
I don't get it

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It didn't mean anything
Most pretentious anime I've ever seen

the apple is a cunt

Think laterally

Watch Night on the Galactic Railroad and all your questions will be answered.

The only way to cheat the system is self-sacrifice.

okay, so the apple math checks out;
but where did it come from... why were they imprisoned... what were their parents trying to do? why was Mr. Fabulous so evil?


We had a thread about this like 2 days ago, I'd recommend checking it out in the archives. Feel free to ask me stuff, I love debating Penguindrum. This is all my interpretation, so some stuff you might disagree.

>but where did it come from...
Where did what come from? The question would be, what is the Penguindrum? Because if you're refering to the apple they share, it's symbolic, it means sharing fate.

>why were they imprisoned...
You need to read a bit about the child broiler. TLDR: child broiler is the scum of society, where abandoned and hopeless people go and get made "invisible", where this invisibility represents not being visible to the society, being useless, being what other people don't want to see.

>what were their parents trying to do?
They worked for Sanetoshi, who wanted to alert society to the existence of the child broiler

>why was Mr. Fabulous so evil?
He wasn't evil though. His ways to do stuff were wrong, but he wanted to help society.

thanks friend; I'm reading Galactic Railroad rn, I'll check the archive after

so by "sharing fate" you mean like privilege/ opportunity? So they got a second chance... I guess that makes sense.

why did Sanetoshi & Momoka get split in two?

>so by "sharing fate" you mean like privilege/ opportunity? So they got a second chance... I guess that makes sense.
From which instance of apple sharing are you refering to? Check the pic at , at the child broiler, kanba was chosen, while the others would stay there. But kanba shared his fate with shouma, who then shared his fate with himari.
The whole things revolves about fate, really. By sharing their fate, kanba saved them, but shouma's fate was also shared. His fate included being punished for his parents' sins (family honor is a thing, and a great one here). And so the three of them were punished for his parents' sins. Since punishment is unjust, himari is the one being punished. Punishment wouldn't be punishment if it was just (this was mentioned in one of the episodes btw).

>why did Sanetoshi & Momoka get split in two?
Never thought about it that way, I'd guess they could split in as many as they wanted to. But I never saw any explanation for why they were split in two and not in three or not split at all.

Only Ikuhara truly does.

I did. Now I have two things that I don't understand.

I don't think he was asking why they got split in specifically two, but why they were split at all.
I want to say either because Momoka didn't finish the spell, or that she did it chose to split them but I don't want to say anything that could be wrong.

wait... where does sanetoshi hint that removing the child broiler was his goal? I just remember his talk about the boxes, which sounded like the instrumentality.

also... how come Double-H knew the magic words?

>wait... where does sanetoshi hint that removing the child broiler was his goal? I just remember his talk about the boxes, which sounded like the instrumentality.
He never says it directly, but, at least for me, the stuff about boxes is basically the same as the child broiler. I did not think about instrumentality when he talked about boxes, apparently other anons did, so you're not the only one. To me, the box stuff was about every individual only focusing on himself, on his "box", and never looking outside of it, never leaving his zone of comfort, never reaching other people and their boxes. And the child broiler contains people who need to reached by others.

Keep in mind that this is all subjective, this is how I interpret it.

>also... how come Double-H knew the magic words?
Do you mean Ringo?

neither do I

>Do you mean Ringo?
Not him, but Ringo learned the Magic words from Double H didn't she?

Now watch Cat Soup and it will all come together.

>Do you mean Ringo?
well yes, but she learned it from Ddouble-H... no? How could it be that they know the "spell" from Momoka's diary that everyone else had spent the whole show looking for?

>>Do you mean Ringo?
>Not him, but Ringo learned the Magic words from Double H didn't she?
I don't remember every detail since I haven't rewatched Penguindrum in a long time, but I thought Ringo didn't actually knew the words. Something like what matters is not the words but the feeling behind them.

The apple came from Shouma's parents
Imprisonment is symbolic for their circumstances.
He's a terrorist with a just cause, like they all think they are. He wanted to change the way society treats, well everyone.

yes, 2H show up at the house with their new song (for Himari, but only Ringo's there). That's how she know the words.

Following with your line of thinking... it might be the case that they have the power to give back a portion of Himari's lost fate/opportunity... seems like a bit of a stretch though.

>The apple came from Shouma's parents
wait, what? did I completely miss that part? isn't it their fault they're imprisoned in the first place?

Damn I need to rewatch this series now. There are too many gaps in what I kinda know.

Double H said that the spell was Himari's favorite phrase.
I don't know that must mean something. Maybe it is based on willpower or something, Ringo was willing enough to try using it to save Himari, so it worked. Or maybe it's Himari's favorite phrase because it saved her before when Shouma shared his fruit with her?

Fuck you.