Hey Sup Forums, what do you think about World Trigger?
Hey Sup Forums, what do you think about World Trigger?
The anime is typical Toei trash that does nothing interesting in adapting the source material, but at least it got me reading the manga. I feel it would have been better I never read the manga because it reminds me that out there exists a person in so much debilitating pain they can't even draw anymore.
It could be the new HxH
It's a breath of fresh air in a magazine full of bullshit power-ups. Toei soiled it though.
only saw the anime, it was bredy gud
second season when?
nah. wt is interesting in terms of strategy, but besides that, it has nothing else to offer. the characterization is weak, the drama is practically nonexistent and the design of the characters is almost the same. in short, wt lacks fire, LIFE.
When will Ashihara get better?
dead series
I wanna see little sniper girl get fucked.
The manga is great and sensei needs to get better.
Which one? There are a lot of little sniper girls.
main little sniper girl of course
It needs more of best sniper.
I see a lot of people praising it in WSJ threads so I finally checked it out. I'm only up through the second volume and I think it's great so far.
WSJ, Japan and 99% of anime and manga fans don't care or even know it exist.
It's mediocre.
WSJ has better battle series (HeroAca, Kimetsu no Yaiba).
[citation needed]
World Trigger was 1 on the rankings before the hiatus.
Wow. What a big deal right? Guest what? BnHA and BC do that like it was nothing.
the author is fucking dead, isn't he.
I like it but its been on hiatus forever, did the author die?
replying to obvious bait
Sorry, I have autism.
What bait? i'm just saying the truth.
I personally like this series a lot because of its consistent writing, its pacing, brilliantly written power source (Trion). In fact the way this source has been designed, the author simply can't use shonen tropes such as "omfg is that his chakra/reiatsu/power level?", apart from that the extensive cast of characters is kinda pleasing to see rather than focus on the MC. The author has also comprehensively designed each character with their respective weapon set etc. The overarching story is also pretty damn good. Fights are really good and smartly written and not just "I GOTTA PUNCH HARDER!" and "IF YOU"RE STRONG I JUST HAVE TO BE STRONGER AAAAAAAARGH" Overall it's a personal favourite of mine because it's not the typical shonen and on top of that it also has a lot of positives as I mentioned earlier.
Started out promising.
Then it got less and less interesting to the point where I dropped it.
I feel the opposite so far. 2 volumes in and it might have the worst beginning I've read of any shonen manga. There's just a huge lack of the energy you read this sort of thing for, and the strategies aren't interesting enough to make up for it.
>respective weapon set
The best part about this is that these powers are limited. So unlike most other series where the authors can introduce powers that can be defeated by the protag, Ashihara has to use strategy to ensure that the protags win without an asspull or natural advantage or any such bullshit.
looks like the next D.Gray Man
The beginning might be considered lacklustre by many but it gets much better later on. You should probably read a couple of volumes more before you decide to drop it.
To those of you planning to read the series now, there are storytime threads in the archive. You should read them instead of the shit scans on most online sites.
How homo is it? The white haired shota is cute.
Sadly fujos love it though I need to thank them for the sales and the doujins are mostly homo.
How is it not bait? If WSJ didn't care they'd axe the series. If the readers didn't care it wouldn't be doing decently in the rankings. If the buyers didn't care then it wouldn't have been the 19th best selling manga last year.
literally best boy reporting in.
sorry. wrong pic.
you're both wrong.
Nope. Nope. Nope. Behold! The real best boy!
I would like to get into it, but want to wait until the end so i dont get fucked by prolonged hiatuses and the potential death of the author, leading to a rushed, shit ending. Same as HxH.
>rushed, shit ending
This is exactly what I fear.
Even if he is forced to end it, I doubt it'll be a rushed one. Ashihara would most likely settle for an open ending right before a major turning point, like what he had planned to do with the press conference chapter. Which is equally as shitty, since it would be a huge fucking cockblock instead.
Godly taste, senpai. Can't resist that god-tier gap-moe in a little package.
>T-2 clears rank wars and is B-02 or higher.
>About to leave for the expedition
>"But that's a story for another time."
>T-2 doesn't clear Kido's criterion.
>"Not giving up hope, T-2 gears up for the next Rank War session with greater vigour."
>T-2 doesn't clear Kido's criterion.
>Yuma dies.