Bahamut - Virgin Souls thread

How do you feel about the new female MC?

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I really don't like the new mc.

I want favoro back.

This show's opening has not been as good as the first season.

>I really don't like the new mc.
Why? She's fun.

She's fun, sure, but I prefer favoro's more gungho attitude.

I honestly might drop this season of the show, if it seriously doesn't improve; she works well as a side character, but as an MC, she doesn't work for me.

side note: ep2 was better than ep1, though not by much.

Favaro wasn't the main lead of the first season then he would be in this one. He shared the spot with Kaiser and Amira, and it looks like the same with Nina for Kaiser and maybe Azazel.

>new MC
You mean Azazel, right?

>You mean Azazel?
He's a main character, but not the lead one at any rate.

Yeah, but she's still a charachter with a fair bit of the limelight, imho she'd work better as a charachter like bachus.

Azazel and kaiser I would like to see as the main focus for this season, though.

I really don't see the issue with her character at all here.

Does she have a friend who angrily screams her name on multiple occasions?

No. Just some fat drunken fuck who keeps yelling at her to get the fuck out of his house without ever actually doing anything to kick her freeloading butt out.


Are you really this much of a picky snob cunt

The evil human vermin must be exterminated to preserve the balance of nature. Demons dindu nuffin wrong. If you have even a drop of goodness in you, you will support the right side.

>Wanting Azazel aka Mr. Jobber to be a main focus

Ok Mappa.

Predictions for next episode?
Will turban man show up?

Is the qt with the handpuppets still in?

She was in the ending, so yes.


she was beaten and broken during the assault on demonic capital, then sold into slavery and got sexually tortured to death in some dungeon by some rich old fat man. only her gloves survived.

She's an unholy bandwagoner slut who deserves to be taken to the pound alongside her commie cunt little sister.

Preach it brother!


Why this show doesn't have 1080'p?
Rita best girl

Yeah, she's fun and her reactions are great. She's still figuring things out and it's fun to watch and go with her flow

DELETE, she's a doggo of good stature and a friend of Heaven. Silly Ningen like you anons will all bend your knees in due time

The only thing which disappointed me about this episode was the complete lack of follow up to Nina's dragon transformation situation. So she rampaged for a little bit, then just passed out and it was even possible for Azazel to snatch her up without being caught or followed, even though he was hurt himself and his disguise was half undone? I also find it hard to believe the king would just let her be after an incident like this. She'd have been marked as a demon and imprisoned, she already has a mark on her for allegedly aiding the rag demon. This just struck me as kind of messy writing.

Another thing I'm wondering about is why the hell is Azazel completely alone in his resistance movement? Where's help from other demon lords? Is he the sole demon alive who gives a damn? I find it hard to believe, he was never all that particularly concerned about his demon brethen, and even though this is more of an issue of pride, he surely is not the most prideful. So, where is everybody else? I'm not one of the guys screeching for more card appearences, but simply seeking some explanation as to why Azazel is the sole demon who is above being caught and enslaved and being the only one doing shit about the situation.

She'd be a bloodcraft card if she had any stature.
Instead she's busy babysitting some crazy little psycho who's on an eternal quest for burglar dick.

The explanation is simply shit writing.
I'm watching it only for the hope of zombieXkaiza interaction.

>but I prefer favoro's more gungho attitude
She is way more gung ho than Favaro. Favaro was a sneaky weasel type who went about things more quietly while she has the strength of fifty men and is far more eager to do stuff than Favaro. She just wasn't given an opportunity to do much yet.

Luna is pure. addicted to convict cum.

Rita keeping an eye on Azazel in an older sister fashion was cute. They go way back, so I'm hoping they reveal more of their backstory through their future interactions.

Look at that body.
Whoever's in charge of drawing her boobs is a god. They just look great almost all the time.

>my leg hurts

You're just mad Vampy isn't as cute and isn't top tier.

Nina is better than expected. However, Favaro was the fucking best and Kaisar and Amira just made everthing better.

She has room for being great as well but needs a better party because Kaisar is now a boring cuck and the show sucks Azazel's dick too much

Her boobs are too big for that breast plate. It looks uncomfortable as hell.

>implying I use a bubble-brained loli as a leader for the most metal craft in the game.
You wish you had cards this good.

>yfw azfag is the MC
Makes sense since he has the cause to fight the humie villains.

I couldn't be more MEH about Amira if I tried. Favaro was okay. Kaisar will get better once he frees his balls from the King's crushing hold. Kaisar, Rita and Azazel will definitely be good as a party.

Nice fanfiction bro. Now fuck off.

>The Zazel bullying is back
was worried for a second

Yes but it's fucking hot.

>be a horny young gal
>transform into a horrifying monster when aroused

is this some sort of puberty metaphor?

I can't hear you over my 11 damage on turn 6.

Off topic. Please take this elsewhere.

Do they expect me to actually give a fuck about what Azazel wants? He was a fucking ashole last season he should just be enslaved or killed like the rest of the (((demons)))

often boys don't like girls as MCs because it's harder to self insert (by which i mean "understand the emotions and motives") what can be funny or hot for a girl when Nina nearly comes just by the sight of pretty face, for others might be cringeworthy
The same goes for girls (f.ex. in harem, when MC bumps into girl boobs by accident, or doesn't understand what did girl mean when she was confessing. Tho nowadays it's cringe for almost everyone.
That's why Dishonored 2 in the end had also male MC option
That's also what one of guys from CDPR told in interwiew as why won't they make new witcher with Ciri as main hero

It's just how people are, and there is nothing wrong when someone feels like it.

>Not liking Azazel

There is no excuse for slavery user. Everyone, demons angels and even some humans, should get along and build a better world together. It's the natural way.

I like how you only told the luna pedo to take it somewhere else.

Yeah it's weird,There wasn't a word of commotion in the city of a random dragon wrecking the city, maybe they thought it was the work of the Rag demon. Either way it's a major breech to their defences, you'd expect more of a reaction. I wonder if the Orleans Knights are on City duty so perhaps Kaiser may have gone easy on her while patrolling the city but that's an interaction between two major characters and unlikely to be skipped over. It was dark out so they might not have gotten a good view of her. While they might be suspiciouns it's unlikely guards would believe this cheery girl with unusual strength is working with a demon. I mean, the people of the city and humans are prospering, why would a human fight with a demon

With Kaiser in under the watch of Cheerios I wonder if that Knight who showed displeasure at Kaiser's actions during the victory parade/cheerios returning from latest Angel battle in the first episode will come into play. Will Kaiser take action against the Empire while a Knight or after being forced out...

does emo stalker who calls her kisama count?

When will he call her by name?

>that scene where Nina knocked Favaroooo from his horse

too fucking funny

Kaisar I mean.
Sorry guys

These four are the main characters, right? So when is Favaro going to show up?

In two weeks.

>Favaro doesn't appear
>annoying favarofags won't stop bitching about Favaro not appearing
>Favaro appears
>annoying favarofags won't shut about Favaro appearing

Fava's not a main character, swap him out with Azazel. He almost certainly will have a key role later on though (he very briefly pops up in the ED, captured by someone?)

His VA is apparently billed as a main character.

Mugaro porn when.

daily reminder
>Michael dies for our sins

Michael has maybe been reborn as a cute mute shota though, so there's that. Gonna get in that thoroughly bullied Jeanne ass.

Well lad, it FLCL all over again.

Jeane /ss/ ara ara when?

Remember that ep 3 is always the deal breaker. Have some patience


Nina is a wonderful angel, you shut your whore mouth.

I think I prefer the old "ancient evil awakens" plot to this whole humans vs demons/angels/gods thing to be honest. I doubt the story will stay that straightforward of course, I just hope that it doesn't get too dredged up in it.

No not Michael please. He was just an archangel, and a boring one at that, not some big deal. Mugaro despite being a mute has already a more likeable personality than him.

> hair covering one eye
>blue and red eyes
>hair is actually blond
Just a coincidence or Michael Mk.II?

You sure hate fun. First season was great because Favaro, Kaiser and Amira's interactions were funny. Nina, Kaiser, loli zombie can be an interesting mix, my only complain would be having Azazel as the heroic type in this season. But I want to see Nina dropping her spaghetti when she sees Favaro, the nigga is really hot now.

Bacchus is going to be the first person that is gonna cry when Nina bit the dust.

Does Lucifer (or it is Satan? ) give a shit about the rest of the demons? He didn't do jackshit when the two demons were trying to take Hell's throne last season?

looks pretty promising to me, and Nina seems to be a likable character
I'll try to marathon Genesis until next Friday. Is there anything else I should watch or read for this?

>king doesn't even show up in the ED
>the painter guy from ep.1 is there
Is he going to be someone important or what? He was voiced by a big name like Mamoru Miyano and all

A couple shorts that are set inbetween Genesis and Virgin Soul, they're easy enough to find

Wasn't the king at the end?(After Kaisar)

>king doesn't even show up in the ED

That guy at the end is the king, not the painter


t. buttblasted fujoshit
Whats a matter, jealous she is hanging with all the sexy men and your not?

that could be anyone.

I want to make Amira and Nina have a eating contest with each other.

It's the king

Amira is dead user


Haikai sayonnora~

Nina is inside Bahamut if that make you feel better.


>sucks Azazel's dick too much
I think they're settling back into making him the butt of jokes though, user.
Remember that in series 1 he started off as a genuine threat before becoming the resident humiliation sponge.


Nina is really cute and I'm glad this anime is back.


This was actually the most dignified reaction to the Rita Punch thus far. Kaisar and Favaro were much worse off after being bolted one in the first season.

Something about the way this anime does faces is so fucking off to me.
You can't just color the lips like that if you're not going to define them. It makes everyone look like clowns.

Azazel is a clown

Not anymore, he's a hero.


>outlined lips
Absolutely disgusting. This isn't the 90s.