Do you like these new characters?
Shingeki no Kyojin
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nah, it just went full retard
first for LH
Not really, no. But Gabi is quite cute.
Yes, I do
I hope she wins the armorbowl.
Reiner will save the day.
Way too late in the game for this shit. Once they got to the ocean I felt like the story had only just started.
Kill yourself Mikafaggot.
Say something you dislike about your shingeki.
Which butt would you creampie first?
>got eaten by the weakest shingeki and will probably be NTR'ed by the same guy that eated him
My husbando's, of course.
Also anyone have the approximate ages of life ERA has left since the recent timeskip, I know someone calculated them a few threads ago.
You can't be serious. Nice try Mikafaggot.
Endgame right here, brothers.
I don't like the thought of a big alpha like Reiner getting eaten, especially not by a little girl
Let's just admit it. Attack on Titan is just Germany's Cultural Enrichment made into an anime. Fucking titans can go to hell.
They're fine.
I want Ymir to fuck me in the ass.
Well too bad the big alpha was brutally raped and killed by a fleet of battleships
Don't worry, he also might get eaten by a little boy.
This desu
>NTR'ed by the same guy that eated him
Stop forcing this shit, it makes me furious. It's fucking disgusting. Do you really believe it or are you just EMfags?
And I would lick the cum from his ass and kiss him with it.
>mfw the evil empire should normally steamroll the little islanders, considering the difference in technologie we saw
>mfw we know it won't be the case
I don't like it either but when the time comes he has to make a sacrifice for the sake of his home country.
She hasn't been around much lately.
Magath is an Eldian spy and will eat Reiner.
When did the 3 year timeskip happen? I've caught up to the manga, but i don't remember a skip other than the 1 year skip they spent killing all of the titans on the island, just before SL left for the ocean
>Because Armout ate Bert, he begins sharing some of his feelings
>He starts developing feelings for Annie
Make it so
Think about it user. If he has Berthold's memories why wouldn't he realise how much Annie meant to him. It would be like a sort of tribute to him if Annie did in fact get together with Annie.
Reiner, pls
Holy shit! A Sup Forums video being acceptable on youtube?
He doesn't have Berthold's memories retard. Fuck off back to dumblr.
>raping a 90 year old woman
who in their right mind gets turned on by a 90 year old granny
ArminAnnie or ArminSasha?
Sasha is for Connie and Annie had a massive girl boner for Armin back in the academy.
Calm down, Hisu.
Rape isn't about attraction.
Why do they have to kill everyone on Paradis? Why can't they just reveal themselves as their sempais and casually stroll in to set up their oil ridges?
Armin and Mikasa.
Jaw and Mule are the best titans.
ArminSasha, he shouldn't be allowed near Annie.
fucking stop thats fucking sick
Wait till they job to LAME
Nice delusion. Annie didn't like anyone, not even Eren.
Based on?
It's lovely and pure. And it's coming.
After shinganshima falls, Bort and Reiner attack the second wall 5 years later.
When they reach the ocean, they say it's been 6 years since Shinganshima, so another year went by.
The marley commander directing Gabi's unit says it's been 9 years since they sent out the titans to attack the walls, so another 3 years went by.
Eren should be 19 now, but we haven't seen him yet.
he has already escaped once, it wont happen again since he is the narrator
Hang yourself.
>What if we carried out the plan at night ?
>During the night, when Titans can't move.
t. Armin
Someone asked for something to spoil people last thread
Don't even bother responding to the AMfag, its literally only a bait ship
>bait ship
>not AA
Sorry if I laughed.
Is he going for her head or her tiddy?
I hate Armin.
Anyone with half a brain understand that it will never happen. Are you just trying to trigger EMfags?
AM is the only Mikasa ship woth a damn.
While it is a sexual crime it is mostly a violent one. A rapist mostly does it for the power trip. Research backs this up. Otherwise why would someone rape an old lady, a child, a man or whoever? People are fucked up.
Both are far too good for Armong.
bet animefags still wont believe us
I could definitely see Gailard die immedieatly to Levi. Mule will probably stand his ground for a bit tho
They are both bait ships. Even then AA is 100x more believable than AM.
He just wants some tea.
>he is the narrator
Narrator with titan cancer?
We dont know, but he still has 13 years to live so it is possible that they destroy Marley (or something idk) before that
Fuck off retard. It's a working plan that they actually used. For some mysterious reason they didn't know by then that full moon can power titans.
Armin will stumble on the origin of life like Ymir did and magic away the curse.
They didn't know that
Armin Stu will use his "intellect" to cure it
But he's reaching for Hanji
Sorry if I laugh again. But you're obviously baiting.
Anyone with half a brain understand that EM is not going to happen either.
8 years, the manga just had a 5 year timeskip.
Dina's titan turns me on
Hanji should give him some then.
Well if you can think of any other spoilers to add, let me know.
what the fuck. seriously? I stopped reading after Eren was in jail for a reason i couldnt remember
Jesus what the fuck is even going on anymore.
pls help me find free episodes
WW1 with jews stuck on an island and titans on both sides
Are you physically retarded
Alright anons, here's the deal.
Historia is in love with you but if you try and make a move on her Ymir will kill you.
Are you willing to fight a titan-shifter to claim your waifu? You're almost certainly going to die if you try.
bless u
how do you know armin is the narrator
Author's a hack and the whole story went from human vs titan into some WW2 shit, and the good guys are the jews in concentration camps.
>EM is not going to happen either
Yeah, if one of them dies. As it stands EM is twice as likely to happen than any other ship. It has to be your first work of fiction if you don't see it.
Moblit is so great. I really miss him.
I....don´t understand the story. Seriously, some actions don´t even make any sense and on top of that the author keeps killing and throwing to the bin interesting characters and now he wants his own new generation shit.
Not to mention the designs are the same post-time skip.
I primarily use my ears
Please add the titan with gunemplacements on top
>anime pic
He said that but only if Eren manages to use hardening.