How would you rate Nina's ass?

How would you rate Nina's ass?

Solid 9/10

Looks a bit flat.

Way too fat/10


10/10 its okay

It's perfect you idiots.

I'm not an ass man myself so I can't critique the nuances of this ass; however my gut tells me that this ass far exceeds the average ass in terms of objective ass quality.


You can't impregnate an ass you silly.

Granblue Fantasy the Animation.

not with that attitude

Worst OP of the season, if not the year, if not the decade.

The animation, direction and ass are all 10/10. Based Yamamoto.
Nobody cares about the nu-metal song.n

Like it was saved badly.

What did he mean by this

As an ass man myself, I can say It's perfect.

I wish I would look EXACTLY like Nina

>ywn be a cute girl who transforms into a dragon when horny

The funny thing is that the song is fine when they're actually fucking singing.
Scream belongs in proper metal.


Would take just take her ass out on a date/10

with my fingers obviously

she could stand to add a few more pounds of muscle

Both of these.

The ass muscle looks way too long
0/10, learn to anatomy before you draw

t. Patrick O'Sullivan

I didn't like the first part of the OP but then after a while it becomes literally 10/10.