Why Millennials Are Fed Up with Capitalism?

Why Millennials Are Fed Up with Capitalism?

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blame public schools for left-wing propaganda


holy kek she is getting uglier by the minute at this rate

>Regular people no longer earn anything, money goes to the state through a million forms of tax
>People think they earn nothing, believe it's the capitalist overlords that are behind it all
>Think the solution is government intervention, to a problem actually caused by the government being too interfering

Over-education, fear of robots and automation, low savings, glorification of rich people and lavish living, lack of community, social isolation, dependence on government handouts to survive, 40 years of neo-liberal economic doctrine, the effects of global trade and globalization, fear of the future, 2008 recession, corrupt politicians, part time and temporary work and lack of full time work, privatization, financial schemes, overpriced housing, etc.

because no information come from led/lcd/plasma/capacitive screens memeflaggot vagrant yerpeon


Because they've had a life of having everything handed to them, have come out into the real world and have learned that
1) Nothing comes for free
2) Recognition is a reward of hard work and only hard work

They're consequently saying fuck that and gibs.

Doesn't help that left-wing social policies and the taxes needed to fund them have absolutely fucked things in a way that can only be fixed with a hard reset.

>100 years of Jewish banking tricks
Why the fuck do you think they are fed up?

>Recognition is a reward of hard work and only hard work
hahaha boomer detected

>arms are starting to get fat

t. Proud Trudeau voter

Capitalism has failed to safeguard Christian morals.

Millennial's and Generation Z for the most part spite and mock Jesus Christ and yet don't understand that the lack of Christianity leads to the deterioration they hate so much and have to live in.

Its who you know not what you do or what you know

they're not. watch their actions not their words

millenials are getting more feminized which makes them virtue signal harder and be duplicitous. but all you have to do is watch what they DO, and you'll see how they really think.

because they have absolutely no idea what socialism is

>lack of Christianity leads to the deterioration
as if christianity was the pinnacle of moral doctrine

All kids are taught to be far left. When they get their first job they become center left. When they understand their tax return isn't a "gift" from the government they lean right. When they learn where their taxes go they become conservative.

I'm fed up of tattoos desu

Don't care. Live the life you want to live. Fuck everyone else. Stop caring what others think and feel and think for yourself. The universe and existence itself will perish to exist one day so just fuck it. One day you will die and never come back. Let that sink in. So, here I am doing well for myself with a good degree from a good university and I just don't give a shit anymore. Let them hate capitalism, it's not going to change shit. It's a rebellious thing.

Heres what will happen to them. They will grow up, work, pay taxes, die, and just move along with life because they know they cant change it just like the rest of us. It's that simple.

Because they lack capital.

Because they were told in school to 'go to college and follow their dreams' and plopped $200K on a BA in Nicaraguan Folk Dancing and are assmad they still work at Starbucks/Walmart/Barnes & Noble despite being a grad, that's why

It shares a lot with fuedalism. Not that communism or socialism work.

we don't have that, we have central banks

>hard work=recognition/good pay

Not since 1990 has it

le its not real x meme

>we are fed up with capitalism
>posted with my iphone x


College is not for everyone

I just realized she's the perfect example of a bugwoman.

like a spoiled child that hates their parents. All why they buy them phones and videogames.

it's funny how luxury and arrogance, and combine to blind you from almost anything.

regardless the human brain is hardwired to pursue hardship and trials. whether that's through willful ignorance or not.

5. Centralization of credit in the hands of the state, by means of a national bank with state capital and an exclusive monopoly.

The Federal Reserve System, created by the Federal Reserve Act of Congress in 1913, is indeed such a "national bank" and it politically manipulates interest rates and holds a monopoly on legal counterfeiting in the United States. This is exactly what Marx had in mind and completely fulfills this plank, another major socialist objective. Yet, most Americans naively believe the U.S. of A. is far from a Marxist or socialist nation.

I wouldn't go that far, but there are far more different majors these days than there are viable jobs that can be had thanks to a degree. Oh you got a degree in Liberal Arts, user? GTFO of my company, I want people that did more than wrote book reports for 4 years on a college level.

If we fucked with the central banks it wouldn't stop this

>Why Millennials Are Fed Up with Capitalism?
they dont understand having to give/do something to get something in return
they want an entire society based in the philosophy of participation trophies (though by participation, they just mean existing)

They're not.
They're fed up with Keynesian, mixed market, central bank controlled, think tank & social engineered economies.

Why the fuck do you think. I'll give you a hint, it's related to the chosen people.

Jesus Christ set the ethical standard in the western world for nearly the past 2000 years.
Try and remove the foundation of our society and the whole thing will collapse.

Generally left-wing people were anti-globalism in the 90's. Now they're suddenly fucking okay with exploiting child labor and sweatshops abroad and creating a brown-skinned underclass to do America's labor.

Suddenly nationalism and putting your people first is fascism. Refusing to give people handouts is selfishness regardless of your reasoning. Keeping the world heterogeneous and by keeping the nations in it homogeneous is backwards and regressive. Keeping men out of the little girls' room is bigotry.

Disgusting fucking hypocrites. Makes my blood boil. I don't care if I'm a minority. I'd legitimately rather get gassed than live in the liberal, globalist dream world. 14/88.

the cake is getting old

Implying things were better when Christianity ruled >only Jews allowed to loan money
>slavery common
>everyone is a dirty peasant
>only the clergy give away gibs
>no democracy, everything ruled by a handful of inbred royals
>and many more!

who said this?

The only people that say this have been to college.

Because consumerism sucks and it's being shoved down our throats. I'm gen z though.

that is preferable yes

>>slavery common
name a time this hasnt been true, or a culture that hasnt had a history of slavery

t. ancap

Because they've never participated in it.

I like capitalism but I'm fed up with kikes pushing degeneracy and making everyone wage slaves


You're not required to buy anything other than necessities.
>needs iPhone, weed, and dildos

Because the system has deteriorated and most the promises it makes it cannot keep or the game will drastically change but everyone is expected to play with the old rule book.

As a millennial, you look out into the world and see one that is failing, in which capitalism is failing, in which extreme capitalist countries (like the US) are failing as opposed to their European counterparts (They ARE failing but because of stupid shit like letting 60546645165 terrorists into their country as opposed to their economics). Money is becoming worth less every year but wages have become stagnate or even in some cases regressed; same as benefits. Great jobs will disappear only to be replaced with an unequal amount of even shittier jobs. All while CEO and shareholder payouts have skyrocketed.

Baby boomers.

This guy gets it.

Because capitalists don't pay you for the work you do.

Atleast that is the way it is at hourly places.

If you work harder than others the work just gets shifted on you more. No recognition. And if something goes wrong you end up with the blame while the slacer goes un-noticed.


>All while CEO and shareholder payouts have skyrocketed.
The you should be a CEO or a shareholder. Why can't you user?
Stop whining and create something useful if you want to be rich. If you can't, at least be grateful that somebody who can agrees to buy your mediocre time for a fee

>capitalists don't pay you for the work you do.
Capitalists don't pay you for the work their machines do and that's increasingly becoming the case

They're not. That's just a meme.

It's not working for them.

>those tattoos
>short hair meme


What machines?

Half the places I worked for held them selves back with out dated over loaded shit they could have easily replaced.

A large majority of them have come of age in one of the strongest bull markets we have ever seen. They have also "known" that they've been handed a bad hand. They have also had easier access to information than any other generation. The only real reason that any of them, or really anyone for that matter, can be broke today is because they are a lazy faggot.

No he doesn't. Tell me what percentage of the money you make ends up being taxed, and then try to tell me you are already a (failing) socialist state. Reduce taxes, reward entrepreneurship Make the federal reserve a FEDERAL reserve, and not a private company that devalues the currency when the guy they don't like gets voted in, and if things aren't looking up in short order, then, and ONLY then will I entertain the idea of a failed capitalist state.

Erh, jusht becaushe John read the resheipt wrong to you....you're gonna...you're gonna act this way? Is thish your way of...getting out of your responsibilitiesh? Is thish the way you act?!

I think it is true in a lot of instances but certainly some where it is not. Even so, I see a real lack of work ethic with coworkers who are 26 or younger.

aren't** already a (failing) socialist state

They’re not..... they’re just confused about everything. Pic says it all.

There is not a single millennial who doesn't
>use computers constantly
>eat fast food constantly

They are NOT fed up with capitalism. Now queue the (You)s so anons can come in and lie by saying they don't use technology and eat ramen

It's great

>Why Millennials Are Fed Up with Capitalism?

They've been propagandized since toddlerhood by the TV Jew, the Education Jew, the Movie Jew, etc. They've literally been taught to blame Jew communism's failings on free market economics. Also, they have no objective frame of reference nor the ability to acquire one, since they've also been taught that anyone who disagrees with commie Jew propaganda is LITERALLY HITLER.

Not fed up, there's no legitimate reason for shit to be as expensive as it is.

>Only 4 European countries have a higher median wage then the US
> The US has a much higher median wage compared to Europe as a whole
> unemployment rate for the US 4.1% and Europe 7.4%
> in which extreme capitalist countries (like the US) are failing as opposed to their European counterparts

Seems like Europe is doing a lot worse compared to the US. What numbers are you using.

>I see a real lack of work ethic with coworkers who are 26 or younger.
Its probably a combination of markets and government that causes that. Markets make people fat, lazy, and distracted in the case of entertainment, instant gratification, etc while also depriving them of career opportunities that can develop their personality. Government allows markets to do this.

t. monarchist

Lazy asses like you are the only reason those assholes get away with that shit. You're not industrious, you're not informed, you don't make the effort and you either don't vote or you don't talk issues with your friends because it's "not cool to talk about religion or politics."

its better than congress

>people who do not have marketable skills complaining about the market
what do you mean, i dont get 6 digits starting??? i have a phd in underwater basket weaving!! fucking capitalism!!!

dont worry, people who matter are not fed up with capitalism
and also people do not matter equally, so "the masses" whose only merit is being massive, can all be handled with just a single pilot or a single artillery/submarine crew, because they do not matter equally, they can not compete in the market, they can not compete on the battlefield, they just can not compete

Because most of them are idiots, yet they expect comfy, office job. In Poland there are tons of people doing some useless studies, and then being to prideful to work simple jobs. I would expect that this s the fault of free education, but apparently I am wrong, as american millenials prove.

>le participation award arguement
Boomer detected

You graduate with a degree and you end up with a job that is not related to anything you studied or could technically have been taken on in elementary school (but requires a degree anyway).

After a few months of this menial labor job where your humanity is reduced down to 1 or 2 mechanical movements for 8 hours a day, you grow tired of the capitalist system - atleast enough to opine about it on facebook.


At some point there needs to be reward for all that effort? The whole cattle-prod method the right has been using for the last decade can only work so long before there's a stampede of cattle (fuck all of you for shitting on everyone in a bad situation, by the way). There's only so many times you can bully an employee into submission until they say fuck it, let's have a new system, and if there's no new system let's burn this one to the ground.

The rich used to realise that there should be a little bit of breathing room. They sometimes forget and that often leads to a disaster. But it's not anything to do with liberal education, trophies, or snowflakes. It's about being a decent human being--the kind many of you long for when you watch clips of old cities. You all need to learn how to act like decent humans or things are just going to get worse and worse.

Because boomers wanted to have their subsidized housin, medic-aid, social security, pensions and tax-cuts all at once which means that government had to loan money for it hand the bill down to the millenials.

because they think everything will be automated so they think they wont need it anymore. they also don't feel like fighting to install a similar system in this new potential environment so they are ok with being cucked.

>It's about being a decent human being--the kind many of you long for when you watch clips of old cities. You all need to learn how to act like decent humans or things are just going to get worse and worse.
Sup Forums aren't decent human beans thou

The problem isn't with the system. It's found the proper place for you and your talents, or the lack thereof.
>Even in capitalism there's a place for the mediocre that isn't behind a plough or pushing a broom.

That literally happened to me, got told to follow my dreams and got a diploma in visual arts and crafts... Now I work at a super market!!! I'm pissed, but I don't want Communism, I want the SJW Leftist types who tricked me and did not prepare me for the World to be gone so they don't great more of me and trick more kids like I was tricked.

>SJW Leftist types who tricked me and did not prepare me for the World to be gone so they don't great more of me and trick more kids like I was tricked.
Are you sure it was the sjws who told you to go to college? I think you did it because everyone else was doing it.

>im special
>economy works on happy thoughts and feelings
>im a huge fucking sheltered faggot
>hold my beer, lemme get a diploma in visual fucking arts

such reckless faggotry, son, you dont need sjw leftist types tricking you into anything, you simply need to get Darwined the fuck out

hope you pay for your sins

>got told to follow my dreams
>Now I work at a super market!!!
>tricked me
I will commend you for understanding what happened. Anyway, use your skills in visual arts and crafts to shatter the leftist propaganda.
>You just might find your 15 minutes yet.

>fed upwith capitalism but enjoy the benefits of it every second of the day

This is shariablue slide thread.



Why does flag hiders are bad to English?

They dont know the history of the gulags, killing fields, or the great leap forward

>dont worry, people who matter are not fed up with capitalism

this is a republic/democracy so it does matter since they outnumber us

Because baby boomers won’t die and let us enjoy the remaining fruits of capitalism they were able to enjoy.

the ethical standard is to get cucked no matter what

kys christcuck

>think tank
This term has always disturbed me. What the fuck is a think tank anyway, some analogy to a fat Jewish fuck rubbing his hands loudly in an echo chamber?

When did it all go so wrong