart will now tone down criticism of DACA. If Coulter continues to make a noise, Trump will attack her too.

Everyone was the whitehouse leakers. Remember after Charlottesville Cohn and Tillerson on the record took shots at Trump

>How does Bannon's influence on T_D work then? Because what it looks like right now is that they turned on him
The deep state influences T_D. It's no longer grassroots. It was initially when Sup Forums was running it. It got taken over by the deep state after the elections.

DACA + chain immigration is worse than no wall.

Gotta build the wall before you kick those fucking browns out.

Bannon's bonafides >>>>>>>>>>> draft dodger senile trustfund boor Trump

Bannon should just stick to radio. Nothing in this country will change -- it's been a plutocracy controlled by big business for nearly 100 years

Wait what? Bannon was some obvious false flag my dude. Totally unhinged and precisely placed for optical damage.

So why did they all suddenly stop leaking? Because they got called out by the mooch?

I'm really conflicted now. I was fully on board with Bannon a month ago, now I dont know what to think. Is this nazbol thing true, or is it just a feud between two nationalists?


Exactly my point. It's all so weird

bullshit. the most popular trump gif is "they have to go back" ... and don't forget "I want american kids to dream, ok"

give the daca fucks with real jobs work visas, not citizenship. no voting. send the rest back

Haha fucking globalists. You aren’t even as remotely slick as you think you are.

This is anotherNight of the Long Knives, except we're on the wrong end.

Lol trumptards wanted another John McCain republican unironically and Moore was set to win until he was backstabbed by everyone

Has he been brought to heel?

Who cares? He needs to fuck off.

Muh trump savior of the west

Not Katy...no fucking way man

Muh everybody else is a controlled puppet. I hope you get paid, and your not really this fucking stupid.

Back to your containment thread, boomer retard. It’s pitiful watching you still suck daca Donnie’s cock


Worry about your own cucked ass country bong. We aren’t going to come to the rescue this time.


And cue the narrative shill.

You thirsty for more 4D chess?
>Jerusalem vote in UN that "isolated Trump" from his US traditional allies
>Pulling funds from Pakistan, leaving the door open to Chinese
>If Pakistan asks the US to leave, only LOC's to Afghanistan are via Russian airfields in neighboring states
>shitposts North Korea. World freaks out. NK and SK agree to direct talks without the US
>Could lead to partial/full withdrawal from Korean peninsula
>reducing contributions to the UN

If you are Trump and you want America First and no more foreign entanglements, how do you reduce your international footprint without simply pulling out your troops unilaterally? That could look like a retreat. Adversaries might argue it's a sign of American decline and seek to take advantage of they see you abandoning your outposts and allies. So here's what you do.
You force others to politely ask you to leave. That way no one can say you retreated or that you abandoned your enemies.
Trump is isolating the US and the MSM narrative is that he's an idiot who doesn't know what he's doing - and that's good. That's what he wants them to think. When in fact it's the only way he can achieve his promise of reducing America's role in international security without alerting his globalist enemies to the fact he's delivering yet another promise.
These are just a few examples. It is pure 4D chess.

My advice. Keep a bullet point list of Trumps key promises on hand. Ask yourself when he says or does something, how does it relate to these promises? Will it bring them closer to reality, or not?

It took me a while, but I get it now. He *is* a genius. So much so, he's happy to play the fool in order to achieve his aims. Willing to throw former allies under the bus if they threaten his ability to deliver.

More user, give us more!!!

A lot of Alex Jones tier stuff in this thread. I think if you want the simplest and most likely true explanation it is that mooch was right and Bannon likes to suck his own dick. He has an agenda he wants done and he will work towards that no matter if he has to stab the president in the back to do it. I don't think he's 100% bad because a lot of what he wants to do is positive and he opposes the RINO establishment, but being disloyal to the best and maybe last shot we have to fix this country is too far. He tried to use the president and that doesn't work with Trump.

Yes I’m sure daca Donnie is going to save you 54%ers

Maybe, maybe not. I haven't run the numbers. But that's irrelevant.
Imagine Trump has a tickbox list of the promises he made - this is his contract with the American people.
In the corporate world, we have a term "contract management". As soon as the person tasked with managing the contract is assigned, they'll go through a "contract deliverables" assessment of the contract, basically picking out all of the key things that have to be delivered under the contract. Well, Trump knows what his deliverables are. Getting rid of DACA isn't on that list.
Trump aims to tick every box on that list. That's his primary focus. That's the key to his desired legacy - Trump delivered. And he'll deliver, come hell or high-water. He'll burn allies, and negotiate with whatever he has, to prove he's not a liar. He'll win at all costs.

>I think if you want the simplest and most likely true explanation it is that mooch was right and Bannon likes to suck his own dick.
Right, that's what sheep like to think to. But you can't get to being NWO by telling everyone your plans, can you user? The whole point of digging deeper into why Bannon did what he did is to understand the potential motivations of all actors. Saying Bannon likes to suck his own dick and closing shop is like saying Bill Clinton pardoned multiple criminals on his last day out of pity. Think more user, this is an information war.
>He has an agenda he wants done and he will work towards that no matter if he has to stab the president in the back to do it.
What is his agenda? Wall? Repeal of Obamacare? No DACA? How is he going to achieve this without the president's support?
Or is it that there was never an agenda to begin with and he was there on behalf of the deep state to control the narrative on the right? Free choice is an illusion user, all the media is controlled.
>I don't think he's 100% bad because a lot of what he wants to do is positive and he opposes the RINO establishment
Why? Because he says so? There are tons of people who give lip service and most don't act. That is what differentiates posers from true people.

dude, Trump abandoned all the maga shit on DAY ONE when he added kushner, ivanka to staff ... let alone gary cohn, dina powell, mnunchin to the cabinet

he's a senile old man. too dumb and lazy to really push the shit he promised. all he cares about is money and setting up his kids with more money/power/status. that's fucking IT

>some shitposters gif proves he's going to get rid of DACA
He made no promises on DACA. Link me a vid of him promising to kill DACA.
The quote you do provide is irrelevant to DACA. He can keep DACA and still do something for Americans.

I'm no fan of DACA. I'm just pointing out facts. He's treating his presidency like a business contract with his voters. I admire it in a way. It's a very single minded approach and might mean a president actually gets shit done.

steve could see early on that Trump squandered all his political capital with series of retarded mistakes, many by his own fucking kids. it was over, and obviously a patriot like steve was fucking devastated because he dreamed about being in that position and it was all over so fast. once they were kneecapped with the russia shit and jared's money laundering, come on, it's a wrap

>trump reducing international footprint.


This is the shit show you wanted. I’m personally enjoying the gymnastics show

This author succeeded driving a wedge between them where the media failed last year. Scott Adams noticed it and predicted it here.



What made it successful this time was that Bannon had publicly backed a candidate that Trump initially did not, and was subsequently torpedoed by DC Republicans feeding "allegations" to WaPO then campaigning against him, Bannon convinced Trump he was still going to win with Trump tweeting support and rallying in Pensacola. We all know the result, that was the last straw for Trump.

It worked this time with the help of Mitch McConnell and conversations taken completely out of context by this author Wolff.

agreed on all counts

They got played by the media and this author.

They also got played by their own party in regards to Roy Moore, Republicans were the ones who released that oppo research to WaPO who followed up on it, when the story broke Republicans had a coordinating message of anyone but Roy Moore.

That beheaded Bannon, his influence and his war permanently and created a schism with the President.

The quotes taken out of context in the book sealed the fucking deal.

>Bannon in Alabama
>Bannon on 60 min
>Bannon 2020 rumor

He needs to retire asap.

People have character faults sometimes, it isn't always conspiracy. If you want to claim it is then fine, it just didn't work out for him in the end. We have a problem with the GOP right now in that almost all of the senators are horrible people. Having Roy Moore in office would likely have been better than strange but a wapo hit job took him out. Can you say that Bannon knew it was coming and it all went to plan? Possibly, but there is no way of knowing right now. Breitbart is flawed but they definitely played a positive part in getting trump elected and changing the narrative. I'm not going to immediately jump on them but instead evaluate their actions going forward.

He has to take what he can get, literally no one wanted to work on his campaign nor do they want to be a part of a pariah administration.

When you have a normal major party candidate the party aparratus props you up and gets you up to speed, Trump doesn't have that luxury because he was never a part of or co-opted by this party and succeeded in pissing most of it off with his campaign.

Bannon had no way of knowing that oppo was coming, even Roy Moore didn't know. Bannon attached himself firmly to Moore once the primary was over thinking he would have an easy win and someone more loyal to him than to Mitch McConnell, he fell right into McConnell's trap.

The national party was willing to give up the seat this cycle to permanently diminish Steve Bannon and lower his standing in the President's orbit. It worked like a charm.

McConnell was the real 3D chess and so many here didn't see it.

He's still ourguy.

He had to distance himself from Trump to start calling dems the pedos they are


Another anti trump meme flag what are the odds?

Coulter has his personal number, they talk off and on and he follows her on Twitter.

You have to compromise to get things done in government, DACA is a bargaining chip and it's going to involve give and take.

If we really get a wall and stepped up deportations that's great. If we keep DACA and get nothing in return, not so great.

I agree, but I don't see McConnell as being the head of the snake. He was willing to give up the seat to keep Moore out for sure, but I doubt he influenced much either way.

He was disloyal, and Trump is all about loyalty. Trump would view his militant opposition to DACA as further disloyalty and a potential obstacle to the wall. An obstacle to Trump delivering on the promises he was elected to deliver on. So it's just business. Everything else being said is just part of the op to further discredit him and prevent him from mobilizing opposition to DACA. It's just business.
Trump is a businessman. He made a contract with the American people. A contract isn't some vague "hopey-changey" rhetoric. It's a fixed document. And Trump prides himself on delivering. This is a big deal in business. It's what you build your reputation on.
Consider Bush. He was viewed as a sellout who didn't deliver. Ditto Obama. In both cases, we saw internal opposition emerge because voters were sick of being ignored. Trump knows this, has said it in similar terms.
Well, not him. He wants to buck the trend. He'll do what he said. Everything else is a bargaining chip to make it happen.

There are people here who are still so naive they can't see this as the money grabbing vanity project that it is.

surprisingly this is what I believe is happening. I know only 10% chance that is a political theater, but it feeeeeels so much like it.

So where are the lines drawn on pic?

He is on record *more than once* clearly stating he prefers to be in the background than in front of a camera. Drumpf was a perfect puppet.
Just a pity for Soused Steve that it's such a fucken all-out daily shitshow.

>NAZBOL agents are trying to take down the West
The Bannon faction got purged from the White House. Breitbart was vital for Trump to become President, but now he doesn't need them anymore and they are absolutely sidelined.

So many people are completely business-retarded, and they will never understand the wisdom in your analysis.

On topic, Bannon is no more of a fuckup than Preibus or Mooch or the rest of the President's cavalcade of imperfect-but-talented friends. It just seems that way because the media is ramming this shit down people's throats.

The book is a psy-op, a limited hang out from the FBI as part of their ongoing counter intelligence operation against the Trump administration. The purpose is just to stir up fear, uncertainty and doubt about Trump and the people around him. It is just like the "kill yourself" letter that the FBI sent to Martin Luther King. COINTELPRO. It's what they do. This is payback for Comey.

ask them to up your meds

He's removed the US as chief arbiter of the Israel/Palestine negotiations. Now the Korea's are engaged bilaterally.
There are more examples. The UN vote came as no surprise. It was anticipated. So now he cuts UN funding and warns, through Haley, that he's taking names. The Europeans, in particular, are taking major steps to plan for operating without US/NATO backing, and Merkel's entourage talk about the US relinquishing it's role as leader of the free world. He sends them an ambassador who's only job is to shitpost the EU, further alienating them.

So, think ahead. Less footprint in SE and central Asia, as well as Europe. And no one can say he did it unilaterally when those countries ask the US to withdraw. Yes, people will say it was because of Trump's stupidity, but will he gaf if he can look back and say another promise was kept?

>It took me a while, but I am able to 'rationalize' any piece of dung into being gold

You're all falling for the fake news. This is all part of the plan to take down the MSM, as promised. The "fake news' awards are happening on the 17th.
>Cap this post, faggots.

>Trump and Bannon pretend to feud
>Hype it up all the way to 2020
>Bannon runs against Trump around November 2019
>All eyes are on the Trump-Bannon debates
>Both candidates just shit on each other over stupid things
>Never really going too far, just minor things like how Trump isn't hard enough on Mexico etc.
>Finally primaries roll around
>Bannon immediately drops in January
>Whole primary lasted like 1 month
>MEANWHILE the dems are fighting tooth and nail against each other
>This goes on for 6 months while Bannon and Trump watch in laughter.
>By the time the election rolls around, Trump and Bannon have all the opposition research they need on the rat race winner of the dems
>Dems have nothing other than the recycled shit Bannon peddled that people already heard before
>Trump wins 49 states as Bannon predicted

Every time I have heard him speak to other countries or regions, he has reminded them and urged them to remind themselves that they are "sovreign" powers who should put their own interests first. Seems to be sinking in, at least to some degree.

He won't let them keep DACA without a wall. DACA is his bargaining chip.
Problem with Ann is that she won't see that as an acceptable compromise. She'll make noise, and Trump can't have that. She'll be given some friendly notice but if she doesn't tow the line, she'll be attacked with something.

I'd kms if Tay turned out to be nazbol

The_Donald is 99 percent memeposting at this point. If you think that sub is living up to some disinformation campaign you're mistaken.

DACA is a loss. Amnesty turned the entire west coast blue.