How many episodes have you watched in the last 2 weeks?

How many episodes have you watched in the last 2 weeks?
How many manga volumes have you watched in the last 2 weeks?
If your combined score is less than 25, your Sup Forums posting privileges are revoked.

My score is exactly 1. Call the cops I don't give a fuck.

I dunno ,like 8 episodes
Volumes, no clue. I read like 9 chapters of Made in Abyss, and 4 of Death March. Oh I read a couple volumes of H-manga.

I've ascended beyond that junk really, I'm more of a VN man now.

Wow you really read some shitty VNs. I assume you already went through all the good stuff? Is symphonic rain worth finishing? Are you the guy from the other thread?


How do you guys watch your manga?

I'm following 13 shows that I haven't dropped yet, so that makes up for a good 20 or so. I've also finished Nichijou, finished Railgun and Railgun S, completed one playthrough of Tsukihime, seen 9 episodes of Yuuki Yuuna wa Yuusha de aru, and finished Wakusei no Samidare. Besides that, I've fapped to a shit ton of hentai and other lewd images as usual.

Sakura Taisen is top tier stuff my man, so far at least. I'm not that guy from the other thread and I thought Symphonic Rain was pretty good, really remembered staying for the OST though. Symphonic Rain is one I read long ago though. Maybe I should try giving it a reread actually, now that I think about it.

90 something for anime
2 manga volumes
he told you last thread that you should finish it, retard

About 60 though only 6 of those weren't rewatches


The non-finale arcs suck retard. Excuse me for wanting another opinion before wasting another 30 hours

49 episodes.

0 volumes watched though.

>should i finish this?
>should i finish this
>w-well i don't like it!
If you don't want to finish it don't, you fucking mongoloid.

The first person said yes so I asked one more person to confirm whether slogging through the other 2 routes were worth it for the finale. Now that I have 2 yeses I'll read it you fucking double faggot.

20 episodes
38 volumes

Just blasted through Samurai Flamenco, and now I'm wondering whether to pick up NGE or Red Jacket Lupin first.

Skip NGE so we don't have to endure you making yet another horrible eva thread afterwords. If you do watch it, don't make any threads for it. Just wait for one of the other dipshits to do it and post in that one.


15 episodes
30 volumes
Easier to read manga these days

>How many episodes have you watched in the last 2 weeks?
>How many manga volumes have you watched in the last 2 weeks?

Oh also I've been reading Steel Ball Run, it's alright so far. That should make about 25 in total.

You got it dude, wasn't planning on it anyways.

How do people watch this much Jesus

>how do people watch three hours of TV in a day

Yeah get a life lmao

Excuse me, but you seem to be under the impression that "life" refers to, specifically, the standard social norm of conduct within socially approved variation. This is in fact an error as life simply means not being dead, thus anyone doing what they desire has a life and those doing what they do not like do not have a life.

less than 2 hours a night before i go to bed, but i binged 4-6 series in the past 3 weeks. 2 of them were shorts

>4 of Death March
Ahaha why?

6 episodes and 35 manga volumes.
I don't have enough disk space to download series, so I have to read manga.

So make room genius